Today Telecinco our controlled company has disclosed the following press
As, in accounting terms, Grupo Publiespaña’s integration occurred as from 1 April
2004, the 2004 results provided for comparison purposes are presented – and filed
with the Spanish stock market regulator (CNMV) – in combined format, that is,
including Grupo Publiespaña’s first quarter results.
The consolidated financial information provided for both 2005 and 2004 are in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which are
applicable to Telecinco as of 1 January 2005 and in force at the date of publication.
Madrid, July 26 2007
Financial results for the first half of 2007
• Telecinco leads in the annual accumulated audience ratings and is the
only channel with a share of more than 20% in terms of total day
(20.4%) and prime time (20.6%) audience, as well as commercial
target (22.7%)
• Grupo Publiespaña’s new record in net advertising revenues, which
grew by 7.8%, reaching €533.84 million, and the adjusted cost control
policy produce a net profit of €211.58 million
• The EBIT, at a record €293.02 million, has climbed 10.8% compared
with the same period of 2006
• Net revenue has grown by 9.3%, to €571.91 million.
During the first half of 2007, Telecinco has improved its financial results thanks
to the efficiency of its management model, the strength of its programming and
creative capacity, and the ability to adapt its commercial strategy, pillars of a
business scheme that takes the channel further and further ahead of its second
and third competitors. An audience average of 20.4% and the growth of net
revenues from advertising by 7.8% have increased net profit for the first half of
the year by 13.6%, reaching a total of €211.58 million.
After the high growth of earnings achieved in 2006, the channel has registered a
new record in the first six months of 2007, confirming that it is one of the leading
television channels in Europe and the leader in Spain in terms of audience,
turnover, advertising, financial margins, generation of cash flow and market
capitalisation. Our leadership position in these areas has allowed Telecinco to
obtain record results in revenue and operating margins (adjusted EBITDA and
EBIT) as well as in net profit.
Telecinco increases net revenues from advertising by 7.8%
Telecinco has registered a new record in the first six months of 2007 with net
advertising revenues of €533.84 million, 7.8% more than the €495.17 million
obtained in the same period of 2006.
Telecinco has again grown its EBIT and EBITDA operating margins despite the
high margins reported in 2006 and an increase in competition. The gross
operating margin (adjusted EBITDA) reached €295.47 million, up by 10.6% on
the first half of 2006. The company's EBIT was €293.02 million, up 10.8% on
the figures from the same period of 2006 (€264.35 million).
Pre-tax profit leapt from €269.09 million in the first half of 2006 to €302.02
million, an increase of 12.2%.
Net profit totalled €211.58 million, representing an increase of 13.5% on the first
half of 2006 (€186.42 million).
Grupo Publiespaña hits a new high with an increase of 7.9% in its gross
advertising revenues
In the first six months of 2007 Grupo Publiespaña has once again ranked first in
the Spanish television broadcasting market in terms of turnover with record gross
advertising revenues of €558.12 million, a 7.9% increase on the same period in
2006 (€517.33 million).
Record results thanks to a careful and studied cost control policy
During the first half of 2007, total operating costs grew by 7.7% on the same
period of 2006 to €278.89 million. This growth is in line with the targets set by
the channel for its television operations and includes costs stemming from the
integration of Jumpy and the incorporation of Mediacinco Cartera S.L.
Telecinco leads in the accumulated audience rankings and becomes the only
television channel with a share of more than 20%
The strength of the channel's programming across all time slots and particularly
at prime time has been Telecinco's main tool to retain its position as the only
television channel with an audience share of more than 20%.
In the first half of 2007, the channel retained the top position which it
consistently boasted throughout 2006. Telecinco was the most-watched
channel in January, February, March, April, May and June with a 20.4%
audience share, 2.5 points ahead of Antena 3 (17.9%) and 3 points ahead of
TVE 1 (17.4%). This figure places Telecinco as the best performer compared
with the same period of 2006, showing a year-on-year difference of only 0.9%,
compared with Antena 3’s steep decline of 2.5% and TVE 1's 1.3% decline.
Telecinco ended the first six months of 2007 as the audience share leader in the
prime time slot with 20.6%, beating Antena 3 by 3 points (17.6%) and TVE 1
by 3.9 points (16.7%). Similarly, Telecinco’s prime time appears to be the least
affected by the emergence of new competitors with a decline of only one point
compared to the same period of 2006. TVE 1 dropped 1.8 points and Antena 3
again showed the greatest year-on-year decline, with its prime time down by 2.4
January - June 2007
Telecinco Antena 3 TVE 1
Day total 20.4% 17.9% 17.4%
Prime Time 20.6% 17.6% 16.7%
With respect to the commercial target, in the first half of 2007, Telecinco
exhibits its historic lead in the day total - 22.7%, 4.7 points more than Antena 3
(18%) and 9.2 points more than TVE 1(13.5%) - as well as at prime time
(23.4%), a figure that is 6.1 points higher than Antena 3 (17.3%) and 10.3 points
higher than TVE 1 (13.1%):
Telecinco improves its relative position compared to traditional channels
If we compare the three general television channels which existed before the launch
of the new channels using a calculation in which Telecinco, Antena 3 and TVE 1
account for 100% of the market, the results achieved by Telecinco in the first half of
2007 on the same period of 2006 show that the channel would have improved its
relative position by 1.4% to 36.6%; Antena 3 would have dropped 1.6% from
33.8% in the first half of 2006 to 32.1% in the first half of 2007; and TVE 1 would
have improved its relative position by 0.3%, from 31% to 31.2% in the first half of
Telecinco Antena 3 TVE 1
H1 2007 36.6 32.1 31.2
H1 2006 35.3 33.8 31
Change +1.4 -1.6 +0.3
Comments by Paolo Vasile and Giuseppe Tringali, chief executives of
“The advertising turnover results obtained in the first half confirm the leading
position of our channel and concession. Despite greater competition,
Publiespaña maintains its market share and increases its efficiency ratio. The
privileged position that we have reached in our market is only a stimulus to
continue improving our range of programmes and advertising formats with the
aim of giving our clients an improved commercial profile and better quality
service”, stated Giuseppe Tringali.
According to Paolo Vasile, “these results are a reward for the daily work and
Telecinco Antena 3 TVE 1
Commercial target, day total 2007 22.7% 18% 13.5%
Commercial target, prime time 2007 23.4% 17.3% 13.1%
efforts of a team that did not let themselves be discouraged by the changes in
the industry landscape and saw a determination to continue growing despite
the emergence of new competitors and the negative outlook for the television
business. The results we present today confirm the strength of general,
commercial television”.
• Pictures of Alejandro Echevarría – the Chairman of Telecinco – and of
the chief executives Paolo Vasile and Giuseppe Tringali are attached.
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