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Friday, April 09, 2021

ALBERTO VINCENZO VACCARI “Inno a Leonardo” è l’unico inno al mondo dedicato al genio universale

  Il brano in italiano e inglese è stato trasmesso in anteprima mondiale per i 500 anni dalla morte in Germania, Sudafrica, Cile, Messico, Spagna, Australia e Russia.


In radio dal 9 aprile


Il brano nasce da un’idea di Alberto Vincenzo Vaccari che ha scritto e curato il testo  insieme a Luca e Diego Fainello (Sonohra), e cantato da Beatrice Pezzini (The Voice).

L’Inno inizia con 5 rintocchi di campana, richiamo ai 500 anni trascorsi dalla morte del genio. A risuonare una campana in bronzo con l'effigie di Leonardo coniata dalla millenaria Fonderia Pontificia Marinelli di Agnone. Nella canzone si descrive un Leonardo genio del passato e premonitore dei tempi odierni, che ancora oggi stupisce e intriga: «Viaggiando per le vie del mondo, Leonardo ancora oggi è, quel genio d’arte e scienza...»


Alberto Vincenzo Vaccari è uno scrittore con un passato d’esperto d’arte in RAI e storico del mobile italiano, ideatore di “Celebrando Leonardo” con il Piatto del Tempo e la Coppa Enogral dal Sacro Graal dei maestri vetrai di Murano, in cui la testa di Leonardo in vetro sorregge il mondo.

«Per bere nella Coppa Enogral si dovrà essere ingegnosi e temerari, come lo erano i cavalieri medievali, o compiere 7 giri su se stessi a simbolo di sette vite, 7 arti, 700 anni da Dante e Leonardo a oggi. Si brinderà dicendo: “Unio Poculum” dal latino Coppa dell’Unione». Alberto Vincenzo Vaccari


Il video del brano vede protagonista il balletto Oki Dance de Paris con le coreografie di Matteo Reggiori.



L’“Inno a Leonardo” assieme a un inedito Inno a Dante, fa parte della sceneggiatura di un grande spettacolo musicale in chiave contemporanea intitolato: “La festa del Paradiso - Da Dante a Leonardo” con musiche inedite e ambientato ai giorni nostri, in cui oltre a Dante e Leonardo, compaiono Beatrice, la Gioconda e la Maddalena (in riferimento a un altro libro inedito, scritto anch’esso da Vaccari, dal titolo “Chi Slegherà Maddalena?”), la quale porta a Dante e Leonardo (riprendendo un antico manifesto) la Coppa Enogral dal Sacro Graal. Questo unico grande progetto mira a portare l’italianità nel mondo attraverso l’arte, la scienza e la poesia.


Etichetta: The Saifam Group

Radio date: 9 aprile 2021








Consulente di enti, musei, tribunali, mostre d’antiquariato, associazioni. Restauratore accreditato alla soprintendenza ai Beni Storici e Artistici del Veneto. Docente di storia degli stili e metodologie del restauro del mobile all’Istituto Andrea Palladio di Verona. Professore in Corsi di Formazione Europei, relatore e conferenziere. Autore del libro “Dentro il Mobile”, considerato un “classico della storia del mobile italiano” e del saggio “Chi slegherà Maddalena?”.

Esperto d’arte in trasmissioni televisive: “ Mi manda Lubrano” RAI 3;  “Candido” su TMC, “Uno Mattina” su RAI 1, “Mattina in famiglia” su RAI 2. Oggi è l’ideatore e Art Director del progetto “Celebrando Leonardo 2019”, a 500 anni dalla morte del genio di Vinci e “Celebrando Dante 2021” di cui ricorrono i 700 anni dalla morte, con Vanna Maria Annichini e l’Associazione culturale mani d’oro



“IL PIATTO DEL TEMPO E LA COPPA ENOGRAL”  Un libro che nasce con un’anima internazionale, pronto a volare oltre i nostri confini per raccontare chi era Leonardo da Vinci e Dante, cosa ci hanno lasciato in 700 anni, anche con antiche e nuove ricette, oltre alla loro storia, suddivisa in 7 capitoli, per 7 arti, per 7 stili, e con l’Inno a Dante inedito e l’inno a Leonardo, e il testamento per i grandi della terra. IL PIATTO DEL TEMPO Nasce dal ritrovamento di un antichissimo piatto in legno siglato p.p.; la coppa ENOGRAL è alta 42 cm in vetro, forgiata dai maestri vetrai di Murano


“CHI SLEGHERÀ MADDALENA?” La protagonista del libro (Maddalena) è una bella e giovane ragazza che un giorno, due compagne di scuola (Avida e Sicura), invidiose di lei, decidono di appendere a un albero (albero della vita), dimenticandosene. La poveretta rimarrà legata all’albero per anni, come nella storia, dalla Maddalena di Gesù alla Maddalena dell’arte, con vari personaggi che arrivano a lei senza poterla o volerla liberare. 

