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Friday, February 26, 2021

Do You Use Frugal Marketing for Entrepreneurs?


Do You Use Frugal Marketing for Entrepreneurs?
When you’re an entrepreneur in today’s marketplace you have to be inventive and creative to buck the “big boys” on the block. I suggest that every entrepreneur read about the life of P.T. Barnum to get a better understanding of a truly great entrepreneur. It isn’t always the almighty dollar that gets the best advertising for our business; it’s the best IDEA that makes you stand out in the crowd.

How many e-mail messages do you send everyday? You’re probable missing out on a simple, inexpensive marketing tool. Seize the opportunity to promote your business to a highly targeted market without spending a dime by utilizing your e-mail signature line.

If your email signature line only contains your name and contact information, you’re missing out on advertising to e-mail recipients that have opted for communications from you.

These people are key members of your unofficial marketing network. They are your prospects, clients, press contacts and colleagues and your signature line is the perfect, unobtrusive space for a unique promotional pitch.

Try these tactics to turn your “sign-offs” into sales:

** Highlight what your company offers.
** Offer an incentive for recipients taken a specified action.
** Use the associated web address for the incentive, if it’s also on your site.
** Give better visual positioning to the promotion rather than contact info.
** Play with eye-catching fonts and colors.
** Use less than 64 characters/line so that words don’t wrap to a new line.
** Write a “signature” for different categories of recipients.
** Change your signature copy frequently.
** Never miss a chance to get your product or company noticed.

Another thing that many entrepreneurs don’t think about is the letters they send out. They are merely accepted as solving a problem or answering a need, when you can carry the e-mail idea over into every piece of mail you generate.

On the company letterhead simply add a line at the bottom of page 1. It could be a “tag line” of sorts made up of a slogan that “brands” your services or business. Try to come up with something unique so that every time it’s heard the prospect thinks of you.

Examples of this would be, “Good to the last drop,” which of course is Maxwell House Coffee. “Finger-lickin’ good,” which is KFC chicken, and so on. You get the message of what I’m saying. Play around with this until you come up with a pearl that is uniquely you.

If your business/service does not lend itself to this idea, then focus on increasing your credibility by using a “membership” tag line. For instance a funeral home would be less than tasteful using the line, “Our clients are dying to visit us;” but they COULD use the line “Members of Undertakers Assoc. of America” at the foot of their letterhead. This establishes immediate credibility in the mind of the recipient, even if the letter they received was a direct mail advertising letter.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

YSÉ “Pezzi” il primo ep della giovane artista emiliana in uscita il 26 febbraio

 Un viaggio tra suoni e lingue diverse, fotografia del groove contaminato della cantautrice che usa l’inglese, il francese e l’italiano, fondendole in un linguaggio unico.

Pezzi è il primo Ep di Ysé che racchiude 4 brani inediti scritti e interpretati dall’artista e due cover. Racconta un progetto che sta nascendo, una serie di  primi passi nel percorso artistico della giovane cantautrice, desiderosa di condividere con un pubblico più ampio piccoli pezzi di sé e della sua musica. Una musica che per l’artista è sinonimo di viaggio, un viaggio tra le emozioni e le esperienze che hanno dato vita ai suoi brani, ma anche un viaggio nel vero senso della parola, dato dal sapore internazionale del linguaggio dei suoi testi che mescolano italiano, inglese e francese. 


Waiting for me

É il primo singolo scritto da Ysé. È la storia di una ragazza che fugge da un amore nel quale non crede più, esprime la libertà di chi ha un animo viaggiatore, che non può essere trattenuto. È un omaggio alla forza al femminile, a chi non ha bisogno di essere “aspettata” come dice il titolo della canzone.


Due stelle in mezzo all’universo

Il testo scritto da Ysé invita ad entrare in un mondo etereo dove parole in francese irrompono nel testo italiano per raccontare il potere dell’amore, paragonato ad un quadro di Matisse, una danza interminabile che non smetterà̀ mai di smuovere gli animi umani e vincere sopra ogni difficoltà. 


