Ultimamente vedo nascere tanti nuovi blog di web marketing e promozione su
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subito si sono buttati su questo tipo di mercato. E' da pazzi...
Devi sapere che se fai/imiti un approccio di questo tipo stai sbagliando in
pieno, in quanto il marketing non è un settore che si impara in poco tempo ed è
Altra cosa invece...... Immagina adesso per un momento: se tu sapessi quali sono
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Usando le giuste keywords all'interno delle tue pagine web vai a sviluppare il
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Fai un vero Regalo importante ai tuoi amici INVITANDOLI in questo canale, cosi'
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+ NO data entry inutili scam
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Un grande Regalo per tutti i tuoi amici è quello di INVITARLI gratis in questo
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** tutti possono farlo ora
In 2013 the singer, song writer & guitarist Nicolò Fabi won the most prestigious Italian Award for intellectual music which is the "Premio Tenco" with his album entitled "Ecco".
In the year 2012 he has been guest star at Voices for Freedom - Amnesty International Italia.
Now it's the turn of his victory at the same Festival/Contest & event.
Nicolò Fabi has been prized the absolute winner of the Stars Session of the Festival "Una canzone per Amnesty - Voci per la Libertà" 2020, 23rd edition which took place from July 31 to August 2 in the outside Arena of the Congress Centre in Rosolina Mare - Rosapineta (RO, Italy).
The reason is to be found in the lyrics of his song "Io sono l'altro" (I am the other one) which deepened in the topic held by the Association VxL on Human Rights, this time considering "the other" not necessarily different for his social, ethnic, religious, politic diversity but from being, reasoning, behaving differently from ourselves.
As we should love differences, diversity is not the same concept.
Diversity can rather be found in selfish behaviours, in the absence of confrontation, in the lack of sharing, in the incapability to listen & learn, in the blindness in front of the needs of other people, prevarication always under the flag of the well known quotation "Mors tua vita mea".
The other is someone "either" than myself who, at the very end, could be just me seen by someone else or from another perspective...In other words: I am the other one, who thinks differently from you. But what you see is just my clothes. Then let's wear them, go around and you will see how if feels…
We have recorded the video of his song live on the spot,fading in also some stage photos of this musician, taken in different moments of his performance which can be considered a generous half a concert.
The magic intense atmospheres Fabi can create when he performs live, have been well beyond our expectations. His moods, harmonics & style totally merged in the meaning of what he sings, his voice, his so touching lyrics moved the whole audience and many broke into tears while he was performing some songs of his repertory.
We personally think Fabi is even more appreciable live than in studio recordings... What he gives & lends in acoustic live, unplugged & solo with just his guitar, is an amazing experience, very strong and moving...
For this reason with pure passion we have been engaging our whole time as independent photoreporters at this festival in recording the videos of his performances and shooting him.
More is yet to come and will be published in our Youtube channels. All our videos are NOT monetized & shared with the public for no-profit for the passion we have to scout or promote quality music and to sensibilize people to some important nowadays topics through music, especially when it applies to Human Rights.
The prized song, "Io sono l'altro", is taken from
the album "Tradizione e tradimento" issued in Fall 2019
Label: UMG (on behalf of Universal Music Italia Srl.); BMG Rights Management (US), LLC & 2 more.
Artist: Nicolò Fabi
Meet the artist on: www.niccolofabi.it
The music video & motion of the prizing of Nicolò Fabi, live recorded, will be broadcasted in première tonight, Thursday August 20 at 8:00 pm Italian time (+2 GMT) and from tonight on visible to everyone.
LYRICS (N. Fabi):
Io sono l'altro
sono quello che spaventa,
sono quello che ti dorme nella stanza accanto
Io sono l'altro
puoi trovarmi nello specchio,
la tua immagine riflessa
il contrario di te stesso.
Io sono l'altro
sono l'ombra del tuo corpo
sono l'ombra del tuo mondo,
quello che fa il lavoro sporco, al tuo posto.
Sono quello che ti anticipa al parcheggio
e ti ritarda la partenza,
il marito della donna di cui ti sei innamorato
sono quello che hanno assunto
quando ti hanno licenziato
Quello che dorme sui cartoni alla stazione
sono il nero sul barcone
sono quello che ti sembra più sereno
perché è nato fortunato
o solo perché ha vent'anni in meno
Quelli che vedi
sono solo i miei vestiti
adesso facci un giro
e poi mi dici
E poi…
Io sono il velo
che copre il viso delle donne
ogni scelta o posizione
che non si comprende.
