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Friday, March 26, 2021

ZOOSTAT “Cancellature” è il nuovo singolo dei due autori genovesi estratto dall’omonimo Ep

  Musica elettronica, canzone italiana e sperimentazione sono le parole chiave di questo progetto

In radio dal 26 marzo

Zoostat è il nuovo progetto degli autori genovesi Gabriele Serpe e Giulio Gaietto. Da una parte l’attività cantautorale, dall’altra anni di esperienza come produttore, musicista e autore. Percorsi musicali diversi che ne caratterizzano il sound, una ricerca di sintesi fra stili e codici apparentemente distanti come la musica elettronica e la forma canzone, la musica d’autore italiana e le atmosfere nord europee, i sintetizzatori e il calore degli strumenti acustici. I testi, scritti in italiano, sono ispirati dall’interesse per la spiritualità e la psicologia.

Ma Zoostat non vuole presentarsi unicamente come un duo, le collaborazioni con cantanti, musicisti e creativi di diversi campi artistici conferiscono al progetto il carattere del collettivo.

“Cancellature” è una commistione di musica elettronica e pop italiano. Si basa su un groove techno costituito da synth modulare e drum machine. L'organo farfisa dal sapore anni 60 ne sottolinea l'armonia, mentre il tutto viene ulteriormente amalgamato da una sezione di sax baritono pesantemente rielaborata e resa irriconoscibile. Su questa base si sviluppa il cantato a due voci. Il testo gioca con le sfumature della percezione, con le apparenze e il sottinteso, in un percorso di studio e osservazione psicologica di sé e dei propri simili: “Guardo da lontano / sembra pieno di parole / guardo da vicino / sono cancellature

«Per la produzione di Cancellature siamo partiti dalla ricerca di un suono che fosse elettronico ma allo stesso tempo organico. La scelta quindi è stata quella di utilizzare sintetizzatori e tecniche di produzione digitali affiancandole a strumenti acustici registrati in studio. L'ispirazione è certamente la musica elettronica, dalla techno nelle sue varie declinazioni alla downtempo all'IDM, sviluppata nella cornice della musica d'autore italiana, cantautorale e non» Zoostat

Il video, da cui è tratta la copertina dell'EP, è concepito come un breve cortometraggio in computer grafica 3D dove molteplici punti di vista si incontrano e si confondono, dove non è ben chiaro chi sia l’osservatore e chi venga osservato, in cui si sfumano i contorni tra quello che è sogno e quello che è reale. Gli scenari e il character design sono ispirati ai maestri del surrealismo, ma anche al mondo degli anime di matrice cyberpunk. A tutto questo si unisce il sapore degli anni 50/60: colori sgargianti, design morbidi e motivi optical.

“Cancellature” è anche un Ep di quattro brani, in cui synth e drum machine, groove e suoni di ispirazione nord europea affiancano gli strumenti acustici, come fagotto, flauto e sax, e danno vita ad un sound eclettico che alterna aperture melodiche di sapore pop a sviluppi più sperimentali. I testi, che trattano temi quali l’osservazione psicologica e la crescita personale, apportano al disco una ulteriore sfumatura, quella della canzone d’autore italiana.




Radio date: 26 marzo 2021

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Gabriele Serpe

Nel 2010 esce il primo album “Chi Cerca Trova!” (Areasonica), canzoni pop che fanno il giro d’Italia con il progetto - tour “CD C rossing” che coinvolge migliaia di persone e oltre 200 punti di aggregazione (locali, associazioni, librerie, biblioteche) in 15 città italiane. Il secondo album “Uno” (Areasonica, 2014) è caratterizzato da un sound post punk e da una marcata impronta cantautorale. 


Giulio Gaietto

Musicista, autore e produttore, attivo da anni sulla scena genovese e non solo. Fra le collaborazioni più recenti quella con il musicista e autore inglese Morgan King.


I due autori vivono distanti per lunghi periodi dell’anno, si incontrano a Genova in studio di registrazione per scrivere e produrre canzoni. Curano tutte le fasi della produzione, non solo scrittura, arrangiamento e produzione audio, ma anche artwork e produzione video. 