MAUTO “Il tempo migliore - Acustico” è il secondo capitolo del concept album anticipato da una studio version

 All’interno “Nero bianco e blu” il brano, cantato con Miranda Martino da un testo inedito di Piero Ciampi 

Contiene una perla rara “Il tempo migliore - Acustico”, album che è fratello gemello dell’omonima versione in studio, pubblicata lo scorso 27 Novembre. 

La perla è “Nero bianco e blu”, presente qui sia nella versione cantata da Mauto, che quella in cui il cantautore duetta con Miranda Martino, indimenticata artista e attrice italiana.  

Quando i due si conobbero Miranda chiese a Mauto di musicare un testo, una poesia che Piero Ciampi le regalò molti anni prima, nel periodo in cui fu un assiduo frequentatore della sua casa romana. 

Miranda racconta: «Appena l’ho sentita mi sono commossa, perché Gianfranco (Mauto) ha colto perfettamente l’essenza di questo testo, come se avesse conosciuto Ciampi direttamente». 

Mauto decide di inserirlo nella versione acustica de “Il tempo migliore”, regalando a questo secondo album una peculiarità e un’essenza diversa. Nato per mettere a nudo la genesi e l’emozione dei brani raccolti ne “Il tempo migliore” il suo autore lo descrive così: «Questo disco esce a distanza di poco dal suo gemello in versione “studio”. Le canzoni nascono spesso in modo semplice: con un solo strumento, in un luogo qualunque, in un momento indefinito, e diventano poi qualcosa di più, arricchendosi di suoni e suggestioni. Ma è nel momento in cui nascono, semplici, che hanno la loro forza e la loro ragione nel tempo. Ed ho voluto allora fermarle così, piano e voce, dal vivo, senza orpelli, nude e vere come sono nate, in questo tempo “stonato” che, si spera, diventi finalmente quel tempo migliore che tutti aspettiamo». 


Registrato dal vivo al Mob Studios di Roma da Jurij G. Ricotti e Matteo Spinazzè. Missato e masterizzato da Jurij G. Ricotti al JGR Studio - Roma (Italy).


Edizioni: Eea Publishing / JGR Studio Publishing

Etichetta: Eea Music

Release album: 9 aprile 2021

Release “studio version”: 27 novembre 2020




Al di là

Andare oltre, superare le apparenze, le circostanze: al di là di ogni barriera, soprattutto della mente, c'è il vero senso dell’esistenza.


L’importanza di ricordare una storia, di mantenere la memoria di ogni gesto, di ogni sentimento, come in un déjà-vu...


Quello che rimane di una storia d’amore, l’unione di due anime mentre urla il mare.

Che cosa sono le nuvole 

Seguire il corso delle nuvole, le loro scie nel cielo, per ritrovare la via perché “la strada da correre non è un limite”.

L’Itaglia (Aida s’è persa) 

L’eterna dualità del nostro paese, da sempre a metà tra la sua bellezza e le sue fragilità, alla ricerca della sua libertà...

Il tempo migliore

La speranza di vivere ogni minuto con la consapevolezza che il tempo migliore è quello che deve arrivare.


Provare a rinascere ogni giorno, pur superando le difficoltà nel ricordo dei giorni in cui “l’aria era clemente”.


La speranza di una buona sera, oltre le ingiustizie ed i soprusi, come “un volo di gabbiani”, aspettando la “carezza della sera”.

Le mani nel vento

L’amore oltre le barriere fisiche imposte dalla malattia del Parkinson, la gioia e la forza di essere vicini e sognare ancora.

Ero un uomo 

Quanto bisogno c’è, prima di ogni altra cosa, di riscoprirsi, tutti, esseri umani.

Nero bianco e blu

La meraviglia di cantare questo testo scritto da un artista fuori dalle righe come Piero Ciampi, più di quarant’anni fa, e sentirlo allo stesso tempo così dolorosamente attuale, nella sua struggente malinconia, a tratti disperatamente onirico. Avevo queste parole tra le mani, come un pittore che si trova davanti ad una tela cominciata e prova ad interpretare quell’idea primordiale, e, con l’umiltà che si deve di fronte all’opera dell’autore originale, ho cercato di rimanere me stesso e uomo del mio tempo, con la speranza che quell’emozione provata la prima volta, sia rimasta intatta, diventando musica. 

