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Friday, December 30, 2022

Rappresentanza Virtuale: 22700 EURO di Incassi senza azienda?

Parlando con le persone, tante volte pongo la domanda "Tu cosa fai su internet? Studi? ". La stragrande maggioranza risponde con navigazione libera qua e la e scaricamento di programmi gratis. Pochissimi per lo studio.
 L'affiliazione è un SISTEMA per cui tu puoi rivendere i prodotti di altre persone, le quali in cambio ti riconoscono una PERCENTUALE su tutte le vendite. Ad esempio, tu mandi una persona sul sito di APPLE e quella persona compra un Ipod. Allora Apple ti riconosce una commissione su quella vendita, ad es 10 euro...
 Si tratta di un business simile alla "Rappresentanza", cioè fare il lavoro di rappresentante per una ditta. Nella mia esperienza di creatore/autore di prodotti ed anche affiliato, posso dirti che le domande più importanti da farti sono queste:
 * Il venditore è professionale?
 * Come è la sua credibilità nel mercato?
 * Il programma di affiliazione è gratis?
 * Il prodotto che rivendo è di qualità?
 * E' richiesto dal mercato oppure no? (nicchia sconosciuta)
 * Ho strumenti di supporto che mi aiutano a vendere di più?
 * Mi offre una percentuale almeno del 20%?
 * Quanto guadagno per ogni singola vendita?
 * Cè un limite fisso al numero di vendite da poter fare?

 Fai sempre attenzione e chiedi molte informazioni prima di partire, è importante che tu creda nel prodotto che vendi perche' altrimenti non riuscirai ad essere convincente.
 Tutta la nostra community CashApp è sempre pronta per AIUTARTI ( con oltre 750 euro di Bonus gratis ) ---- clicca sul link adesso:
 Grazie alla Community oltre 100 Imprenditori e professionisti hanno RISOLTO per sempre il Problema di come avere un PATRIMONIO inesauribile, senza sprechi di tempo e denaro.
 AGGIUNGI A CARRELLO ( sotto clicca)


Thursday, December 29, 2022

A Interno 4 "Una carezza color amore"

Il primo appuntamento del 2023 nel salotto culturale di Chiara Pavoni a Interno 4 in via della Lungara 44, Roma, sarà giovedì 5 gennaio alle ore 19 "Una carezza color amore. Guarigione, poesia del corpo".

Do You Capture Your Readers Attention?

Do You Capture Your Readers Attention?
The race for supremacy in the internet based businesses has been really heating up and many sites have been put up to help others to get ahead for a small fee. But there are also ways in which you don’t have to pay so much to make yourself a good list of loyal followers.

Having a satisfied web traffic and visitors allows you to put up a foundation wherein you can build an opt-in list and make it grow from there.

An opt-in list allows you to provide newsletters to your subscribers with their consent. When people sign up, they know that they will be receiving updates and news from your site and the industry your represent via an e-mail. But that doesn’t mean that all of those who subscribe read them at all.

Many lists have been built due to an attachment with free software or for a promotional discount and such. Some are not really interested in receiving e-mails from companies and just treat them as waste of cyberspace and delete or trash them without so mush as opening the e-mail and scanning them.

You can change all that. While forwarding an email message is relatively after producing your newsletter. Getting people to open them is not as easy.

You don’t want to waste all the time and effort used in making the newsletters, you want people to read them and have their interests piqued. Interested enough to go to your website and look around and most especially purchased and acquire your products or services.

One of the numerous ways you can tempt or persuade your subscriber is by providing a well thought out and well written subject. The subject of an email is what is often referred to when a person or a recipient of an email decides whether he or she wants to open or read an e-mail.

The subject could easily be regarded as one of the most important aspect of your promotional e-mail.

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Your subject must be short and concise. They should provide a summary for the content of the e-mail so that the recipient will have basic knowledge of the content. This is really vital in grabbing the attention of your readers and subscribers.

You want your subject to instantly grab the attention of your subscriber and get them to be intrigued to open up your mail. Remember, it is not necessarily true that a subscriber opens up subscribed mails.

A good subject must always be tickling the curiosity of your recipient. It must literally force the recipient to open the mail. A certain emotion must be ignited and get them to open the mail.

It is essential to use specific words to get the reaction you need. Keep in mind that the recipient or subscribers spends only a few seconds looking over each subject of the e-mails he receives. You must grab your reader’s attention right away.

There are many forms you can use for your subject. You can provide a subject that says your e-mail contains content that teaches them tips and methods on certain topics. An example of this is using keywords and keyword phrases such as, “How to” , “tips”, “Guides to”, Methods in and others like that.

You can also put your subject in a question form. These may include questions like, “Are you sick and tired of your job?” Or “Is your boss always on your case?” Try to stay on the topic that pertains to your site so that you’ll know that your subscribers have signed up because they are interested in that topic.

This form of subject is very effective because they reach out to your recipients emotions. When they have read the question on your subject, their mind starts answering the question already.

You can also use a subject that commands your reader. Statements such as “Act now and get this once in a lifetime opportunity”, or “Double, triple and even quadruple what you are earning in one year”. This type of subject deals with the benefits your company provides with your product and services.

