Wednesday, April 04, 2012 : la passione del tempo
Important News about your Small Business
Are You Neglecting 70% to 90% of your Traffic?
Look at this >>>
There are some things that you have to know about small businesses before you can do well at meeting their needs. You have to realize that even though they have an independent spirit they know full well their limitations and that they need to outsource quite a bit of work.
The small business niche is one of the best markets there is so your strategies should be as well. The SBA says that any business with less that 500 employees.
That would mean that in the US alone there are over 15 million small businesses. Considering how small many of those are those small local businesses, there are a staggering number of needs.
There are very few of those businesses who have all the tools they need to be successful. What they need is you and what you have the ability to offer. The small business owner has limited resources, such as time and money and keep a tight reign on what little they have. Each small business owner considers what they are doing to be the most valuable thing in the world.
Small businesses also have a tendency to be very loyal to those who take care of them and treat them well. There are things that you need to do when not just seeking small businesses but keeping their business when you have it. You need to respect their independent spirit and treat them with respect.
Don't treat them as a target but as a very important person or business. Come to them in a spirit of cooperation. Time is precious to the small business owner. Learn to value theirs and they will value yours.
The small business owner already puts in a lot of time as it is. Be quick and to the point with what you are trying to offer the small business in your marketing strategy. Get to the point and get out of their hair as quickly as possible. Do let it be known that you are trying to show respect for their time. No need to be secretive about that.
In the same way realize that this isn't some big corporation with tons of cash to throw around. These are small businesses just like you who may be in a lot of debt already. They aren't suckers, they are shrewd business people who protect like a pit bull what little they have.
Remember this in your pricing (which is always a matter to consider in your marketing strategies) and remember it when you in communication with the small business owner. Show that you are not only aware to their limited means but show sympathy and a willingness to work out something with them.
Whatever you do, don't talk down to them. Treat them with respect and as not just your equal but as a very important entity. The strategies that you use in marketing to small businesses, if you want to be successful, have to show to them that they are the most important customers you will have which they truly are.
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Massimo D'Amico
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Regala qualcosa di speciale. Scegli un gioiello con decori Swarovski
C’è bigiotteria e bigiotteria. Quella di qualità, a poco prezzo, spesso realizzata con materiali poveri o addirittura contraffatti. E poi c’è quella di qualità elevata, con creazioni artigianali di notevole pregio e materiali originali e garantiti. A questa seconda categoria appartengono i gioielli Swarovski realizzati nel laboratorio Le Gioie di Dolly. Si tratta di piccole creazioni dal design unico: non esistono esemplari prodotti in serie, tutti perfettamente identici. Nel catalogo online dello shop di Le Gioie di Dolly non troverai mai un oggetto uguale all’altro. Il laboratorio produce ogni giorno creazioni uniche, con forme, colori e materiali diversi.
Le Gioie di Dolly ti propone una selezione di bracciali, collane, ciondoli e orecchini tutti realizzati a mano e decorati con cristalli Swarovski originali: idee regalo realizzate in laboratorio, pensate per un dono speciale. Le collane Swarovski nascono dallo studio paziente delle tecniche decorative più raffinate, in una ricerca costante della perfezione artistica. Accanto ai cristalli Swarovski, per la realizzazione degli oggetti vengono usati velluti, porcellane, raffinate perline e fimo.
Sul sito di Le Gioie di Dolly potrai acquistare anche i bracciali Swarovski, creazioni in porcellana decorata con autentici cristalli boemi, certificati e garantiti nella loro originalità.
Nel catalogo di Le Gioie di Dolly puoi trovare tanti altri oggetti originali, dai portagioie realizzati in raffinato velluto alle porcellane dipinte a mano e decorate con oro zecchino. Puoi acquistare queste e tante altre creazioni su Hai già scelto il tuo gioiello preferito?