Re e Regine (des erreurs)

Ovvero “Re e Regine degli errori”, parla di una battaglia che oggi accomuna e unisce tutti noi, ossia quella contro il virus e la pandemia che tanto ci sta provando. La melodia trasporta sin dalle prime note in un’atmosfera cupa, dove l’unica fonte di luce è “la lumière dans la rue” che illumina gli orrori causati dalla guerra, definita nel testo come invisibile, “invisible third war”, nonché lo stato di emergenza in cui il mondo sta vivendo da ormai molti mesi. I Re e le Regine sono vittime e ugualmente carnefici, stanchi e circondati da una polvere che faticano a spazzare via, e che loro stessi potrebbero aver creato. Tuttavia, consapevoli non solo degli errori, ma anche della loro forza, avanzano e lottano per mano, uniti, “pour une autre chance”. Ysé lancia nel brano un messaggio ben preciso a chi ascolta: “Every cloud has a silver lining”, non tutto il male viene per nuocere. 

A folk song 

Brano che unisce il mondo folk a quello più contemporaneo indie-pop.

Ispirato dai viaggi in Irlanda della cantante, il brano mantiene il groove contaminato dell’artista in un’atmosfera di spensieratezza e positività. Nonostante ciò, non manca mai la riflessione del mondo che la circonda, in questo caso attraverso il racconto di un ragazzo ed una ragazza che l’autrice interroga e conforta concludendo: “Everything will be alright” ossia “tutto andrà bene”.

Rapide è un brano scelto istintivamente dalla giovane cantautrice, non solo dato dalla personale ammirazione per Mahmood, il suo timbro e le sue interpretazioni, ma soprattutto dal sound e dalla carica emotiva del brano in cui Ysé trova in qualche modo qualcosa di sé. 

Strangers è un brano di un’artista norvegese nel quale Ysé si ritrova, nella dolcezza amara del testo, e nell’interpretazione acustica che decide di proporre, facendo intimamente suo il brano di Sigrid. 


Etichetta: San Luca Sound

Pubblicazione album: 26 febbraio 2021


Contatti e social

Sito web: https://ysemusic.com 

Instagram: yse_frencimadeo 


Facebook: Ysé music


YouTube: Ysé music 




Francesca Madeo, in arte Ysé, nasce il 20 settembre 1997 a Sassuolo. La musica è da sempre una passione di famiglia: il padre, di origini calabresi, ha lavorato da giovanissimo come radiofonico nel territorio ionico e modenese, ed il fratello maggiore è un dj molto conosciuto nei locali della zona. Fino all’età di 14 anni Francesca ha studiato danza classica e moderna, lasciando sempre uno spazio di piacere per il canto. Lasciata la danza, ha preso lezioni di chitarra e canto, coltivando insieme alla passione per la musica il suo grande amore per le lingue e i viaggi. Infatti, seppur giovanissima, lo studio e il lavoro nel mondo delle lingue straniere l’hanno portata a intraprendere diversi soggiorni in Francia e Regno Unito. Da queste esperienze deriva il groove estremamente contaminato e internazionale che contraddistingue la musica e l’anima dell’artista, e proprio da esso trova radici anche il nome Ysé, dal francese, lingua particolarmente amata dalla cantautrice e che ritroviamo ricorrente nei suoi brani, insieme all’inglese. 

Francesca si è laureata in lingue e letterature straniere nell’estate 2019 all’università di Parma, e prosegue attualmente il suo ultimo anno di studi per il conseguimento della laurea magistrale in Language Society and Communication presso l’università di Bologna. 

Inizia a scrivere e registrare musica in veste ufficiale nel 2019, immersa nell’atmosfera intima e poetica dei colli bolognesi di San Luca, affiancando così al percorso di Francesca, il percorso di Ysé. “Re e Regine (des erreurs)” seguito da “A folk song”, sono i primi singoli estratti dall’Ep “Pezzi”, in uscita il 26 febbraio 2021.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Do You Use Blogging to Make Profits?


