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Friday, September 17, 2021

Do You Know Your Audience? The First Secret Here


Do You Know Your Audience? The First Secret Here
When you have an idea and have done the research that has proven that there is a market for your informational product, the rest is just a matter of creating the product building a great business and advertising it. Pay attention now, most importantly those who advertise online have to be aware of who their target audience is and how to reach this audience.

Niche marketing is selling specific products or services to a limited audience. One person with a computer, an internet connection and a good idea can go into business for himself on the Internet and target the people who would be most interested in what he has to sell and do all of the above on a very limited advertising budget.

Finding the right niche for what you have to sell isn’t really all that difficult. Just think about who the people are who would be most interested in what you have to sell. For example, if you have concocted a shampoo formula that will take chlorine out of a person’s hair, you can’t compete with giant companies that sell shampoo but you can narrow your market down to a niche and target sales to those who have swimming pools.

While it is important for business to begin Internet marketing campaigns it is also important for these same businesses to realize basic advertising principles still exist and they cannot neglect these principles.

As with any marketing campaign, business owners should do some market research before they launch their Internet marketing campaign. Ideally this will involve hiring a research consultant with a great deal of experience in conducting and evaluating this type of market research.

The results of this research should determine the basic demographical information for the target audience. The results should also include information on how to reach this target audience. A business that cannot afford to hire a consultant to conduct this market research should still make an effort to obtain this information on their own.

This can be done through informal polls of current clients. This information may not be as comprehensive as the information obtained in a more formal study but it can still provide a great deal of insight into the best way to reach the target audience.

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Once this information is obtained, it is important to tailor the Internet marketing campaign to appeal to the target audience. There are a number of different variables which can be modified to ensure the right message is reaching the right people in a manner they can understand and in which they can relate.

Some of the ways in which your Internet marketing campaign can be tailored in this way include the aesthetics of your website or advertisements, the wording of your copy and the use of more advanced design features such as audio and visual or interactive tools.

The aesthetic appeal of a website can greatly contribute to how the website is viewed by the members of the target audience. A website which is designed to attract the attention of an older generation with more conservative tastes should include muted colors, clean design and conservative graphics.

This will help to ensure the target audience enjoys the website. Conversely if you are looking to appeal to a younger audience with more liberal viewpoints you might chose to design the website with bold colors, eye catching graphics and creative design features.

The copy you include on your website should also take your target audience into consideration. Consider the examples of a conservative and a liberal audience listed above to create a better understanding of how the copy on your website can appeal to the target audience.

When marketing to a more conservative audience, the copy should be tailored to use formal language and use facts to back up viewpoints. However, when you are marketing to a more liberal audience or a younger audience you can consider using less formal language which is likely to appeal to the target audience. You can also focus more on emotion to express viewpoints.

Finally, when a website is created for the purposes of Internet marketing it is important for the design of the website to appeal to the target audience. You may wish to include audio and video clips on your website but these clips should appeal to the target audience.

For example if your website sells skateboards you might consider incorporating audio clips from punk rock bands as opposed to country music bands. There may be some skateboarders who enjoy country music but in general punk rock music more closely represents the skating culture. Keeping these details in mind is very important for Internet marketing.

CLICK HERE - Reach us on Linkedin ---- ASSET PROTECTION -  website
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 planning and control of their assets within the Trust.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap with a special Joint Venture - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1682318595366818

Automate all your actions with The Best Traffic  - https://cutt.ly/enZqCcS
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

SOUNDELIRIO “Ridi come se non fossi qui” è l’esordio discografico del duo rock che omaggia il grunge di Seattle

 L’omaggio al grunge di Seattle e l’attualità della cronaca che preme per uscire, sono alla base di questo singolo e dell’album di prossima uscita da cui è estratto 

In radio dal 17 settembre

«Il brano è un urlo. È una vena del collo, turgida e pulsante. Bluastra. Gonfia di rabbia. Sul punto di esplodere. Sono tempi di rabbia questi. E qui si celebra pura rabbia umana. Catarticamente». SounDelirio