Nero bianco e blu (feat. Miranda Martino)

L’onore di cantare questo testo con un’interprete sublime come Miranda Martino, è una delle cose più belle che mi siano capitate. 


Contatti e social

Sito: http://www.mauto.us

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MautoMusic/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gianfrancomauto/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gianfrancomauto

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV8leg5MGneail-MB5n9kmg

iTunes: https://music.apple.com/it/artist/mauto/551871570



Nato a Roma nel 1975, Gianfranco Mauto ha scoperto la musica all'improvviso, in una stanza della scuola media. Pianista, fisarmonicista ed autore, ha ottenuto vari premi e riconoscimenti (Poggio Bustone, Pigro, MEI, Donida, Biella Festival) e nel 2014 è stato tra i finalisti del Talent GenovaXVoi oltre ad esibirsi sul Palco Smeraldo di Eataly a Milano.

Nel 1999 è stato tra i fondatori di CiaoRino, il primo tributo a Rino Gaetano, ed ha suonato e collabora tuttora con artisti italiani e stranieri (Il Volo, Tomy Renis, Kacey Musgraves, Kevin Costner, Amedeo Minghi, Daniele Silvestri, Niccolò Fabi, Simone Cristicchi).

Nel 2012 ha pubblicato il primo album “Cosa Cambia” il cui tour è durato quasi quattro anni e lo ha visto esibirsi in numerosi concerti in tutta Italia.

Nel 2018 è uscita la sua prima raccolta di poesie “E tutto si riveste di nuovo” per l’editore Terre Sommerse (Roma).

Il 1 maggio 2020 è uscito il brano “La tua rivoluzione”, adattamento in italiano del famoso brano “Talkin ‘bout a revolution” di Tracy Chapman, contenuto nel nuovo doppio lavoro discografico “Il Tempo Migliore” (versione studio e acustica). La prima parte di questo progetto è stata pubblicata il 27 Novembre 2020, anticipato dal singolo “L’Itaglia (Aida s’è persa)”. 

1000STREETS & Angelica feat. Nai Boa “Good Vibes” è il secondo singolo di una delle orchestre più apprezzate d’Italia

 Tommy il bradipo regala a questo brano tutta l'energia positiva di una rinnovata stagione musicale 

In radio dal 9 aprile


Good vibes” è la ricetta della felicità firmata 1000Streets, orchestra fra le più apprezzate d’Italia che, in questo suo percorso di rinnovamento, riesce a fondere lo swing dell’imponente sezione fiati al beat elettronico e dà vita a una carica di energia dalle marcate influenze “dixieland”. La musica in voga a New Orleans nei primi decenni del secolo scorso si fonde, curiosamente ma perfettamente, con i colori dell’estate, la voglia di sole e le serate indimenticabili. 

Dopo il riscontro più che positivo di “Freedom”, primo brano estratto dalla nuova produzione dell’orchestra, questo secondo singolo continua a ruotare attorno alla ricerca del benessere fisico e mentale. L’invito è quello di riacquisire energia e un'attitudine positiva, dopo lunghi mesi invernali, per ricaricare di nuova linfa il corpo, ma soprattutto la mente. Svuotare la testa da ansie, stress e preoccupazioni per dedicarsi solamente a scelte spensierate e felici. 

Continuano con successo anche le collaborazioni canore. “Good Vibes”, infatti, si arricchisce della splendente voce di Angelica, capace di rendere contagioso il ritornello, che vola sulla cresta dell’onda grazie al flow caraibico di Nai Boa

Questa nuova onda positiva dimostra ancora una volta l’efficacia della collaborazione con il cantautore Edgar Meis, l’editore Moreno Buttinar, l’etichetta EPOPS Music e i fonici Davide Linzi e Daniele "Speed” Dibiaggio che hanno curato le riprese dell’intero album presso gli “Area 51 Studios”.

Il sound, invece, è influenzato dalla sensibilità artistica del produttore Christian “Noochie” Rigano che fa risplendere il lavoro della produzione 1000Streets: Denis Zupin, Martin Dequal, Walter Grison, Riccardo Pitacco.

