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Thursday, April 07, 2011

FREE : The Floating Design kitchen

Modern kitchen In a Market as the Usa, that is becoming more and more mature about furniture design field, exclusive and picky as well, “FREE” put himself up as the Next Evolution Design, an Idea that will meet the tastes of people that wants to stand out. Just imagine to have a design that gives you a floating view of your kitchen, a Composition that, in the soft dark of a room, shows it’s Luminescent effect with Lights that shine all below the Units. italian kitchen: free Officially certificated by COSMOB in Pesaro, this hanging system is very strong and the use is suggested by a professional and reliable design staff that study the client layout and give suggestions technically, but always design oriented. The flexibility of Composit, that gives to his client a “Tailor Service”, is quite well know worldwide, and according to it, the Client can design his “FREE standing Kitchen” following personal tastes. FREE is a project intended for the contemporary kitchen which offers innovative solutions and original aesthetic choices. Base units and columns, entirely suspended, are the main concept in which the “fire and water” element communicate with the different components, creating an intended contrast between void and solid spaces. The light, studied in its different functions, takes part to magnify the architectural components of the kitchen itself.” A variant of height for the block w.240 with double c’ doors, which in the version h.190 permits to have a visible space with superimposed double oven” In the middle of the Composition the Island with Suspended effect in glossy ebony’. In a market like Usa, a flexible attitude is a “must” and Composit Service attitude is always projected onto customer satisfaction, especially for Exclusive Design like this. The uniqueness of this product is due to Composit Manufacturing heritage, that year after year has been able to create a Futuristic Design, without forgetting quality of products and the planning stage. For further information about FREE or Composit products, please contact the country manager U.s.a.: Nardo Andrea Country manager U.s.a. Composit s.p.a. Tel: +39 0721 90971 Mob: +39 3406184833 nardo@composit.it

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The color of harmony: Andromeda presents Sublime

Andromeda presents Sublime, a brand new collection characterized by natural and smooth lines and by a chromatic research defined by welcoming and harmonic suggestions. Through the gentleness of lines and the exploration of chromatic shades that spread tranquility, the Sublime collection combines the elegance of smooth proportions to an unlimited versatility of space collocation.

Sublime: the collection and the launch

Born at the end of 2010 and designed in house, the Sublime collection is initially suggested in the 3 classic, primary lighting types – suspension, table, wall – and in 4 evocative colors (Dilly, Fairy, Eden, Flirt).
Just like every Andromeda collection, each single piece of the Sublime collection is designed and custom made according to the architectural parameters of the space it will be collocated into. The collection’s agile dimensions witness the modernity of the artistic research of Andromeda, who once again proves to be able to reinvent the secular tradition of Venice hand made glass into the third millennium. Each piece of the collection is supplied both with candle lights holders and electrical parts, for the personal choice of usage. The collection launch will take place simultaneously worldwide, through Andromeda’s representatives

About Andromeda

Andromeda is one of the world’s leading brands in luxury custom, hand-made glass lighting design.
Set up in Murano in 1972, Andromeda brings a sense of modernity through its original interpretation of aesthetic concepts. Since the 90’s, President Gianluca Vecchi starts a series of collaborations involving custom projects with some of the most influential and recognizable names in architecture design. In 2005, Vecchi sets a new and unprecedented standard in the Italian industry and offers Andromeda’s creative direction to Artist Michela Vianello. On October 2nd of 2008, the Eurispes research centre placed Andromeda among the Italy's 100 most innovative companies, including it in the 3rd report on Italian Excellence. David Chipperfield, Pierre Yves Rochon, Imaad Rahmouni, Tobia Scarpa, Norman Foster and the artist Julian Schnabel are just a few of the names Andromeda worked with over the years.
(www.andromedamurano.it) (Photos: Cristiano Corte)

Michele Giansanti
Press & Communication Manager
Ph: +39 041 736674
Cell:+39 335 5839184

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Launch Your Advertising Web Business in Just 22 Days

As someone who makes it their business to do marketing and advertising for others it may be that the hardest company to promote is yourself. There is nothing wrong with a little shameless self promotion. We are going to look at some reasons that it shouldn't be so difficult and how you can have one that is successful. There may be some things in this article that sound obvious but many times it is the most obvious things that slip by us and confounds our efforts.