Io sono l'altro
quello che il tuo stesso mare
lo vede dalla riva opposta,
io sono tuo fratello, quello bello.
Sono il chirurgo che ti opera domani,
quello che guida mentre dormi
Quello che urla come un pazzo
e ti sta seduto accanto,
il donatore che aspettavi per il tuo trapianto.
Sono il padre del bambino handicappato
che sta in classe con tuo figlio
il direttore della banca dove hai domandato un fido,
quello che è stato condannato,
il presidente del consiglio.
Quelli che vedi
sono solo i miei vestiti
adesso vacci a fare un giro
e poi mi dici
e poi mi dici, mi dici e poi mi dici,
mi dici.
E poi…
* * *
More photos on Voci per la Libertà in the various yearly editions can be watched on our Flickr albums:
Private Label Rights: Apply the Rules and Make Profits
While there are millions of Americans looking for these opportunities, there are
also the same number of opportunities available; however, not all of them can be
considered amazing.
Each year, a number of hardworking Americans are scammed out of thousands of
dollars; don’t let yourself be one of them. If you are looking to make money
online, you will have to do a little bit of research. This research is essential
to finding the perfect business opportunity, especially one that is legitimate.
While this research may be time consuming, it is important. Not only will fully
researching and examining all of your available business opportunities ensure
that you will make money, but it will also protect you from being scammed.
As previously mentioned, there are a number of different money making
opportunities that can be found online. One of those opportunities involves
acquiring the resell rights to private label products. These products are most
commonly e-books, content articles, and software programs. The process generally
begins with a professional writer or software developer. Those professional will
create a product that they feel will be useful to others. The only problem is
that many times these professionals do not have time to approach prospective
buyers or advertise their products. Therefore, instead of selling to their
products to new customers, they sell their products to others looking to make
If you are able to obtain the resell rights to a private label software program,
e-book, or collection of content articles, you will then need to sell them. This
where the money making opportunity comes in. It will be your responsibility to
ensure that the product sells. Once you have paid to obtain the resell rights to
the product in question, you will then be able to collect the profits from each
sale. If you make enough sales, you can easily replace what you originally paid
for the resell rights.
Buying the resell rights to private label products is an amazing and potentially
money making business opportunity. However, like all other business
opportunities there are some things that you need to be on the lookout for. With
acquiring the right to resell private label products; you need to be careful who
you do business with. There are a large number of individuals who can quickly
write an e-book or develop a software program, but that does not mean the
products are perfect. Before agreeing to acquire the resell rights to a
particular product, you are encouraged to request detailed samples. This will
help to ensure that you will be purchasing the resell rights to a quality
If you are required to sign a contract, it is advised that you examine that
contract and look for anything that stands out. There are a large number of
professional software developers and freelance writers that have stipulations on
how their products can be used. Even though you are obtaining the right to
resell their product, you must still abide by these stipulations. Each
professional will likely develop their own, unique rules and restrictions. You
are advised to watch out for advertising restrictions, price restrictions, and
other similar restrictions. These restrictions may prevent you from using a
certain advertisement method or selling the product for a certain amount of
money. These restrictions may turn, an otherwise money making opportunity, into
a financial trap.
By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you may be able to turn a profit
by acquiring the resell rights to a particular product. You can get some great
insights by going to www.plrtips.com where you can download a free 2 houra audio
plr course on this subject. While it is possible to find a number of different
products with their resell rights for sale, the most profitable ones tend to be
e-books, software programs, and content articles. If you are able to acquire
these rights and effectively market the product, you may end up making money in
no time at all.
Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?
Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ".
....apply the secret to your business :-)
** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1
year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we
used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple
website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.
** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without
paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing
VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of
the amazing connection with Giacomo.
** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in
some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ). Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections
with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.
Il brano reggaeton-pop pubblicato per Tyrus Records, racconta la leggerezza di un’estate vissuta fra giovani amori e notti spensierate.
«Il mondo quest’anno è stato vittima di una pandemia che ci ha privati di sentimenti come la spensieratezza e la serenità. Ecco perché con la mia canzone voglio comunicare la speranza e la gioia del poter vivere, anche quest’anno, l’estate. L’estate con le sue gioie, i suoi amori, le sue giornate indimenticabili e il mare» - dichiara il giovane cantautore leccese, alle prese col suo primo singolo.
La canzone che omaggia la stagione estiva con un sound reggaeton-pop fresco e frizzante, è stata scritta da Stefano Paviani e Nicola Messadaglia.