«Nel nostro nome c’è tutto. Scegliendo 1000Streets abbiamo scelto di inseguire le infinite strade che la musica ci offre, mettendo sempre in campo nuovi stimoli, nuove contaminazioni e nuovi progetti». The 1000 Streets’ Orchestra


Etichetta: EPOPS Music

Radio date: 9 aprile 2021


The 1000 Streets’ Orchestra

Drums & Xilophone: Denis Zupin

Bass: Daniele Tripaldi

Guitar: Riccardo Pitacco

Piano: Alessandro Scolz

Keyboards: Walter Grison

Programming & Electronics: Roberto Norbedo

Percussion: Mario Castenetto

Trumpets: Martin Dequal, Gabriele Cancelli, Vicente Faccio

Trombones: Riccardo Pitacco, Maximiliano Ravanello, Riccardo Benetti, Sergio Bernetti

Saxophones: Walter Grison, Jurica Prodan, Matteo Sincovich, Emma Marcolin, Antonio Micheli, Giuliano Tull


Contatti e social


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/1000Streets/

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the1000streetsorchestra/

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtuP_C8X5arIrQaxR0fbcpg



Un'orchestra che nasce dallo swing e ha come obiettivo il continuo rinnovamento artistico, declinato in interpretazione, produzione e promozione.

Durante la loro attività hanno calcato i palchi dei più importanti teatri di Trieste e di numerosi festival in Italia e all’estero come “Far East Film Festival”, “Trentino in Jazz Festival”, “Barcolana50”, “Lakeness Festival”, “Borghi Swing Festival”, “Art Tal Ort Festival”.

Nell’ultima tournée in Francia e Spagna, l’orchestra ha registrato numerosi sold out nelle principali città della penisola iberica (Madrid, Valencia, Santander, ecc.) 

Uno dei punti chiave del loro progetto è la collaborazione con artisti, solisti e interpreti che rendano ancora più ricca la loro attività artistica. Negli ultimi anni hanno avuto al loro fianco sul palcoscenico sia il leader di uno dei gruppi più importanti di musica beat in Italia - Maurizio Vandelli (Equipe 84) - che personaggi e cantanti della televisione italiana e statunitense - come Joe Bastianich - fino a protagonisti della scena del musical internazionale come Daniela Pobega

Nel panorama jazz internazionale hanno collaborato attivamente con Andrea Tofanelli (trombettista) e Federico Malaman (uno dei più grandi talenti italiani del basso elettrico). 

L’approccio sempre positivo nei confronti di nuovi progetti e nuove contaminazioni li ha portati a instaurare alcune collaborazioni durature e attualmente attive. Tra queste il vulcanico spettacolo insieme al trio vocale turbo-swing “Les Babettes”, ensemble che vanta numerose tournée internazionali (Svizzera, Francia, Spagna e Cina) e che ha collaborato con emittenti radiofoniche e televisive come SKY, RAI 3 e Cielo e la collaborazione con il bluesman Mike Sponza nel 2019. In questo progetto, grazie agli arrangiamenti di Primoz Graši? (storico membro della “Big Band RTV Slovenia”), l’orchestra viene arricchita da un’ampia sezione di strumenti ad arco.

Dal 2019 lavorano con il Bareté Quartet, ensemble jazzistico che ha visto ampliare gli orizzonti dell’orchestra nel mondo più sperimentale del jazz moderno e della world music. Al mondo teatrale, invece, appartiene l’esperienza di “Goodbye Trieste” andato in scena per la prima volta nel 2017 e ambientato nella Trieste “americana” dei primi anni ’50. 

Hanno collaborato con il noto fotografo triestino Ugo Borsatti, che ha donato loro le partiture del padre, direttore di un’orchestrina da café, che l’orchestra ha riarrangiato e riadattato. Nell’estate 2020 l’Orchestra ha scelto di esporsi artisticamente attraverso la realizzazione della prima produzione discografica composta completamente da musica originale scritta dai musicisti e dai principali collaboratori della stessa. Allo stesso tempo si è definita la produzione musicale ed esecutiva della 1000Streets che è composta da Denis Zupin, Martin Dequal, Walter Grison e Riccardo Pitacco.

Easy: How To Get Your Subscribers Begging For More?


Easy: How To Get Your Subscribers Begging For More?
A good article and content should be able to outline the benefits of your product and services and why they need what you are offering. But do not look to be overeager and too persuasive. It should be able to entertain as well as lead them to buying from you.

Just as an experiment, a friend of mine subscribe to ten different opt-in e-mail marketing lists to see which ones are effective. Many websites and online businesses have resorted to sending promotional materials to people who have subscribed to them in an effort to boost their sales or traffic.