SIMONE BAROTTI “Amami da ora” è il nuovo brano del cantautore romano

  Un ritmo incalzante e un andamento reggaeton raccontano la nascita di un colpo di fulmine.


In radio dal 26 marzo


Un testo carico di speranza e di voglia di costruire un amore caratterizza questo nuovo singolo, che conferma tutta la voglia di sperimentare, giocando coi generi, del suo autore.  

«Amami da ora è un brano che racchiude mille sfumature di colore. È  il concentrato di emozioni di chi si trova davanti a un amore imprevisto e inaspettato. È la paura di non essere corrisposti, il timore di sbagliare strada e la consapevolezza che da quel momento in poi nulla sarà più come prima. È il punto di non ritorno emotivo e la richiesta disperata di essere amati da qualcuno che, nei fatti, ancora non conosciamo.» Simone Barotti

Il brano è prodotto da Valerio Ciccarelli per STUDIOVALE 

Etichetta: SI.FI. RECORD

Radio date: 26 marzo 2021

Contatti e social


Sito web: www.simonebarotti.it 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone.barotti.official/?hl=it  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SimoneBarottiOfficial/  


Simone Barotti, romano classe 1979, inizia a muovere i primi passi nella musica a 17 anni formando il duo acustico “Poetika” con il chitarrista Nicola Illuminati. Quello di Simone e Nicola sarà un percorso che si concluderà nel 2005 dopo moltissime esibizioni live nei club della Capitale e della provincia e la partecipazione a numerose manifestazioni canore.
 Nel 2009 Simone è selezionato tra i protagonisti del cast del musical “1998″ di Daniele Mercuri, che dopo il successo della prima ad “Albano Estate” viene replicato diverse volte, registrando il sold out per tutte le date. 
Nel 2010 Simone raggiunge le semifinali del premio “Mia Martini” con il brano “Diretto a che ne so”, canzone selezionata anche dall’Umbria Rock Festival 2011. 
Il 14 luglio 2014 esce il primo Ep “Il Cerchio” (Legend Studio) scritto interamente da Simone Barotti, lanciato dal singolo omonimo. 
Il 31 luglio debutta nello spettacolo teatrale “Il cuore ha più stanze di un bordello” all’Orto Botanico di Napoli, per la regia di Annamaria Russo. I brani del disco riarrangiati fanno da colonna sonora alle parole di Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Sul palco con lui l’attrice Rosalba di Girolamo e il chitarrista Giacinto Piracci. Lo spettacolo verrà replicato ed entrerà in cartellone al Teatro Il pozzo e il pendolo di Napoli e messo in scena  anche a Roma al Teatro ex Enaoli. 
Il 12 settembre 2014 apre il concerto della cantante Tosca a Roma esibendosi accompagnato dal pianista Valerio Ciccarelli in “Le Rose” brano tratto dall’album “Il cerchio”.

Il 7 maggio 2015 viene presentato “Invidia”, secondo singolo tratto dall’Ep e il 15 ottobre esce il terzo singolo “Le rose”. Per l’occasione il brano è ricantato con la cantante e youtube Melissa Camponeschi. Il brano debutta alla posizione n°24 della Itunes new release chart. Il “Nel disordine che c’è” anticipa il secondo Ep  del cantante (stavolta per l'etichetta SI.FI. Record e la produzione artistica di Valerio Ciccarelli per STUDIOVALE) pubblicato il 20 ottobre del 2017 contestualmente al secondo brano estratto dal titolo “A cuore spento”. Proprio in questa data Simone è ospite nel programma di RAI 3 “Buongiorno regione” in cui racconta del suo nuovo lavoro.

L'Ep “Nel disordine che c'è” raggiunge la posizione n°46 degli album più venduti su ITUNES. 
Il 7 Novembre del 2019 viene pubblicato (sempre per SI.FI. Record e STUDIOVALE) il singolo “Quando spegni la luce”. Contestualmente esce anche il videoclip in cui alcuni degli attori sono stati selezionati tramite un contest sui social. Il 26 marzo del 2021 viene rilasciato (SI.FI.Record e STUDIOVALE) il singolo “Amami da ora”.