Do You Use Blogging to Make Profits?
Do you have a business blog... YES? Bloggers can learn about how to successfully promote a blog by considering how they learned about blogs which they read frequently. This is significant because Internet users who read blogs likely have similar methods of finding these blogs.

Blogging is becoming an increasingly popular way for entrepreneurs to earn a living online while doing something they really enjoy. In many cases bloggers can profit with very little effort. There may be quite a bit of work involved in the beginning with designing a method of gaining revenue and promoting the website but once this is established simply maintaining the blog with regular postings may be enough to keep the revenue rolling in.

Two of the most popular methods for generating a profit from blogging include advertising methods. This includes advertising with AdSense and securing independent advertisers. This article will discuss these two methods of advertising on a blog.

Using AdSense to Generate Revenue

Using AdSense is one of the most popular ways for bloggers to generate revenue from their blog. This method is so popular because it is also very simple. AdSense is a program offered by Google where bloggers agree to have advertisements on their website and are compensated when users click on these advertisements. Bloggers simply have to create a blog and submit the website address of the blog as well as some other information to apply for participation in AdSense.

Once a blog is approved the owner is given code they can simply copy and paste to have advertisements displayed on their blog. Google then serves appropriate advertisements each time the blog is accessed. Whenever possible, the advertisements served on the blog are closely related to the content of the blog because Google crawls the website ahead of time to determine which advertisements are relevant to the content.

Blog owners do have some ability to place restrictions on the types of advertisements which may appear on the blog. For example the blog owner can specify adult advertisements are not to appear on the blog and Google will filter these out.

How Advertisements on a Blog Generate Revenue

Many bloggers use advertisements on their blogs to generate a profit. This method of advertising is more difficult than using AdSense but it can be significantly more financially beneficial to the blogger. This method of advertising is similar to the type of targeted advertising often seen in magazines.

For example magazines for parents often feature advertisements which will appeal to parents such as advertisements for toys, children’s clothing or foods popular with children. Likewise a magazine for runners may feature advertisements for shoes, athletic clothing, races or training equipment. In these cases the advertisers pay for advertising space in the magazine in the hopes that the magazine’s audience will be enticed to purchase products or services after seeing these advertisements.

Blog owners can use this type of advertising but it can be hard to find willing advertisers. However, there are some factors which may make an advertiser more willing to have an advertisement appear on a blog. One of the most important factors for advertisers is the amount of traffic the blog receives. This is important because advertisers who are paying for ad space are more likely to invest in a blog with high traffic than one with very little traffic.

Another important factor for advertisers is the focus of the blog. Advertisers are more likely to purchase advertising space from a blog with a specific focus of interest to the advertiser’s target audience. Like the examples listed previously of magazines for parents and runners, advertisers want to advertise on a blog which is already reaching the same target audience.

Bloggers who utilize advertising on their website may be compensated in a number of different ways. Some advertisers may pay a set fee for the advertisement to run on the website for either a set amount of time or for a set number of page views. This means the advertiser may purchase space for a set number of days, weeks or months or may purchase space for a set number of times the advertisement is served to website visitors.

Alternately the advertiser may choose to compensate the blogger according to the number of times specific actions occur. This may include users clicking through the advertisement or users making a purchase after clicking through the advertisement. The type of compensation offered will have to be worked out between the blogger and advertiser beforehand to determine a fair method of payment.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

WRONG WAY? I Am Trying to Reach YOU


WRONG WAY? I Am Trying to Reach YOU
Remember the good old days when if you were searching
for something on Google you would type, “I have a disease
in my hands and feet” for example.

And you would find what you were looking for easily.

Back in the 2000’s the Internet was a personal encyclopedia
that had the answers to everything. Need to look up a recipe?
Easy. Need to know why your printer won’t print in color? Here you go.

But those were the good old days.

Today looking for a recipe is an onslaught of thousands
of recipes that all get the keywords that you typed somehow
that leads to lost time sifting through them all until you find
the one you want.

And then you have pop-up windows advertising cooking
stores all over the place every time you search for something.

Trying to find the best way for a trip? Prepare to search
through four websites that claim to all have all the best hotel offers
but somehow you still find different fares on each of them.