Opt-in email marketing sends newsletters, catalogs updates and many more promotional materials to website visitors who have agreed to be updated whether monthly, weekly or semiannually.

Through e-mail, an internet user that is on the list will receive their updates through email. If a promotional material piques their interest they will go to the site to learn more or to purchase outright.

For the website operators or owners, this is a chance to remind their list of their existence and parlor their wares. With the numerous sites in the internet that offers the same products or services in one way or the other, the competition can get pretty tight and it is easy to be forgotten.

Back to my experimenting friend, he tried to find out which opt-in marketing strategies grabbed a person into begging for more. Some would send in very simple fashion, some would very outlandish while there are some that would just lie in between.

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The differences could easily be noticed and some have gotten the idea of an effective opt-in marketing strategy. He dubbed them effective because he felt like he just couldn’t wait to go their site and learn more, the more persuasive ones even got him halfway to reaching for his wallet and to his credit card before he realized this was only for an experiment.

Many companies and site present their promotional materials in a wide variety of concepts. Each has their own distinctive style and designs, but more than the outline and the presentation, the content and the articles are what keeps the attention of your potential customer locked on to your opt-in marketing medium. Creativity is the key here.

From talking to many satisfied opt-in list subscribers and forums, I have learned of what is essential in opt-in marketing and what makes the subscribers begging for more instead of lining up to unsubscribe.

Keep your promotional materials light, creative and original. Many people are stressed out as it is. Getting a stuffy business proposal rather than a light hearted e-mail may just agitate them more. A warm friendly smile or banter is always more welcome than a serious business meeting or proposal. While you do want your customers to take you and your products and services seriously, you also want to show them that you know how to have fun.

Splash some color in your emails as well as provide some photos and articles that can be related to you but show good news or good light hearted images as well. Provide a newsletter or promotional materials that will keep them in a light mood. Make your materials eye catching and grabbing that they wont be able to take their eyes of them. Pique their interests.

Have good content and article, even if it means investing in an experienced and professional copy writer to write them for you. An effective copy writer should be able to build trust between you and your customers. They should be able to establish your credibility in what they write. It must be informative but not too stuffy. Let go of the professional jargons and “talk“to your recipients.

Your promotional materials should be clear. Don’t leave people guessing. You should lead them to you and not vice versa. Explain to them what they need to do in a manner that won’t be confusing. Try to anticipate also what your target client needs. Do your research and information gathering, many sites will be able to help you with that.

Provide clear and crisp images of what you are offering. If the people know what you have for them, they are more likely to beg for more. For example, if you are selling a car, provide them photos but only enough to encourage them to go to your site for more.

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Thursday, April 08, 2021

MIRALL la vincitrice di Area Sanremo 2020 in radio dal 9 aprile con “Padre nostro”

  Una preghiera laica rivolta alla musica e alla cultura 

“Padre nostro” è un brano prodotto dalla stessa Mirall in cui il sound elettronico si miscela perfettamente alla sua voce R&B, dando vita a una vera e propria invocazione al cielo, carica di energia e determinazione. 

La forza viene dal ritmo, quello che sta alla base del senso più puro e concreto della musica, un ritmo che non ha paura di smascherare le contraddizioni della cultura, soprattutto quando diventa una pratica “mordi e fuggi”, esaurita in pochi secondi sui social invece di essere cibo per l’anima.

«“Padre Nostro” è una preghiera laica, ipnotica che nasce dal rifiuto morale di assuefarsi alla violenza e all’impoverimento culturale dei nostri giorni e soprattutto dal desiderio di non soccombervi, lanciando al cielo note piene di speranza». Mirall

Mirall significa “specchio” in lingua catalana: «Mi piace l’idea che le persone si possano riflettere nelle cose che scrivo e, al contempo, prendere io la forma di tutte le cose che vedo. Forse per questo mi trovo a mio agio nei “travestimenti”». 



Il video di “Padre nostro” ha ricevuto anche il premio TIM come miglior videoclip. 

A motivare la scelta della giuria proprio l’attenzione che Mirall ha per i costumi, i colori e le immagini che l’aiutano a vestire il ruolo di svariati personaggi per esprimere i concetti presenti nella sua musica. 

Il personaggio fulcro di “Padre Nostro”, per esempio, è l’aliena, simbolo della disumanizzazione della società, dell'inaridimento culturale e di quel senso di alienazione - appunto - che rischia di portarci a non riconoscere più la bellezza. Per questo davanti agli affreschi pieni di storia e arte lei si spaventa, non sapendo riconoscere la meraviglia.