È un sound che si rifà nettamente agli anni Novanta quello dei SounDelirio, un’ode a Seattle e al grunge che riprende quei suoni e quelle sensazioni per parlare del qui e ora, sottolineando che «oggi è peggio». Lo è a causa di uno smarrimento sonoro tangibile ed estremo e lo si intuisce sin dal drumming introduttivo, spezzato, pesante come un cuore malato. Lo si sente nel repentino innesto di un riff primordiale, gravoso e sporcato da armoniche dissonanti. Le parole arrivano subito allo stomaco, senza mezzi termini. Sono dure e ruvide come la voce che le pronuncia. 

Ecco come l’ambiente sonoro sottolinea ed enfatizza un senso di instabilità che non ha soluzione nemmeno nelle relazioni umane e si aggrappa solo a un’idea di sopravvivenza che domanda redenzione per continuare a resistere. 



Radio date: 17 settembre 2021

Contatti e social

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/soundelirio/



SounDelirio è un duo. Un progetto insieme recentissimo e antichissimo. Il risultato della fusione di due anime in rock, Francesco Quinto e Alessandro Tacchini, ognuna col suo bagaglio di suggestioni e motivazioni. Francesco Quinto, autore e musicista, inizia sin da adolescente, a scrivere canzoni. All’epoca è influenzato dall’ultimo rantolo dell’hard rock classico. Divora dischi, scrive poesie, compie i primi esperimenti di fusione tra rabbia a sei corde ed elegie leopardiane. Fonda e distrugge parecchi gruppi, partecipando, sino ai vent’anni, alle realtà musicali della sua provincia. Poi cambia rotta: dopo la laurea in giurisprudenza ed il diploma in cinematografia, inizia una vita ordinaria. Mettendo la tigre interiore in gabbia. Nonostante mille responsabilità, nella sua vita echeggia il rock (che sopravvive in una stanzetta, fisica e mentale, tra amplificatori, cavi impolverati e marchingegni per registrare). Continua a scrivere canzoni. Poi ancora versi e poesie. Passano gli anni. Lo scrigno è pieno e la chiusura cede. Tutto fuoriesce quando incontra Alessandro Tacchini. Vite similari. Alessandro viaggia incazzato tra schemi borghesi e urli underground. Inizialmente chitarrista, coltiva sommessamente l’hobby del rock. Si laurea e trova un lavoro. Continuando a girare intorno al sogno rock, come una iena intorno ad una carcassa. La sua voce nasce per caso quando, chiamato a suonare la chitarra in una fun band, sostituisce quasi casualmente il cantante. Inizia un’attività live mediante la quale prende confidenza col suo ruolo inaspettato. La sua voce lo trasforma in un personaggio pirandelliano che vuole storie e identità da rappresentare. Ha bisogno di un regista e di un demiurgo e le band locali non funzionano, non comprendono il mondo sotterraneo della sua anima. All’incontro dei due SounDelirio, bastano poche parole, un testo tirato fuori per caso, una birra insieme. Il primo album è già tutto dentro di loro e viene fuori in pochissimi mesi. Fuori impervia la pandemia.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Super-Fast Method To Build a Terrific Opt-In List


Super-Fast Method To Build a Terrific Opt-In List
Do you know what cross-promotions are? ....In practice: I promote you and you promote me.

Great value delivered to your readers.
No cost.
New customers for FREE.

A Cross-Promotion allows you to compensate for the weak areas of your business without new investments. Why not to give excellent Value to your current customers?

They have already bought from you!

Benefit (1) You sell more products to the same customers, which bring more profits without new acquisition costs.

Benefit (2) Don't spend time and money on advertising.

Benefit (3) You do not have to create new products/services.

Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do because they have gone through it. While different situations occur for different people, the general concept can still be very helpful. There are many things to avoid and these people will be able to tell you which ones.