3 Fast Tips to Be Successful In Your Business And Your Life


3 Fast Tips to Be Successful In Your Business And Your Life
Success is hard. Generally speaking to be successful you have to work hard, be educated and have a little bit of luck. Often you have to try many times until you truly reach success.

It is a sad aspect of live but not everyone can be successful. In the world we live in there are winners and losers. Most people want to be in the group of winners but unfortunately many remain where they stand.

As you well know, being successful means to stand above the others around you or to know more that the one sitting next to you does.

You should understand how to have more success than your colleague and to work for success. Success doesn’t come free or cheap, you have to pay for it. The price is not monetary but it is expressed in manners of time and effort, these being precious details that you can’t receive back once you gave them away.

Not being successful is simple: you make all the wrong choices, you work without ethics, the lack of responsibility and of education is almost everything. Although it is not obvious the lack of success is also a choice, but a choice that can be gained on the first try.

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Here is some practical advice on how to be successful:

- Build up a purpose in life, create a plan and go on living by it.
- Alter your behavior and learn good manners.
- Always read, always learn and always communicate.
- Think and act fast when faced with an opportunity. If you see what you really want don’t let any chances pass you by. This one might just be the last you will get.
- Give up bad habits and keep the good ones: eat well and regularly, get enough sleep, go to a gym or just go jogging.
- Give up watching so much television, or playing games.
- Try to work more in the shortest possible period of time.
- Keep your sense of humor but don’t become rude.
- Cherish everything you have and get.
- Find out more, be responsible, learn about control and always stay informed.

The most important aspect of any business is selling the product or service. Without sales, no business can exist for very long.

All sales begin with some form of advertising. To build sales, this advertising must be seen or heard by potential buyers, and cause them to react to the advertising in some way. The credit for the success, or the blame for the failure of almost all ads, reverts back to the ad itself.

Generally, the "ad writer" wants the prospect to do one of the following:

a) Visit the store to see and judge the product for himself, or immediately write a check and send for the merchandise being advertised.

b) Phone for an appointment to hear the full sales presentation, or write for further information which amounts to the same thing.

The bottom line in any ad is quite simple: To make the reader buy the product or service. Any ad that causes the reader to only pause in this thinking, to just admire the product, or to simply believe what's written about the product - is not doing its job completely.

The "ad writer" must know exactly what he wants his reader to do, and any that does not elicit the desired action is an absolute waste of time and money.

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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Thursday, March 25, 2021

4 Tricks to Save Your Time While Getting The Best Back


4 Tricks to Save Your Time While Getting The Best Back
Time is the greatest equalizer of human beings. At any moment that you just let time pass by you think about what Romans said:”Carpe Diem” – it has a great meaning for our everyday life, it means “Live the day” or better said “Organize your day”. Make more time to analyze the way you invest or waste your time.

Time is the most precious value we have. If we don’t ant to admit his and to treat time with respect then we will only have to lose. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, you will only have 24 hours a day either way, and you should try to use them wisely.

Most of the times, we waste our time and energy worrying and thinking about things like how to win more money and how to leave a better life. Well, when we do this we usually forget about the most important think – the time to live our life in. A wise man will always tell you: “You can always make more money, but you can never buy more time”.

How many times are we aware of the ways we invest our time? And the word “investment” is the most accurate because the way we choose to spend our time is a true investment in ourselves and our own lives. And you will never find the true value of time in the way people around you act and talk.

People usually spend time for hours in front of the TV, or they spent a lot of time browsing the net with no purpose whatsoever. Some of us even try to steal more time with the cost of many healthy sleep hours. If you wake up earlier in the morning just to smoke a few cigarettes and to fill your self up with coffee so you won’t feel sleepy it doesn’t mean you won quality time. Also, inefficient work or spending more hours at work that you have to is equal to borrowing your life to someone else.

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Everyone always says things like: “I’m just counting the hours to go home” or “I wish it were Friday” on a Monday and so on. These are just signs that those persons usually waste their time. If you organize our time efficiently and if you choose to do only activities that motivate us somehow, then we will find ourselves able to work everyday without feeling tired or sleepy.