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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


FREE Agency - Start Your Own Business --  https://cutt.ly/CKvGSh5
FREE Leads for your business: Potential Buyers to your inbox -- https://cutt.ly/1GQsM1o
FREE Funnel *Done for You - make $1200 a week --  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFsinwh5AOmtTM4rwaxvtF46S6CV63iNyIJzdXAfcow/edit?usp=sharing

PLACE YOUR AD,  Click here ---- Promote your business to 18K Subscribers
Put your business in front of 18,100+ Subscribers  ( plus Save 24% today)

Get Help asap with a special Joint Venture - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1682318595366818
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

ERRORI imprenditoriali da evitare: come RISPARMI Denaro mentre Incassi

FATTI e non parole. Il mercato di oggi è molto piu' esigente rispetto agli anni passati; inoltre ricordati che la vendita cambia in base agli stili di acquisto delle persone.
 Se non hai traffico ed in pratica la gente non ti vede, il tuo brand non si vede, di conseguenza nessuno comprerà i tuoi prodotti. E' fondamentale che rimani nella testa della gente altrimenti il tuo Brand sparisce facilmente in poco tempo.
 Devi sapere che esistono persone che stanno spendendo migliaia di euro in "pseudo consulenti", senza avere risultati concreti. Uno degli elementi importanti di qualsiasi start up in ogni business online è creare la propria mailing list, (lista di iscritti) con cui instaurare un rapporto di fiducia nel tempo.
 Tu hai una mailing list?
 Prova a parlare con alcuni imprenditori e purtroppo, ti accorgerai che molti di essi vanno avanti con le loro cose senza tener conto delle statistiche. Oltretutto non contattano mai i vecchi clienti che hanno comprato da loro.
 Questo è un grosso errore perché significa non avere in mano la situazione del mercato e della tua attività, quindi in pratica puro rischio.
 Tutta la nostra community CashApp è sempre pronta per AIUTARTI ( con oltre 750 euro di Bonus gratis ) ---- clicca sul link adesso:
 Grazie alla Community oltre 100 Imprenditori e professionisti hanno RISOLTO per sempre il Problema di come avere un PATRIMONIO inesauribile, senza sprechi di tempo e denaro.
 AGGIUNGI A CARRELLO ( sotto clicca)


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

3 Super-Fast Methods For Self Improvement

3 Super-Fast Methods For Self Improvement
There are particular moments in life that when you wish you could depend on anybody’s self improvement advice. But even if they gave it to you with the best intentions, in case anything goes wrong, you are always going to blame those persons.

That is why specialists strongly advise you, every time you find yourself at a crossroads, to always take the decisions by yourself. The question arising is: how can we know how to take it and which is the best solution?

No matter how young or old you are, you must have gotten to a point in your life when you have to take a big decision, which will probably affect your entire existence.

There is no doubt that there are certain moments in life when you feel helpless and disoriented and believe you could use some self improvement advice in order to figure out how to proceed with your life.

The answer is never simple. However, there is one self improvement advice that can be of great help and employed regularly will have great results.

It is called meditation and it has been used for centuries in certain rituals and by ancients civilizations. Even in old and famous books, like the Bible, people are invited to meditate, to discover and fight the evil in us and by knowledge to gain control over our decisions and our lives.

How do we proceed when meditating?

First of all, you need to be away from any source of distraction. You cannot analyze your deepest feelings and thoughts and watch a movie at the same time. Secondly, you need to ask yourself a series of questions that will help you to better determine who you really are. The questions should relate to everyday aspects.

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What do you like doing?

What made you most proud of yourself during your entire life?

What is it that you always wanted to do and you never found the time?

What role does money play in your life?

What is it more important for you, you family life or your career?

How much do you depend on others?

If you are worried about a certain decision, let all the questions be related to that issue. If you are just confused when asking the questions, think about the common topics that one has to deal with during his life.

Do not forget to write down the answers. Try to concentrate and to be sincere. After all, nobody will judge you. All these questions will help you determine exactly where you stand and what is it that you want form life. All you have to do is to get the right interpretation of your own replies.

In order to do that, help yourself to a coup of tea or your favorite coffee and take the time to analyze them thoroughly. Mark with a red pen whatever you find pride worthy answers and with a black one the things that do not make you proud.

Post the list somewhere where you can see it more than once a day, or post it in more than one place. You will notice that, step by step, even unwillingly, the black things on your list will start turning red.

Do not forget to renew the list when most of it has turned red! It is the best way to always be aware what your expectations from life are. Take this simple self improvement advice and see the positive results for yourself.

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FREE Leads available * * Click now - Potential Buyers to your inbox


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


FREE Agency - Start Your Own Business --  https://cutt.ly/CKvGSh5
FREE Leads for your business: Potential Buyers to your inbox -- https://cutt.ly/1GQsM1o
FREE Funnel *Done for You - make $1200 a week --  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFsinwh5AOmtTM4rwaxvtF46S6CV63iNyIJzdXAfcow/edit?usp=sharing
PLACE YOUR AD,  Click here ---- Promote your business to 18K Subscribers
Put your business in front of 18,100+ Subscribers  ( plus Save 24% today)

Get Help asap with a special Joint Venture - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1682318595366818
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com