Here I will offer more advice, for those who have started an opt-in list and have failed, you can rejuvenate your failed venture. For those who are starting, here are three quick and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list.

1) Get your customers to trust you and your products first. Just launching your opt-in list would not make you an expert and a believable seller. Put many articles first before you start an opt-in list. Write about the topic you know and have started and used for your site. Try to put forums first to gain knowledge about your customers about their wants and needs and target those wants and needs.

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Join forums from other sites as well. Provide expert advices and recommendations. When you feel that people trust you already, you will be able to start your own opt-in list. You can build a base as well with other forum users. You can ask them to join your list. Friends are always good customers. Put up a link to your site so that they may be able to see what you're business is all about.

The certain truth is, the money will only come in when the consumers and subscribers believe and trust in you. They want a product or service that could be a good exchange for their money. People are not going to buy something out of your recommendation if they don’t know you.

2) Find a product or service that people want and need. Although it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you have researched and learned about well, you can carry it on forward. Invest your time, effort and money that you could sell as well as the buyers or subscribers of your opt-in list can use.

While it is true that it is best to sell something that you have interest in, there are not many people who have the same interest as you if you decide to sell something that is not entirely popular or profitable. Do your research well and you would see the profits come in. Also provide your subscribers with promotional material that they could actually use and spread around.

3) Make friends with other opt-in list users. This is basically beneficial especially if it is someone who has already launched a successful opt-in list. These are people that have the experience in this venture and experience is still the best teacher. While there are many articles available for you in the internet to use, there is nothing like getting a first hand account from someone you trust.

Building a profitable opt-in list don’t just happen overnight. There are many preparations and effort to do. Opt-in lists are built from scratch, as your list grows, you should also maintain the quality of your list. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or hire help if need be, just make sure that your subscribers are happy and satisfied and they will be willing to buy from you.

CLICK HERE - Reach us on Linkedin ---- ASSET PROTECTION -  website
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 planning and control of their assets within the Trust.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap with a special Joint Venture - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1682318595366818

Automate all your actions with The Best Traffic  - https://cutt.ly/enZqCcS
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Business Secrets: Be The Greatest Listener You Can BE


Business Secrets: Be The Greatest Listener You Can BE
See, if you know your social skills and you make use of them, you will reach self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is making a general overhaul in your life and turning yourself into a happier and more successful person.If you can be one of those people-persons, then I can't see any reason why you will not succeed. You just have to know how to start.

Have you come across a person who is so naturally friendly that when you put him inside a room of strangers, he'll be friends with almost everyone in no time? We call such a people-person, someone unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything.

A socially-empowered person achieves so much greatness, basically because of the people that catapult him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of the people, whom he had helped before. He never runs out of help. He can do anything with the plethora of people behind him. All because he knows he maximizes his social potential!

1. Be genuine.

Hypocrisy will just bring you all the way down. Be genuinely nice and interested to people. Once they perceive that you are Mr. Hypocrite with selfish intentions, you might as well say goodbye to self-empowerment.

2. Be the greatest listener that you can be.

To earn the love and trust of the people, listen to their problems and sympathize with them. Do not just hear them out, listen to them with your heart. Make eye contact when the person talks to you. Listen as if every word matters, and it does. Brownie points when they find out that there is a confidante in you.

3. Laugh out loud.

I do not mean that you force yourself to laugh for every joke cracked by someone, albeit you do not find it funny at all.This means finding humor in things and not being too darn serious. A person oozing with an awesome sense of humor attracts crowds and eventually, attracts success.

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4. Don't forget yourself.

In the process of fluttering around like a social butterfly, you might forget yourself, allowing everyone to push you over. Remember, love and value yourself before anyone else. If you deem yourself respectable and worthy of affection, people will flock to you and not trample on you.

