The Board of Directors, which met today under the chairmanship of Fedele
Confalonieri, resolved to proceed with the issue of an unrated bonded loan - the
company’s first on the Eurobond market and aimed solely at qualified investors -
before the end of 2010. The bonded loan will be for a nominal total of up to €300
The definitive terms for the issue will be determined at pricing on the basis of market conditions and communicated immediately.
This operation will make it possible to extend the average expiry dates of the Mediaset Group’s debt.
* * *
This Press Release is not an offer for the purchase of bonds in the United States. The bonds have not, and will not, be registered
as per the United States Securities Act del 1933, as modified (“Securities Act”), or in the terms of any financial regulation in any of
the states of the United States, or on behalf or to the benefit of a "U.S. person", as per the definition given by Regulation S of the
Securities Act, unless within the limits of applicable exceptions, i.e., an operation not subject to registration requirements under
the Securities Act.
This Press Release is not a public offer of financial products in Italy, as per art. 1, para. 1, letter. t), of Legislative Decree N°58 of
24 February 1998.
This Press Release is exclusively aimed at subjects (i) outside the United Kingdom; (ii) with professional credentials in maters pertaining to financial investments, as per art. 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005, as modified (“Order”) or (iii) covered by the definition of art. 49, second para. from a) to d) of the Order or (iv) those to whom this Press Release may be sent without violating the terms of article 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (collectively identified as “relevant persons”). This Press Release is aimed solely at such relevant persons who may not pass it on to others. All forms of investment referred to by this Press Release is exclusively reserved to relevant persons and may only be effected by relevant persons.
This Press Release is not an offer of sale or an invitation to invest in financial products. Moreover, bonds may not be sold in any country or jurisdiction in which such an offer might be considered illegal. No action has or will be taken to permit a public offer of the bonds under any jurisdiction, including in Italy.
This Press Release (and the information contained herein) is not for publication, either directly or indirectly, in the United States
Cologno Monzese, 15 December 2009
Department of Corporate Communications and Image
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