Etichetta: PrimalBox

Distribuzione: Epic/Sony Music

Radio date: 9 aprile 2021






Mirall, all’anagrafe Greta Ciurlante nasce a Pisa. 

Inizia ad esibirsi nei locali toscani dall’età di 15 anni, in duo col padre al pianoforte. Ben presto si avvicina alla musica jazz, approfondisce i suoi studi in materia e inizia ad esibirsi con diverse formazioni.

Collabora con i Q-proj, Andrea Cozzani dei Planet Funk, Vince Bramanti e Dario Carli nell’album "New Breeze”. Collabora con la big band funk White Orcs per cui scrive e compone alcuni brani, grazie ai quali ha il piacere di duettare in concerto con Tony Momrelle, cantante della storica band acid jazz inglese Incognito.

Si esibisce in numerose rassegne tra cui Barga Jazz Festival, Grey Cat Festival, Serravalle Jazz Festival e Serravezza Blues Festival.

Nel 2017 viene chiamata da Massimiliano Pani come voce portante di un suo spettacolo sulla storia della musica italiana. Collabora con Piero Frassi (Bocelli, Karima), Gabriele Evangelista (Enrico Rava, Stefano Bollani) e Bernardo Guerra (Stefano Bollani, Nico Gori) per l’album “Mirall Circles”. 

Parallelamente lavora come vocalist per numerosi programmi televisivi tra cui “20 che siamo italiani” su Rai1, con Gigi D’Alessio e Vanessa Incontrada, “All together now” e con Raffaella Carrà nel disco “Replay” (2013).

Nel 2019 pubblica i primi due singoli in lingua italiana: “Un Chicco Di Caffè” e “Il Primo Della Lista”. 

Nel dicembre del 2020 è fra gli 8 vincitori di Area Sanremo e si aggiudica il premio TIM come miglior videoclip con il brano “Padre Nostro”. 

Do You Protect Your Niche When Outsourcing?


Do You Protect Your Niche When Outsourcing?
Many marketers spend a great deal of time, energy and resources selecting a niche which they believe is going to be profitable. There are certainly no guarantees a particular niche will be profitable but there are certain strategies for choosing a niche that has a high probability of success.

One popular strategy for selecting a niche involves employing a principle similar to the concept of supply and demand. Statistical information supplied by search engines is used to determine the popularity of certain search terms.

This information is significant because terms which are being searched frequently are terms which have a large audience of Internet users looking for more information on the niche subject. These are terms which are in high demand. From this statistical information you can build a list of potential niches.

Once this list is compiled, it is time to begin researching the competition in each of these niches. Ideally the niche you select will be one which has a large audience and not much competition. These are niches which are in low supply.

Choose the Type of Work You Outsource Carefully

One way to protect your niche is to be selective about the type of work you outsource to others. Many Internet niche marketers are comfortable outsourcing their copywriting and their website design. However, they are more protective about outsourcing tasks such as marketing, niche selection and keyword development.

This is because although copywriting and website design both involve optimization for keywords the strategies for doing so are readily available on the Internet. However, many marketers have specific methods for marketing and developing a niche and keywords and are not willing to outsource this work because it will likely involve sharing secret strategies.

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Share Keywords via Email

Developing related keywords for the niche is a very important part of the success of an Internet niche marketing campaign. Keywords are absolutely critical and conventional wisdom holds that an extensive list of keywords should be developed for a particular niche to be successful. Some in the industry recommend developing approximately 200 keywords for each niche.

There is a great amount of effort put into the process of selecting keywords and those who are savvy do not want to make it possible for others to find their list of keywords on the Internet. Including a list of keywords on an advertisement seeking a copywriter or website designer will be searchable by others in the industry. For this reason it is not wise to post keyword lists where others have free access to the keywords.

This may sound overly paranoid but it is commonly known that Internet marketers often make the mistake of posting their keywords on job boards and those who are interested in harvesting these keywords visit these websites frequently to gather information. Transmitting the keywords through a protected email account or via telephone is a better way to protect the work you have put into developing your niche.

Use a Non Disclosure Agreement

Finally, a non disclosure agreement (NDA) is one way for the marketer to protect his niche when he is outsourcing. An NDA is essentially a document specifying the rights of the employer and employee in regard to sensitive materials. The NDA can be drafted to include any terms the client sees fit. Some example of the restrictions the contractor may agree to by signing an NDA are:

* A definition of which materials are sensitive
* Restrictions on how materials can be transmitted
* A stipulation precluding the contractor from competing in the niche during a given time period
* A duration of time for which the contract is binding

In protecting a niche market the above terms can be used when outsourcing. The client may specify the sensitive materials to be the niche and the related keywords as well as any information regarding marketing strategy.