5. Do random acts of kindness.

You don't have to do a John Rockefeller and blow your savings to charity. Little acts of kindness matters the most, and this can be as simple as giving someone a surprise you-take-care card or helping an elderly cross the street. When we were kindergarten students, kindness was taught to us and greatly practiced. Now is the time to revive the good deeds and this time, let them stay for good.

6. Contact your old friends.

Sad how some friendships are destined to goodbye, but thanks to technology, you can do something about it. Relive the good old days by flipping your yearbook and look for the great people whom you want to communicate with again. Adding these old friends to your roster of support peers will surely make you feel good all over.

7. Develop your personality.

Are you grouchy, grumpy and generally morose? Whoa, you can't go through life with those. Get rid of the bad traits and habits that perpetually hamper your growth. And really, who wants a grouchy friend anyway?

8. Be confident.

Be able to stride to the other corner of the room and introduce yourself to people with that winning smile of yours. Just remember: be confident, not arrogant.

9. Practice control.

When angry, don't snap at anyone. Never throw a tantrum. Stay calm and collected. Be adult enough to take control of situation and transform your anger into something more productive and passive. As soon as people think your anger goes to volcanic proportions easily, they will find it hard to come to you.

10. Keep nurturing your relationships.

Your relationship with your family, friends and significant others is too precious that you must not neglect it whatever happens. Go out and have fun with them. Do things together. Happiness will never fly from your side as long as the people who matter the most are close to you.

In the end, using people for self-empowerment means becoming a better and more lovable person. It's a win-win situation: the people know they can turn to you anytime and vice versa.

CLICK HERE - Reach us on Linkedin ---- ASSET PROTECTION -  website
Provide all your clients the exclusive benefits of protection, privacy,
 planning and control of their assets within the Trust.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap with a special Joint Venture - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1682318595366818

Automate all your actions with The Best Traffic  - https://cutt.ly/enZqCcS
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Want LOW-Cost Business Ideas to Double Your Sales Now?


Want LOW-Cost Business Ideas to Double Your Sales Now?
If you're not pleased with your promotional efforts today or if you simply must increase your exposure among customers and prospects-it's probably time to increase your publicity efforts.

There are many ways. A pet breeder in a large city was struggling for several years-until he came up with a novel idea. He started giving away customized "birth certificates" for the pets he sold. Almost immediately, his sales rose more than 10 percent.

Promotion and advertising can be a heavy expense, especially for a new business that wants to make itself known in a community. A home-based business, however, more often than not, has a very limited budget when it comes to advertising. The home business owner needs to make the public aware of his or her product or service at the lowest possible cost.

The owner of a new home cleaning service was trying to attract clients. She couldn't afford much advertising, so she began offering "home cleaning seminars" to civic groups. After two months of seminars, she was swamped with inquiries and clients.

Promotion often makes the crucial difference between business success and failure. Customers or clients must know about a business or product line before they'll buy and they must have a reason to buy.

If you are trying to promote your business now, you can move in one of two directions: 1) You can take the conventional route to promotion and mount an elaborate media campaign, spending a considerable amount of money or 2) You can let your creative juices flow and mount a low-cost promotion effort, using a potpourri of attention-getting gimmicks to bring your message to the buying public.

Now, to be sure, conventional advertising is valuable. If your enterprise is large enough or if you're selling numerous product lines, you may find that a full-fledged media campaign is the most efficient and cost effective way to promote your business.

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If money is tight, however, or you're not sure you can amortize the heavy cost of a media campaign over a period of time, the following is a assortment of low-cost techniques you can try. Not all may be appropriate for your particular business, and certainly it would be costly to try them all. But you're sure to find some ideas that will work for you.

GIVEAWAYS. People love to receive "free" items, especially items they can use to gain knowledge or improve their lives. You can base an entire promotional campaign on this desire. If you're running a furniture repair business, for instance, you could give away a furniture repair brochure, free furniture planning guides, or color swatches. Once you begin giving away authoritative information customers will begin to perceive you as an expert in your field.