And good luck sifting through your search results for help
with your printer. Every advice page with the word printer
and color stands in your way.

As the Growler’s would tell you the Internet is enormous.
There’s more information online than you can imagine.
And the possibilities of what you could do with it are boundless.

That information can let you leave behind your desk job
that pays you enough to make it month to month but
not enough for anything else.

If you know how to use it.

Well good luck figuring that out. Might as well call it a day.

Luckily for you though we already figured it out though,
and our system is making people fortunes:


If you’re ready to do the same, click the link right now....


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Affiliate Marketing Ideas: Craigslist SuperPower?


Affiliate Marketing Ideas: Craigslist SuperPower?
Visiting discussion forums related to your business may be one way to find potential affiliates. However, when using the discussion forums, care should be taken to avoiding spamming the discussion forums with links to sign up for your affiliate program.

With approximately four billion page views per month it should come as no surprise that Craigslist can offer a wealth of financial opportunities to savvy Internet marketers who know how to capitalize on the popularity of this website. Affiliate marketing is one of the ways knowledgeable Internet marketers can expand on the profitability of their websites.

Craigslist provides wonderful opportunities for both ecommerce website owners seeking affiliates to market for them as well as those who are in the business of affiliate marketing who are looking for new opportunities to market for another business.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is essentially a marketing campaign in which the business owner only pays the affiliate based on performance. Unlike conventional marketing campaigns where the business owner pays for the advertising regardless of the results produced by the advertisements, in affiliate marketing the business owner only pays when a specific result is achieved. Affiliate marketing usually takes place in the following three forms:

* Pay Per Click
* Pay Per Sale
* Pay Per Lead

In a pay per click affiliate marketing campaign the affiliate places a coded link on their website and each time a visitor to their website clicks through the link to the sponsor’s website, the affiliate receives a sum of money. The amount of money they receive is based on an agreement between the sponsor and the affiliate.

This amount can be cents, dollars or even a fraction of a cent. In a pay per sale campaign the affiliate is not compensated when the visitor clicks through to the sponsor’s website unless they also make a purchase when they click through this link.

Again the amount of money the affiliate receives will depend on a pre-determined agreement and may be a specific amount or a percentage of the sale. In a pay per lead program the affiliate receives monetary compensation when a visitor clicks through the affiliate link and performs a specific action such as registering at the sponsor’s website or requesting additional information.

Using Craigslist to Find Potential Affiliates

Business owners who are interested in finding affiliates to promote their website may use Craigslist for the purpose of finding these affiliates. It may seem logical to post affiliate opportunities in the jobs section of Craigslist but it is important to note this is against Craigslist’s job posting policies.

Review of the policy for posting jobs on Craigslist will verify these requirements. Therefore those who are interested in finding affiliates will have to take advantage of other areas of Craigslist to find affiliates.

Using Craigslist to Find Opportunities for Affiliates

Those who generate a profit from acting as an affiliate for others can find new affiliate opportunities through Craigslist. Although posting these opportunities on the job boards are prohibited it is possible for advertisements of this nature to appear either because the original poster was not aware of the restrictions or because they deliberately ignored the restrictions. These types of advertisements are likely to be removed when discovered but they may exist for a short time without being noticed.

Those who act as affiliates can also find potential leads by placing advertisements in the services section or the resumes section. They may also find potential leads by networking with those in the discussion forums.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap and make $2,700 per sale with our Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

#SENZAFESTIVAL - Il 28 febbraio alle 18 un evento per sottolineare l'importanza e il valore dei festival e dei contest italiani


A distanza di un anno dalle prime chiusure causa Covid

Dopo il Festival Day del 30 aprile 2020 con oltre 100 festival aderenti arriva



Un evento Domenica 28 Febbraio, alle ore 18 in contemporanea,

con oltre 50 Festival e Contest che hanno già aderito da oltre metà delle  

province in tutta Italia

vogliono sottolineare l’importanza e il valore dei festival e dei contest di musica popolare contemporanea per la tutela, la crescita e lo sviluppo dei nuovi artisti e della nuova musica italiana. 