The client may limit the methods in which the sensitive materials can be transmitted to secure emails and telephone conversations. The duration of time for which the contract is binding is up to the client. Common timeframes include the duration of the project or a set number of days, weeks, months or years.

In niche marketing a timeframe of at least one year after the project is completed is recommended to prevent the contractors from entering the same niche immediately after the project ends.

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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and Automate all your marketing actions -  https://www.moneyrobot.com/goaccess
( FREE download )

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Do You Use 3 Benefits About Affiliate Programs?


Do You Use 3 Benefits About Affiliate Programs?
If carefully chosen, you could easily make a full-time living just with affiliate programs.

Although it is important to choose a quality product to stand
behind, you also need to remember that your goal is to make
money. One of the easiest ways to make a substantial amount of
money is to choose an affiliate program that pays their
affiliates decently. The average commission for affiliates is
three to five percent of each sale made. While this is a good
percentage to make, there are higher paying affiliate programs.

You may want to look for affiliate programs that pay around fifty
percent. In fact, there are even a select number of affiliate
programs that pay around 30% - 70 percent in commissions.

Affiliate programs are a great way to make money online; if you
choose the right affiliate program. That it why it is extremely
important that you carefully choose which affiliate program or
programs you want to join. When it comes to choosing an
affiliate program, do you know what to look for you? If this is
your first time joining an affiliate program, you are urged to
keep on reading. Below are some guidelines that you may want to
think about following.

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Perhaps, the most important thing that you need to remember,
when choosing an affiliate program, is to not pick the first
affiliate program that you come across. This is a big mistake
that many affiliate program participants make. Unfortunately
for you, this can be a costly mistake. What many do not realize
is that the product you choose to promote will reflect on you
and your business. That is why it is important that you take the
time to thoroughly examine an affiliate program first. You will
want to choose an affiliate program that involves a product that
you can stand behind, one hundred percent.

One of the best ways to know that you are dealing with a
legitimate affiliate program and a quality product is to test
that product out. Although you are advised to do this, you may
not want to or you may be unable to do so. If that is the case,
you can still research an affiliate program or even the product
that is being sold. You can easily do this online. One of the
best ways to do your research is to perform a standard internet
search. Search with the name of the affiliate program or the
product being sold. You can also check out websites that are
known as scam websites. These websites tend to profile
companies, individuals, or business opportunities that regularly
scam consumers.

Before applying for or signing up for an affiliate program, you
are advised to read all of the rules, restrictions, or
guidelines associated with that affiliate program.
Unfortunately, you may find yourself disqualified from an
affiliate program right off the bat. For instance, there are a
large number of affiliate programs that prohibit their products
from being advertised on websites that display pornography, foul
language, and other offensive content. Familiarizing yourself
with an affiliate program’s rules and guidelines will prevent
you from being denied from a program or later dismissed from

Perhaps, one of the most important things to remember, when
choosing an affiliate program, is the product that you will have
to sell. In conjunction with making sure that the product is a
quality one, you will also want to make sure that it is related
to your website or business, in one way or another. For
instance, if your own website focuses on computer programming,
you will not want to join an affiliate program that sells pet
products. Joining an affiliate program that is related, in one
way or another, to your own website may increase your chances of
making a sale; thus increasing your profits.

The Best Traffic System ---- Want 90,000 Visitors? ---- BUY Traffic here


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and Automate all your marketing actions -  https://www.moneyrobot.com/goaccess
( FREE download )

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Self Improvement And Motivation: 2 Essential Keys


Self Improvement And Motivation: 2 Essential Keys
Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is also an invaluable aspect of motivation and self improvement.

Many successful entrepreneurs report that finding the right networking group was a turning point in the growth of the business. Working together, a networking group can help its members generate more qualified sales leads and solve problems faster and more efficiently.

What are the three keys to self improvement and motivation?


Inspiration is critical to staying motivated and improving oneself. If you are not interested in your business, your motivation level will never be high and you will not be able to sustain interest for very long.

Take an honest look at your inspiration level. Are you excited about going to work or is it an obligation? You would be surprised at the number of people who choose a business that looks good on paper, but in reality does not interest them in the least.

These individuals will grow weary and uninterested pretty quickly because they have no inspiration or passion to sustain them during the difficult times they will encounter as a small business owner.

