Do You Make a Marketing Campaign Appealing?
Marketing campaigns cannot survive if they boring. Everyday there are more than
three thousand marketing messages reaching out to the customers and it is really
a huge competition if one expects to be recognized among the crowd.
This message should talk to the customer and influence his mind. Strong,
creative, confident and exciting are the key factors that a message should have,
as that will embed it into the customer’s thinking and he remembers it for a
longer time.
The customer should feel empowered and should think of taking some action right
away. For instance Nike’s catch line is Just do it, it’s a line that has such a
great impact on the minds of the people that they use that line even when
talking about everything else, along with Nike products. It is obvious that by
adding certain features, the marketing appeal can be multiplied.
Scientists agree to the fact that using visuals to make a person learn something
is the best option than any other means and as one of the famous saying goes “a
picture speaks a thousand words”.
So the best bet is to add visuals to promote marketing. Visuals can be anything
like pictures, animations, or graphics. See yourself what wonders it does by
placing a picture of a representative and products on the company’s website.
This not only brings the customers close but also strengthens the relationship.
Different colors depict different types of emotions. Messages can be delivered
to people suing colors and meaning can be added to it. Red and blue are colors
liked by aggressive shoppers where as yellow color can catch good attention of
the on lookers.
Green reflects health, money and nourishment, so it can be used in food
advertisement. Black means strength and power that is why it has been used by
Jaguar, on their website background and advertisement. Wealth and royalty means
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Colors used on business cards can also be used to attract the customers. But the
colors should be carefully played with, too much can be distracting. A
professional help can be sought when selecting colors for business cards,
website font, website background, logo, etc., to send the right message. On
websites, fonts can be added which change colors and graphics that move.
There are lots of options available when thinking of what technology to use. The
good news is that most of the options are cheap and easy to use. Audios and
videos can be added to your website to attract attention.
Like when one visits the Pepsi homepage, they are greeted with energetic music,
which attracts teenagers instantly. To make a more realistic approach, welcome
message, introduction video, interviews, or how the goods are produced, can be
added to the website. Hearing a voice can be very touching and a rapport can be
immediately developed with the visitor.
Business cards should be outstanding and at its creative best. Professionally
designed graphics can be added to a brochure type of card. Information about the
company, contact information, quotations, and picture can be added on four sides
of it. The fonts should be the same. Just listing the benefits isn’t enough.
Customers want more, they want their needs to be met.
Like if some is thinking of buying an exercise equipment, don’t just say that
the machine has display, automatic incline, cooling device, CD player, programs,
but also add that there is a program with audio instructions which encourages
the person to do exercise, which is meant for people who need real motivation to
get out of their couch and to start sweating out.
So convey exactly why the customer should use the product, be more precise.
Uniqueness is the biggest key factor. Not only should the products and services
be unique, the marketing campaign should be unique too.
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