Interverranno in diretta Mauro Ermanno Giovanardi e Tommaso Cerasuolo (voce dei Perturbazione).

Durante la diretta ci sarà anche un momento dedicato al ricordo di Omar Rizzato , professionista dello spettacolo della provincia di Padova, mancato lo scorso sabato.


Interverranno tra gli altri :

Rossana Luttazzi,  Presidente Onoraria Rete dei Festival e l’artista Roberta Giallo  e Claudia Barcellona di Terapia Arte Intensiva con la partecipazione dei promoter Roberto Grossi, Michele Lionello e Giuseppe Marasco.


Modera Giordano Sangiorgi 

28 febbraio 2021 – Ad un anno dallo stop del settore dei live, iniziato il 23 febbraio 2020, i Festival e i Contest che hanno fatto la storia della nuova musica in Italia e sono state palestre fondamentali di tanti nuovi artisti e tanta innovazione della musica del nostro Paese, tornano a segnalare la loro fondamentale presenza tutti insieme nella stessa giornata, dopo il successo del Festival Day del 30 aprile dello scorso anno, che vide la partecipazione di oltre 100 festival.

#senzafestival è un evento a cura del circuito della Rete dei Festival con It Folk, Musica Jazz, Circuito Ska e tante altre reti, che  vuole tornare a porre l’attenzione sull’assoluta incertezza e instabilità in cui versano attualmente queste realtà e sul loro futuro, che rischia di essere sempre più nero.

I Festival musicali indipendenti e i Contest per emergenti, così come i Premi dedicati alla Musica, sono fondamentali per la crescita di tutti gli artisti, di un nuovo pubblico e del mondo della musica e sono elementi imprescindibili per la diffusione culturale, sostenendo processi di importantissima coesione sociale. 

Sono eventi che giocano un ruolo di primo ordine nel settore della cultura, dell’economia, del turismo, dell’aggregazione sociale e giovanile di un territorio. Contribuiscono attivamente alla promozione dell’arte attraverso la proposta di musica originale ed inedita, suonata dal vivo e sono presenti in ogni angolo d’Italia: dalla più grande città al più piccolo borgo, contrastando con forza il disagio nei quartieri periferici, vivacizzando i centri storici e portando nuovo turismo nei centri meno frequentati. 


Il 28 febbraio alle 18, insieme, possono ricordare il grande ruolo culturale dei festival e dei contest musicali.


Diretta alle 18 sulla pagina Facebook della Rete dei Festival:


a cura di Mattia Pace 

Come si svolgerà l'incontro: 


Tutti dovranno essere collegati a un link zoom domenica 28 febbraio alle ore 18 dal vivo, da un loro spazio dove sia visibile il nome del festival con organizzatore e/o un musicista.

Alle ore 18 partirà uno zoom su pagina facebook della Rete dei festival che durerà circa 15 minuti in cui si illustreranno questi punti:


1) rivendicare la necessità di garantire la sopravvivenza dei festival attraverso apposite forme di sostegno; 

2) la loro fondamentale importanza, per la funzione di scouting, di aggregazione culturale, sociale e di comunità

3) la loro funzione piattaforma e palestra per i giovani talenti, l'unica che di fatto garantisce spazi di visibilità ed espressione 

4) appello a Mibact, alla Siae, al Nuovo Imaie e altri soggetti per piccoli finanziamenti straordinari per tenere in vita questa realtà che stanno scomparendo all’80% con una una gravissima perdita culturale


Roberto Grossi,

Michele Lionello,

Giuseppe Marasco,

Massimo Della Pelle


Hanno già aderito:

MEI – Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti, Premio Lunezia, Suoni della Murgia, Voci per la Libertà - Una Canzone per Amnesty, Rock Targato Italia, Farci Sentire - Musplan, Festival Orienteoccidente - Toscana, Premio Nazionale per la Canzone d'Autore Emergente, Castelrock, Orzorock, Premio Bindi, Le Castella Tarantella Week, Tarantarsia, Roccalling Festival, Messapia Summer Festival, Tieni il Palco, Disco Novità, Celidonia Festival, Reno Splash, Voci d'Oro (Cinquant'anni e dintorni), Festival Popolare Italiano, GRMeets, Festival di Voce in Voce, Lennon Festival, Premio Spazio d'Autore, Livorno Unplugged Day, Assisi Suono Sacro, Biella Festival, Balla Coi Cinghiali, Faenza Rock contest, Lazio Sound, Mo'l'estate Spirit Festival, Festival della Poesia, Festival di Editrice Zona, Fondazione Lelio Luttazzi, Sicily Folk Fest, Echi nel vento, Le nuvole teatro.. Incontra, Pastorizia in festival, Premio Manente, Equilibri - Tutti siamo diversi, Festival Lib - Art and Landscape, Binario Letterario Festival, Premio Botteghe d'Autore, Festival Estivo - International Music Contest, Festival Abbabula - Parole e Musica d'Autore, Milo Folk Fest, Acqua e Vino Chianciano Terme Music Festival.

Monday, February 22, 2021

SuperPower: Need to Motivate Yourself Now?


SuperPower: Need to Motivate Yourself Now?
Lack of motivation happens to us all, but if you do not encourage yourself to accept opportunities and be challenged, no one else will. It is most important to keep your eye on the goal, find ways to keep going, and in no time, you shall reap its benefits.

Just as willpower is an essential factor in achieving success, at some point in time, discouragement and lack of motivation may hinder you from reaching your objective. And it is up to you, and you alone to devise techniques that will help you keep that drive within afire.

It is helpful to have visual goals. whatsoever that is you are working towards, make it visual. It maybe something material like a car, or a vacation you have been looking forward to for the longest time.

Take or cut out a picture of it and post it at a conspicuous place at work or at home where you can see it often. So that when you feel discouraged, this will remind you of your goal and will help you keep your spotlight.

Make a contract with oneself. According to motivational researches, people who write down to-do-lists are far more triumphant in achieving their intended goals than those people who just keep mental lists instead.

Putting something in writing somehow makes it more powerful psychologically speaking. This may also be the basis why most cultures have such a high regard in honoring contracts. In the contract, you may also include a certain reward that you will give yourself once you have accomplished the task.

After all, everyone likes to be rewarded for completing a good job. Even a simple pat on the back, “good job”, or “thank you” may do the trick to give the person the additional push to carry on, but unfortunately, these may not always be readily available. Considering that these are also essential in keeping oneself motivated, you must learn to find a way to get that encouragement on your own through pleasing yourself.

Abusive people lower your self-esteem and bring you down. Get these negative people out of your life. Surround yourself with positive people. Imitate their example. Smile amply and think happy thoughts.

These will give you a brighter outlook and lets you see a clearer picture of what you really want and a fresh mind to know what steps to take to get there. Rather than wait for things to happen, try to be proactive and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Inactivity idles the brain and stagnates your potential to reach your goals.

Read inspirational books and literature. These will help you improve your attitude and heal your mind. A book of success stories also proves to be encouraging. You will not only learn from others' experiences and derive confidence boosting insights from them but the story will be instrumental in motivating you to go for your goal and move ahead with your plans. If this still seems to falter, get training or education.

Oftentimes, not knowing how or where to start is frustrating. Knowledge is power. Having a clear understanding of how and where to start is empowering and it will provide the extra drive needed to hit the mark you are aiming at and follow it through.

Having enumerated all these tips and tricks to attain self-motivation, but still you seem to feel lacking that much needed drive, there is one last thing that you must try.

Whatever it is that you have been meaning to do, or wanting to achieve, JUST DO IT! Keep on aiming high and go for it! Actually getting your hands dirty best solves the problem of motivation. By “forcing” yourself to just do it, your momentum will pick up gradually as you go along and before you know it you have finished the task or have finally achieved your goal. Divide and conquer is the key.

Break down the apparently unattainable activity to small doable steps. Not only does it become less overwhelming, but seeing the "in the meantime" results will further your confidence that it can indeed be done.


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Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

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