Radio date: 30 luglio 2020
Etichetta:Tyrus Records
Davide Saracino è un ragazzo leccese di vent’anni, con la passione per la musica. Studia flauto traverso da quando ha dieci anni e canto da poco più di un anno. Il suo passato non è dei più facili: nel 2017 è protagonista di un incidente stradale che costa la vita a suo padre e lo fa entrare in coma. Fortunatamente, dopo una dura lotta, Davide riesce a svegliarsi e a superare questa tragedia. Grazie alla caparbietà e alla forza che lo contraddistinguono, il giovane cantante riesce a trasformare una sfortuna in un motivo di rivalsa, decide così di dedicare tutto se stesso alla musica. A luglio 2020 pubblica il suo singolo d’esordio “Il mare addosso”, per Tyrus Records.
Un testo dissacrante supportato da un sound solare ed energico, caratterizza il brano che celebra laritrovata leggerezza a seguito del difficile periodo di pandemia mondiale.
«Verso la fine della quarantena da COVID-19, lo scenario che ci si poteva prospettare per l’estate italiana era tutt’altro che definibile come “periodo di ripresa”. In contrapposizione a questo c’era però un’incontrollabile necessità di riappropriarsi delle proprie vite e delle proprie abitudini, con la volontà di godere delle piccole cose che prima si davano per scontate».Federico Avallone
“Cia ciaone” nasce proprio per comunicare una rinnovata consapevolezza nell’apprezzare tutte quelle cose che prima erano date per ovvie e oggi vengono invece bramate. Per farlo, l’artista milanese sceglie però di usare un testo ironico e dissacrante, dotato di una buona percentuale di cinismo generazionale. Il brano, inizialmente nato come esperimento in vista di un concorso di songwriting, è stato poi preso e riarrangiato completamente da Shooker, giovane producer di Torino, che ha fin da subito percepito del potenziale nel progetto.
Il sound energico e solare del pezzo è arricchito dall’inserimento di chitarre distorte, che svelano il passato artistico di matrice rock del cantautore milanese.
Radio date: 31 luglio 2020
Etichetta: Tyrus Under – licenza Rusty Records
Federico Avallone nasce a Milano il 5 maggio del 1988 e attualmente vive a Legnano. Nel 2006 prende le prime lezioni di canto e di musica fino a frequentare l’Accademia del suono di Milano (seguito da docenti del calibro di Paola Folli, Francesco Rapaccioli e Vera Calacoci). La sua voce viene spesso utilizzata in quel periodo per pubblicità radio/televisive diffuse sull’intero suolo nazionale. Tra il 2006 e il 2012 trascina la sua band di matrice hard rock americano “Rising Wind” in un’intensa attività live nel nord Italia e negli USA, arrivando a condividere il palco con Scorpions, Twisted Sister, Ratt, Cinderella e altre band storiche del rock anni 80. Nel 2013 Avallone intraprende un nuovo percorso, questa volta in lingua italiana, con la band pop-rock “Redamour”, con la quale nel 2015 incide un album di undici tracce inedite. Nel 2016 Federico, sentendo il bisogno di cambiare e di vestirsi di atmosfere più raccolte e sussurrate, decide di avviare una carriera da solista. Il primo singolo si chiama “Alla Deriva” e viene pubblicato nel 2017 con la produzione di Kikko Palmosi, storico produttore dei Modà e altri big italiani. Pochi mesi dopo, avviene l’incontro col rapper Ranzy e, riscontrando fin da subito una forte affinità musicale, pubblicano assieme vari singoli tra i quali “Tempesta”. Dal 2018 ad oggi l’artista milanese alterna l’attività live alla stesura e produzione di numerosi provini e, nel luglio del 2020, in collaborazione col giovane producertorinese Shooker, presenta il singolo estivo “Cia Ciaone”, un brano energico e travolgente che tratta le tematiche post covid in chiave ironica e dissacrante.
Shooker (all’anagrafe Riccardo Marantonio) nasce a Torino nel 2001. Le sue influenze musicali spaziano dal rock degli anni ‘80 alla musica elettronica degli anni 2000 e questo ampio range di ascolti gli ha permesso nel tempo di saper apprezzare e produrre egregiamente in generi diversi. Dapprima DJ e in seguito producer, Riccardo decide di intraprendere gli studi alla facoltà di informatica musicale a Milano, affinando le sue tecniche di produzione ed evolvendosi come artista. Nell’aprile del 2020 pubblica il suo primo singolo, “Nebula”, che registra subito oltre 25.000 streams su Spotify. Nel luglio dello stesso anno produce il singolo “Cia Ciaone” in collaborazione con Federico Avallone.