If you do not like your work, then think how you can re-focus your small business to better match your needs. Or consider making a change entirely. Without inspiration, there will not be motivated to even try self improvement.

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Short and long-term goal setting is vital for any business owner. If you do not set goals, you would have no definite purpose on which path of self improvement to take.

How could you possibly be motivated if you were unsure about the direction of your company?

Take the time to put your goals in writing. A business plan may sound daunting, but it is really nothing more than goals, strategies, implementation and a budget. Write your own business plan and update it at least annually.

Include “mini-goals” that can be accomplished in a matter of hours, days or weeks as well as the more ambitious “grand-goals” that may take years to complete. Refer to this plan throughout the year.

But can a business plan really help motivate you? Of course. Written goals will make you feel more professional and certainly more connected to your business. It will also free you from having to reinvent your business goals every single day.


Another key factor in getting and staying motivated is networking with other small business owners. No one person knows all the knowledge.

However, when a number of people begin working together, the challenges will just be there waiting to be conquered.

In fact, the isolation of working alone is of one the most difficult parts of being an entrepreneur. You can never be on your way to self improvement without the help of others. Mutual support is motivating.
Make it easier on yourself by connecting with others either in your community or online. Even when businesses are not related, you will often find common ground and ways to work together.

Your own personal team of business owners will help re-energize you when the burdens of running your own business seem too much.

The Best Traffic System ---- Want 90,000 Visitors? ---- BUY Traffic here


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and Automate all your marketing actions -  https://www.moneyrobot.com/goaccess
( FREE download )

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Monday, April 05, 2021

Guest Bloggers: Do You Use This Resource?


Guest Bloggers: Do You Use This Resource?
Owners of a successful blog that has a large following may sometimes have the need to use guest bloggers. An example of when this practice may be a good idea is when the owner of a popular blog will be unavailable to post new blog entries for an extended period of time.

In this case the lack of blog updates may cause the blog to lose traffic so it would be prudent for the blog owner to make arrangements for a guest blogger or a series of guest bloggers to post new items during his absence. The blogger may also wish to announce the intention to use guest bloggers during this period of time to ensure loyal blog visitors are aware of the situation and that it is only temporary.

Advertising for Guest Bloggers

There are a number of locations where a blog owner can advertise for guest bloggers. Job boards specifically for bloggers or freelance writers are an excellent option for finding guest bloggers. Job boards for bloggers are frequently visited by experienced bloggers who are looking for new opportunities to blog for compensation.

These bloggers may have specific experience with the subject matter of the blog or may simply be adept at creating interesting blogs on a variety of subjects. Job boards for freelance writers are another great option. These writers may not necessarily have experience blogging but they may have other writing experience that is useful. Blog owners should consider posting a detailed messaged specifying the type of work required and duration of the project and asking for clips from the writers which can be used to verify the writer’s skill level.

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Blog owners may also wish to advertise for guest bloggers on message boards related to the subject of the blog. Visitors of this blog may not necessarily have writing experience but will likely be quite knowledgeable about the subject of the blog and therefore be capable of producing interesting and insightful blogs.

Selecting Guest Bloggers

Selecting a guest blogger should be done carefully to ensure the guest blogger is reliable and capable of producing articulate, informative and interesting blog posts. Blog owners who advertise for a guest blogger on job boards for bloggers and freelance writers should ask for clips demonstrating the writer’s ability to write blogs which are interesting and informative.

When advertising on a message board for a guest blogger, the blog owner might want to consider using the applicant’s previous posts to evaluate his writing ability and knowledge of the subject matter. He should also consider the type of response the applicant’s message board postings typically elicit.

This is important because it is a good indication of the type of response the blogs will elicit. Blog owners should also ask the applicants for references and should contact these references to obtain information about the bloggers work ethic and ability to complete projects.

Compensating Guest Bloggers

Blog owners should also carefully consider how they intend to compensate guest bloggers. This can be done in the form of financial compensation or through allowing the guest blogger to post a brief biography with a link to his personal website or blog at the conclusion of the blog post. The latter form of compensation is essentially free advertisement space for the guest blogger.

The blog owner may also wish to compensate the guest blogger with a combination of money and free advertising space. Regardless of the method of compensation chosen the blog owner should discuss this with the guest blogger before work commences and should enter a written contract with the guest blogger which explicitly states the terms of the compensation to avoid disputes.

The Best Traffic System ---- Want 90,000 Visitors? ---- BUY Traffic here


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and Automate all your marketing actions -  https://www.moneyrobot.com/goaccess
( FREE download )

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com