In 2013 the singer, song writer & guitarist Nicolò Fabi won the most prestigious Italian Award for intellectual music which is the "Premio Tenco" with his album entitled "Ecco".
In the year 2012 he has been guest star at Voices for Freedom - Amnesty International Italia.
Now it's the turn of his victory at the same Festival/Contest & event.
Nicolò Fabi has been prized the absolute winner of the Stars Session of the Festival "Una canzone per Amnesty - Voci per la Libertà" 2020, 23rd edition which took place from July 31 to August 2 in the outside Arena of the Congress Centre in Rosolina Mare - Rosapineta (RO, Italy).
The reason is to be found in the lyrics of his song "Io sono l'altro" (I am the other one) which deepened in the topic held by the Association VxL on Human Rights, this time considering "the other" not necessarily different for his social, ethnic, religious, politic diversity but from being, reasoning, behaving differently from ourselves.
As we should love differences, diversity is not the same concept.
Diversity can rather be found in selfish behaviours, in the absence of confrontation, in the lack of sharing, in the incapability to listen & learn, in the blindness in front of the needs of other people, prevarication always under the flag of the well known quotation "Mors tua vita mea".
The other is someone "either" than myself who, at the very end, could be just me seen by someone else or from another perspective...In other words: I am the other one, who thinks differently from you. But what you see is just my clothes. Then let's wear them, go around and you will see how if feels…
We have recorded the video of his song live on the spot,fading in also some stage photos of this musician, taken in different moments of his performance which can be considered a generous half a concert.
The magic intense atmospheres Fabi can create when he performs live, have been well beyond our expectations. His moods, harmonics & style totally merged in the meaning of what he sings, his voice, his so touching lyrics moved the whole audience and many broke into tears while he was performing some songs of his repertory.
We personally think Fabi is even more appreciable live than in studio recordings... What he gives & lends in acoustic live, unplugged & solo with just his guitar, is an amazing experience, very strong and moving...
For this reason with pure passion we have been engaging our whole time as independent photoreporters at this festival in recording the videos of his performances and shooting him.
More is yet to come and will be published in our Youtube channels. All our videos are NOT monetized & shared with the public for no-profit for the passion we have to scout or promote quality music and to sensibilize people to some important nowadays topics through music, especially when it applies to Human Rights.
The prized song, "Io sono l'altro", is taken from
the album "Tradizione e tradimento" issued in Fall 2019
& is available on all the music platforms:
Label: UMG (on behalf of Universal Music Italia Srl.); BMG Rights Management (US), LLC & 2 more.
Artist: Nicolò Fabi
Meet the artist on:
The music video & motion of the prizing of Nicolò Fabi, live recorded, will be broadcasted in première tonight, Thursday August 20 at 8:00 pm Italian time (+2 GMT) and from tonight on visible to everyone.
LYRICS (N. Fabi):
Io sono l'altro
sono quello che spaventa,
sono quello che ti dorme nella stanza accanto
Io sono l'altro
puoi trovarmi nello specchio,
la tua immagine riflessa
il contrario di te stesso.
Io sono l'altro
sono l'ombra del tuo corpo
sono l'ombra del tuo mondo,
quello che fa il lavoro sporco, al tuo posto.
Sono quello che ti anticipa al parcheggio
e ti ritarda la partenza,
il marito della donna di cui ti sei innamorato
sono quello che hanno assunto
quando ti hanno licenziato
Quello che dorme sui cartoni alla stazione
sono il nero sul barcone
sono quello che ti sembra più sereno
perché è nato fortunato
o solo perché ha vent'anni in meno
Quelli che vedi
sono solo i miei vestiti
adesso facci un giro
e poi mi dici
E poi…
Io sono il velo
che copre il viso delle donne
ogni scelta o posizione
che non si comprende.
Io sono l'altro
quello che il tuo stesso mare
lo vede dalla riva opposta,
io sono tuo fratello, quello bello.
Sono il chirurgo che ti opera domani,
quello che guida mentre dormi
Quello che urla come un pazzo
e ti sta seduto accanto,
il donatore che aspettavi per il tuo trapianto.
Sono il padre del bambino handicappato
che sta in classe con tuo figlio
il direttore della banca dove hai domandato un fido,
quello che è stato condannato,
il presidente del consiglio.
Quelli che vedi
sono solo i miei vestiti
adesso vacci a fare un giro
e poi mi dici
e poi mi dici, mi dici e poi mi dici,
mi dici.
E poi…
* * *
More photos on Voci per la Libertà in the various yearly editions can be watched on our Flickr albums:
Editorial written by #AEupani
Web diffusion: Stefano Wolf