Dopo aver partecipato a prestigiosi concorsi musicali e aver aperto i concerti di Enzo Avitabile, Eugenio Bennato, Antonio Maggio, Mario Rosini e Tricarico, il giovane artista presenta un nuovo singolo fra pop e black music.
«A volte bisogna solo lasciarsi andare in amore. È inutile cercare di chiudersi in una corazza. Nulla può difenderci dall’istinto di amare, tanto vale seguirlo e dargli ragione». Miky Del Cambio
“Ali di cartone” è un brano che, senza filtri e barriere, rappresenta l’amore come unico modo di distruggere le “ali di cartone” che spesso usiamo per proteggerci, a causa della paura di soffrire. Il singolo che abbraccia pop e black music è stato scritto e prodotto dallo stesso Del Cambio.
Radio date: 30 luglio 2020
Etichetta:Tyrus Records (in licenza Rusty Records)
Miky Del Cambio, nasce a Potenza il 10 novembre 1992. All’età di 8 anni si avvicina al mondo del pianoforte da autodidatta e non lo abbandonerà più. Sin da giovanissimo frequenta accademie musicali di alto calibro che lo portano a conoscere artisti di spessore della musica italiana, primo fra tutti, il M° Ciro Caravano del gruppo “Neri per caso”, che decide di renderlo solista del coro di Pop, fondato nella città di Potenza. Da subito si dedica allo studio del Rhythm & Blues, genere che lo ha accompagnato sin da bambino, grazie ai vinili presenti in casa. Miky inizia a scrivere i suoi brani all’età di 16 anni e da allora non si è mai fermato. Con le sue canzoni ha la fortuna di partecipare ed ottenere risultati molto soddisfacenti in molti concorsi nazionali, fra cui Festival di Castrocaro, Area Sanremo, Premio Mia Martini, Tour Music Fest e tanti altri. Apre anche numerosi concerti di artisti fra cui Enzo Avitabile, Eugenio Bennato, Antonio Maggio, Mario Rosini, Tricarico. La sua prima pubblicazione sugli store digitali risale al 2016 con un album dal titolo “Indescrivibile”, contenente 9 brani. Subito dopo vengono rilasciati due singoli: “Snow” e “Ad occhi chiusi”. Nel 2017 scrive, produce e pubblica l’inno della squadra della sua città, il Potenza Calcio, che viene pubblicato esclusivamente su Youtube con il titolo “Domenica per te”. Da qui inizia a studiare e cercare nuove sonorità che possano ispirarlo e a creare le basi per uno studio di produzione discografica. Inizia il periodo di ricerca della giusta fusione tra RnB, musica nera e pop, e dopo un anno esce il singolo “Il tuo profumo addosso”, cheriscuote anche un discreto successo sugli store digitali arrivando a totalizzare i 10mila stream su Spotify. Nel 2020 con distribuzione Artist First, vengono pubblicati altri due singoli: “Il viaggio” (che supera i 130.000 stream sugli store digitali) e “A volte sbaglio a volte no” che resta per ben 3 mesi (dal 10 Aprile -radio date- fino a luglio) nella Indie Music Like del Mei, fino ad arrivare alla posizione N°49 tra i singoli italiani più trasmessi in radio. Il 30 luglio 2020 pubblica il singolo “Ali di cartone”.
Pay Attention to Autoresponders: 2 Aspects You Must Know
The Internet is one of the best ways to conduct business and promote your
products. Autoresponders can help you save a lot of time, although when you use
them in the wrong ways, they will eventually get you a negative image.
To help increase the flow of traffic to your website, nothing beats an
autoresponder. These programs can save you a lot of time by answering most of
your emails automatically. They can handle customer support questions, product
related questions, or provide information about your company and services. If
you own an online business – an autoresponder is something you should definitely
invest in.
Autoresponders can also be used to track your promotions and how effective they
are. These days, autoresponders are one of the best tools that you can get for
your online business. They are used by some of the biggest and most popular
online companies, and for good reason. They simplify your life with your
business – and give you more time to dedicate to other things.
If you are planning to submit your website to search engines like Google or
Yahoo, you should know that most search engines use autoresponders themselves.
Therefore, if you attempt to contact search engines using your autoresponder,
theirs will contact yours and you’ll have a never ending reply of emails that
will eventually flood both of your email boxes.
