Moesi activates the information and representation Channel for international clients and partners. With H-MADE ITALY will instead be an area dedicated to in-depth analysis of the concepts of the Handmade in Italy among History, Tradition, New Trends.
With a new Division on its way and a consolidated position on the Italian territory, Moesi proposes itself abroad with two complementary projects aimed at promoting the brand as well as the concepts that are behind the "Handmade in Italy" claim and that make unique the experience of Moesi's products and lines.

With MOESI.COM, Moesi activates the information and representation Channel for international clients and partners. is a channel dedicated to the previews of productions, the spreading of Moesi's on-line catalogues, updated information on new lines, divisions and sectors, as well as an informative window for future collaborations and partnerships in the EU and other areas. Moesi currently seeks collaborators and partners in the UK area. Among the proposals received, Moesi will only take into consideration companies that have their own core business in at least one of the following sectors: groups of buyers, groups of agents, cooperatives already treating Ita lian products.
H-MADE ITALY will instead be an area dedicated to in-depth analysis of the concepts of the Handmade in Italy among History, Tradition, New Trends. Through its claims "Handmade in Italy" and "Living Style", Moesi simply communicates dynamism, tradition and sector trends. These concepts give a clear picture of the ethics and the business policy of its activities. Moesi is Handmade, is Living Style and also innovation and design for environment and personal outfit, emphasizing its uniqueness. H-MADE is the visual and textual experience leading the reader through History and Tradition of the sector of the Made in Italy, but not only that.
Moesi stands for furnishing articles in glass design, ceramics design, day-to-day decorative objects, high-quality bijoux and accessories, wedding favours, presents and gifts. Moesi proposes innovative objects, result of the artisan care with which they are manufactured. The furnishing objects and the jewels of the line bijoux in Murano glass are the outcome of the work of skilled artisans. Unique objects on account of refinement and elegance of the materials selected, and all Made in Italy.
For more Informations:
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Tel No. +39.049.5565953
Fax No. +39.049.9217571
mail info [at]