FIVE TIPS you can use asap:

1. Do certain things fewer times

Things that can be done less or things that can be done once instead of twice are those things that will help us save a lot of time. Clean your house once every ten days instead of every 7 days – you can do that, it’s normal and the house won’t get dirty in those three extra days.
Make a work report every six week not every four weeks if possible.
Keep meetings to inform yourself on ongoing projects twice a month not every week. And the list of things that can be done fewer times can go on forever.

2. Compete with yourself!

Watch the clock and settle to finish an activity by a certain hour. Focus, get rod of anything that could distract you and work more efficiently.

3. Ask more out of 15 minutes.

Can you find 15 minutes a day that you could use more efficiently? Is there lost time in your activities? Or maybe a less important activity you can give up on? If you manage to save 15 minutes every day, you will win in fact 91 hours every year!

4. Do a list of little activities that don’t take you more than a couple of minutes.

Of course, we usually want to deal with the important problems first. But when we feel tired, stressed, in a bad mood, we find it hard to concentrate and we lose our time forcing ourselves. A list of simple activities will help you finalize something and push up your productivity. And obviously it is always better to know you did something, even is it is small, than to realize you haven’t even started anything.

5. Work on a certain project over a certain period of time.

Rather than to try and finalize an activity at once, it is better to tell yourself: “ I will work on this for 15 minutes and see how much I can get done during this interval”. Focus and try to do all you can during those 15 minutes. This is an excellent advice to solve problems or projects you avoided lately.

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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The SuperPower Inside Songs: Do You Use Them?


The SuperPower Inside Songs: Do You Use Them?
Everybody has one.
That one song that does something to you that you can’t explain.

From music geeks to the casual listener everyone
has a favorite song.

And for different reasons too.

Some people have a song that no matter their mood
they jump up and cut the rug. Other song’s relax people
and get them ready to go to work.

But the best songs are the nostalgic ones.

The ones that take you back. The songs that remind you
why you are doing what you are doing today.
Or who you are doing it for.

But you probably already knew that.

So then why does all this matter to you?

Because favorite songs are powerful.

Favorite songs have the power of being effective.

Every time you hear your favorite song you remember
why it’s your favorite.

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Every Time.
It doesn’t matter if you are in a meeting. If you “Funky Cold Medina”
you are going to want to dance.

And if you hear “Beast of Burden” you’re going
to think of that one person even if you are a thousand miles
away from them.

No matter what.

And that makes favorite songs powerful. Because not
very many things are consistent today.

Imagine if you had a way to make thousands every week
as effectively as your favorite song made you feel something?

A terrific system that will let you leave worrying about if you
would have enough work to keep the lights on.

Or maybe you get your paychecks routinely but
they are nothing to get excited about.

There is a system called TBTOYL that can do exactly
that, click below now.

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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Do You Create Email Lists for Your Marketing Campaigns?

Do You Create Email Lists for Your Marketing Campaigns?
Are you considering email marketing as one important aspect of your advertising campaigns? Many business owners shy away from email marketing because they believe all email marketing campaigns are purely spam. However, this is not true and not partaking in this type of marketing can cause your business to lose out on a great deal of business.

By not appealing to potential customers via email, your business may lose a great deal of business to competitors who are using email marketing campaigns to reach customers around the world. However, the first step of an email marketing campaign should be creating an email distribution list.

Once you have made the decision to start using email marketing to promote your business you are likely facing the dilemma of compiling an email distribution list. This is essentially a list of email addresses to which you will email your advertising and promotional materials.

One common way to gain a list of email addresses is to purchase a list from distributors. However, this method is not very effective at all and we do not recommend it. The problem with purchasing an email list if you have no way of knowing whether or not the members of the list would have any interest at all in your products or services.

This is very important because while you want to reach a large audience with your email marketing you also want this audience to be members of your overall target audience.

