Première Vintage Workshop® – Region Marche
Vintage Workshop has already been organized for some seasons even on demand by Fashion Houses, Styling Offices, accessories and semi-row materials manufactures that produce items finalized to the Textile/Clothing sector. The show consists in a sort of show-room exhibition with sale of vintage accessories that are combined with factories' samples (for instance leathers, metal ware, textiles etc.) produced by the host factory so that customers (designers, product managers) can also visualize some possible creative applications by means of the vintage accessories on show. For the shoe makers sector in the Marche Region, a Vintage Workshop has been imagined as a great effort for those designers and fashion producers willing to improve, experience and test new inspirations taken from the rarest and most exclusive shoes, belts and purses of the past.
So, the first Vintage Workshop® Marche - Shoes & Bags - will be held in Porto S. Elpidio, at the showroom "VEP Pellami", well known Company world over for the assessment, production and distribution of the best leathers aimed at the manufacturing of both shoes and fancy leather items, specialized in the research and development of materials, colours and modern finishing in permanent contact and co-operation with shoe and purses designers as well as fashion leatherwear product managers.
What can we say more than this? That your are all complimentary invited next March 27th or 28th by Vep at the seaside!!
(a further detailed press release dedicated to this event will follow around mid March)
Created by: Comunicazione e Marketing Perla, Vicenza, Italy, Ph. +39-0445-851323,
Diffusion by CorrieredelWeb