Under no circumstances, should you ever use your autoresponder to subscribe to
forums or other discussion type subscriptions. A majority of the time, these
discussion groups and such will email you updates regarding new information. If
you joined with an autoresponder address, your autoresponder will send a
response each and every time. This can get very annoying very fast, and a
majority of the time you will end up being unsubscribed. In this event, it can
be very hard for the administrator or webmaster to determine who is using the
autoresponder. Therefore, to make things easier, you should never use your
autoresponder with any subscription.
There are some companies out there that completely take advantage of
autoresponders. They will use their autoresponder to respond to automated
messages, which will automatically subscribe the “from” address in their mailing
list. This is totally the wrong way to use and autoresponder, and those who use
it in this manner are displaying a very negative image. Using your auto
responder this way will send a negative image rather than positive. Instead of
spreading good word about you and your company, people will become upset and
spread the word that you should be avoided.
Whenever you use your autoresponder, you should always use courtesy towards your
customers and your visitors. Autoresponders are meant to help your company grow,
and help you spread information about your services, products, and your company.
There are many creative and innovative ways that you can use this tool,
providing you do it the right way. Most customers know when they are receiving
an autoresponder message, and if you don’t use it the right way they will know
it. Although you can always change or add to the preset messages; most contain a
unique signature and address that will always be associated with autoresponders.
If you know you are using it the wrong way and continue to do so, you will
eventually lose a lot of business and your company will suffer a great deal. On
the other hand, if you always think in terms of courtesy towards your customers,
your autoresponder can help you obtain a lot of business and establish
relationships with customers who will always spread the word about your company.
Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?
Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ".
....apply the secret to your business :-)
** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1
year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we
used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple
website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.
** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without
paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing
VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of
the amazing connection with Giacomo.
** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in
some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ). Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections
with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.
Corporate Image: Think About it?
For any corporation it is very important to create a distinct image in the
market. This is known as Corporate Image which distinguishes the corporation
from its competitors and provides a picture of it to the general public. It
depicts the principles, beliefs, productivity of the company. This image is
responsible for increasing the sales of the product and to achieve brand equity.
Corporate image creation is a strenuous and time consuming process and is
carried out by experts qualifying in perception management. Basically, the
creation involves marketing experts who used various kinds of promotion methods
and public relations. Since this image is targeted to attract the customers it
should be highly appealing. Besides the marketing experts critics play an
important role too.
The name of the corporation and its catch line should reflect its belief like
Wal-Mart, which says that it sells for less. A logo should also be designed
accordingly. Like the corporation FedEx has an arrow incorporated in its logo
which depicts its fast and efficient service. Once the image is created by the
corporation the next step is advertising and product distribution in the market.
Like if the corporation creates luxury products, they should rope in big names
in the advertising experts and the models to be featured in these ads should be
super stars. Likewise, they should not distribute their products to every other
store; instead they should target more hi-fi malls. Time to time, advertising
and branding budget should be reviewed to cut down on cost and to be in-sync
with the technology. This also helps in revamping the corporate image according
to the fast changing demands of the consumer.
Testimonies of news papers, magazines, and labor union can deteriorate a
well-created corporate image. Simplest of controversies can be exaggerated by
the media and spoil the name of the company. Controversies are born by the
interference of organizations related to environment, religion, crime, politics,
education and charity. Government, too, is another powerful and influential
organization by itself.
Once the corporate image is created, it should be retained. It should not be
like here today and gone tomorrow. This image should be reflected in all the
brands and product line of the corporation. Even if one of the products isn’t up
to the mark, it will lead to confusion among the consumers and will hit the
sales of the company. Like recently there was controversy about a particular
contact lens solution of a company. It was supposed to be infecting the users
with a rare disease. This not only affected the sales revenue of that particular
product but also made the customers think and raise question about the
authenticity of other products of that particular company.
Another company’s products had hidden non-vegetarian ingredient in a vegetarian
product. This led to the decrease of trust among the customers. In such a case
the company should either advertise itself as a company selling non-vegetarian
food or it should invest in promoting the company as vegetarian by introducing
more vegetarian products.
So the image of each individual product of the company makes up for the complete
image of the corporation. And last but not the least, the image should be very
realistic, truly representing its values and should leave a personal touch with
the consumers.
Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?
Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ".
....apply the secret to your business :-)
** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1
year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we
used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple
website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.
** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without
paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing
VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of
the amazing connection with Giacomo.
** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in
some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ). Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections
with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.
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