When you purchase an email list you may be sending your email messages to some users who might be interested but this is largely coincidental and is not likely to be well received because the message was not solicited. Internet users are very quick to delete materials they believe to be spam without even opening or reading the emails.

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In fact some Internet service providers include spam filters which may automatically delete your emails if your messages are deemed to be spam. These filters run complex algorithms on the subject heading and content of the message to determine whether or not it is spam and are quite adept at weeding out spam. Therefore you run the risk of having your email marketing effort turn out to be a complete waste if the majority of recipients never even read or receive the message.

A far better way to create an email distribution list for your email marketing campaign is to ask current customers as well as interested potential customers to register with your website to receive additional information and periodic updates about your products and services as well as other information which might be of interest to them. This provides you with a database of email addresses from current customers as well as potential customers who have a genuine interest in your products and services and who are interested in learning more about these products and services.

Once you have a list of interested customers or potential customers you can send emails or create e-newsletter for distribution to the members of your email list. These documents should contain a wealth of valuable information as well as a soft sell pitch for your products and services.

This information will be valued by the readers and may help to persuade them to try your products and services. You might also want to include useful links to either your website as well as other websites which may be of interest to your readers. Your content should also contain a portion which urges the reader to take a specific action such as making a purchase or at least investigating a product further.

The Best Traffic System ---- Want 90,000 Visitors? ---- BUY Traffic here


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Monday, March 22, 2021

Are You Publishing A Newsletter? Get 5 Best Tips Now

Are You Publishing A Newsletter? Get 5 Best Tips Now
If you do not have a newsletter or publishing one for your site, then you may have to consider about researching and be well informed on how to publish one. It is not as easy as it seems but if and when you get the right idea and process, it will be smooth sailing from there on.

With a newsletter, you can inform the public about your company and products as well as services. You can keep them posted and updated about what’s going-on with your company as well as many of your promotions and offerings. With these, you keep on reminding your subscribers that you are still here and is willing to offer them good deals and services.

Providing a newsletter for your opt-in list subscribers provides many benefits in terms of driving traffic into your site as well as boosting the sales and profits of your site and company.

It can show your expertise and knowledge about the topic at hand and the many benefits you can offer them. When you impress people, they will become potential customers and another great thing is that they can recommend you to their friends, colleagues and family. All of them could very well be customers in the future.

1) Make sure that the content of your newsletter pertains to and closely associated with your business or the theme of your site. Do not dwell too far on what could be regarded as your field of expertise. You have started a site and your theme for your site will always be something you are knowledgeable about. For example; if you have a site that sells auto car parts, your newsletter must contain articles or content like photos that pertain to cars, auto parts and such. You may also include content about your company and your staff.

Remember that visitors of a certain site are there because they are interested in what the site has to offer. If they sign up for an opt-in list or for a newsletter this means that they want to be updated for that certain theme or subject. Be sure that when you publish your newsletter you are providing for the need of the subscriber as well as their interests.

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2) Ensure that you have well written, information riddled and content rich articles. You articles will be the body of your newsletter and that they should be able to excite your readers as well as provide information. Articles should be well written and checked for errors such as spelling and grammatical errors for it to look professional and believable. The trust of your client to you and newsletter is at stake here.

3) Fact-check your articles. Make sure that you provide true facts and figures so that your reputation as an expert and knowledgeable in that field is not questioned. If you lose the trust of your subscribers these may persuade them to unsubscribe to your newsletter. You will lose many potential sales this way.

4) Provide fresh and new articles that can provide new information to your subscribers. If you publish stale and old news in your newsletter, there is a tendency that people or your subscribers already have read and known about them. This will lose their interest in your newsletter and they wont get to read what is most important, your ads. They may not open or read any of your succeeding newsletters losing your intention in writing and publishing newsletters, to get them to visit your site and make a purchase.

5) Never use copyrighted materials such as photos and articles. This is outright plagiarism, you may get into a lot of trouble for this. You can lose your business and get sued over copyright infringement. If you do not have the time to write your own articles, there are many willing and able professional article writers that can do it for you for a reasonable fee. All your investment in writing and publishing articles will be well worth it when you see your list build up and your traffic increasing.

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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com