Now you can buy online the golf bag, the transportations of dogs into the hold, the excess baggageor the baggage which is previewed from the Company.
From today no more lines at the airport check-in to buy the transportation of special baggage as sport equipments (bikes, surf, golf bags, etc…), for dogs or for excess baggage Company’s allowance.
You can plan and buy online all these services on the web site Meridiana-Eurofly, when you buy the ticket or also later, recalling with a few easy clicks the reservation already did.
You can buy online also the baggage for flights in code share with other carriers which apply the rule of into the hold baggage sale. For example on the flights between Rome and Catania or Palermo and between Verona and Catania, where Meridiana has a code sharing agreement with Wind Jet, company that previews the purchasing of baggage into the hold transportation.
Purchasing online application, of all services connected to into the hold transportation, is thought to meet the special necessities of passengers, avoiding to lose precious time in the airport.
For all passengers that have the Vip Fly Pass card, the fees are dedicated to prize the most faithful customers of Meridiana-Eurofly.
More web, less lines, it’s easier to fly Meridiana-Eurofly.