The first thing that you need to do is consider yourself a client. What are the things that you do when you are starting an advertising and marketing campaign for someone else.

First you need to have a target market. Who is going to be your target market? Well, everyone. The best thing to do, though, is to look for a niche. Your niche could be small businesses who need very little online presence but who do not have the time, money, knowledge, or resources to pull something like that together. Having that online presence can be incredibly helpful to a small business and you can make it happen. Sure they won't be bringing in the big bucks for you that some huge corporation will have but what you will find is that not only will they be loyal to you, they can get referrals for you and can e easily found. You could even go after a certain niche of small businesses. It could be anything associated with the medical field, or sports, or the outdoors, or any niche. The sky really is the limit. The more you get to know a niche, the better you will be at designing a marketing and advertising campaign around them.

An advertising and marketing campaign for yourself can also be tailored to go after a certain niche. It can also turn off a niche just as easily. Consider all of the tailoring to young, urban and “hip” people. It may have some funky music and slick graphics with swirly things and lots of dancing but will something like that be appealing to a group of doctors...who may, as a niche, have some very deep pockets? Probably not. What about your website that has the goth thing going on or shows some great designs that would be good as a tattoo? Sure it might reflect who you are but does it reflect and draw in those people whose business you need and want. It isn't called selling out to cater to the likes of those whose business you desire. It's called selling.

Several years ago the band Metallica was talking about the criticism they have received for trying to reach a broader market. Their lead singer, James Hetfield, said “sure we sold out....every seat in the house.” The successful strategies used will take note of these things. The marketing and advertising you do for your own business will be successful online if you make yourself as appealing as possible to as wide a range of people as possible on the Internet.

PRESENTED BY Massimo D'Amico: http://www.TheBestTrafficofYourllife.com

Camerette ecologiche

Camerette per bambini rispettose di salute ed ambiente

La cameretta, il centro del mondo dei bambini dove trascorrono la metà del loro tempo, è un ambiente che va tutelato dall’inquinamento. E’ il loro nido, ma anche il parco dei divertimenti e l’angolo dei compiti. Dove i nostri piccoli trascorrono così tante ore è importante che l’arredamento delle camerette, i tessuti, le vernici siano rispettosi di salute e ambiente. Questa riflessione è alla base della scelta di krea di proporre mobili per l’arredamento delle camere per bambini e ragazzi che utilizzano materiali e metodi di lavorazione ispirati a criteri ecologici. La struttura delle camerette è realizzata principalmente in pannelli di particelle di legno nobilitato con carte melaminiche, oppure in truciolare, sempre rivestito in melaminico. Il melaminico, infatti, si presta a realizzare superfici sagomate o curve meglio di altri materiali. Tra i legni, i più utilizzati sono ciliegio, faggio, betulla. Le camerette più all’avanguardia usano il pannello ecologico, un particolare materiale, solido, compatto, indeformabile e resistente nel tempo, realizzato al 100 % con legno riciclato. Contraddistinto da un marchio di garanzia, risponde ai requisiti di bassa emissione di formaldeide, in conformità al Decreto ministeriale del 10/10/2008. Appartenete alla famiglia dei COV (composti organici volatili), la formaldeide è responsabile della creazione di ozono negli strati più bassi dell’atmosfera. Rispettosi dell’ambiente sono i prodotti che l’hanno bandito dai sistemi di incollaggio per fissare le superfici impiallacciate ai mobili. La formaldeide è presente in colle, pannelli di truciolato dei mobili e vernici. Insomma, in una quantità di materiali che entrano spesso nell’arredo di una cameretta. Le parti laccate sono perciò realizzate con vernici atossiche e all’acqua. In conformità alla norma europea EN 71.3, garantiscono quindi l’assenza di formaldeide e altre sostanze nocive, come mercurio, cromo, piombo, ma anche solventi, leganti di sintesi petrolchimica e additivi, assicurando al tempo stesso perfetta copertura, semplicità di pulizia e inalterabilità dei pigmenti. Se anche tu sostieni la sicurezza e l’ecologia nelle camerette dei bambini visita la nostra esposizione e tocca con mano la qualità delle proposte Krea. Camerette per bambini e ragazzi