NEWS CREATION. Want to get names and news from your business in the local newspaper? It may be easier that you think. If you don't have any news to report to the local media, create some. Maybe you've taken on a new associate.

Or maybe you're selling an unusual product line. Or maybe you've opened a free advice center for the community. Or maybe you've received an award from a civic or professional group. Local Pennysavers and weekly are often quite interested in business news of this sort and can help you attract the attention of thousands of people.

You may be able to attract the attention of the media or a crowd by staging a special promotional event. If you run a fitness classes, for instance, you could stage a celebrity instructor day. If you're promoting a new real estate business, you can offer tours of a model home in the area. If you're selling children's products and it's springtime, you can offer lunch with the Easter bunny. Get the idea?

CONTESTS. Offer a desirable or unique item-or even several items-as contest prizes. First, find a contest theme that tiers into your business. A caterer might offer a quiche-eating contest. A photographer might offer a young model contest.

A mail order craft firm might offer an "Early American" handicrafts contest. Invite contest submissions and offer prizes to the winners. Do contests attract attention? You bet. All it takes is a few signs, a small press announcement or two, and the word will spread throughout the community grapevine.

COMMUNITY SERVICE (online included ). Nothing brings you to the attention of the people faster-or more favorably-than community service. Ask yourself how your enterprise can be a "good neighbor" to your community. If you're running a lawn care and gardening service, perhaps you can offer one season's services at no charge to a needy charitable organization or nursing home in your area.

Hundreds of people will hear about your work in the process. Volunteer for various community causes. If appropriate, you can step in during community emergency, offering products and services to help an organization or individuals in need.

CELEBRITY VISITS. With a bit of persistence, you may be able to arrange to have a local media celebrity, public official, or entertainment personally-even a fictitious cartoon character or clown-visit your service. The celebrity can sign autographs, read stories to children, perform cooking demonstrations, or perform any one of a hundred other traffic-building activities.

CLICK HERE - Reach us on Linkedin ---- ASSET PROTECTION -  website
Provide all your clients the exclusive benefits of protection, privacy,
 planning and control of their assets within the Trust.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap with a special Joint Venture - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1682318595366818

Automate all your actions with The Best Traffic  - https://cutt.ly/enZqCcS
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Monday, September 13, 2021

Do You Use The Application Of Magnetism?


Do You Use The Application Of Magnetism?
The success-magnetism assumption: We are now ready for the great assumption-principle of magnetism in applied life. Think of every goal as already reached, of every undertaking as already achieved.

We may summarize all these suggestions in the words of a distinguished scientific writer:

"Life is not a bully who swaggers out into the open universe, upsetting the laws of energy in all directions, but rather a consummate strategist, who, sitting in his secret chamber over his wires, directs the movements of a great army." This is a good description of magnetism.

In all application of magnetism to persons, you are urged to remember that your very first goal, always and preeminently, is an agreeable feeling within their minds. You should never try to induce a person to act your way until you have thoroughly established in him a good feeling toward yourself. This is the prime initial step. When such a condition has been secured, you are then ready for the magnetic assault and then only.

When you are dealing with other people, endeavoring magnetically to win them to your wish, you should summon the general magnetic feeling within yourself, will them to do as you desire, and at the same time think of them as already consenting and acting.

Your inner condition should be perfectly calm, buoyant, hopeful, whatever the external means employed, your mind should be concentrated upon the thing desired, and its accomplishment should be thought of as now secured.

The response of the person may be delayed, but this should not discourage you, for some minds do not take suggestions (those of your unspoken will are referred to) quickly, and they do not act instantly upon their own thought.

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It is invariably best to induce people to believe that they are acting on their personal impulse or judgment; they should be made to feel perfectly free, not at all coerced, and that they are doing their own will rather than yours simply because they wish so to do.

Magnetism is a natural growth.

No matter how great may be your ability to read and understand books, that growth, that law, require time as well as intelligent effort. No matter how poor may be your ability in such respect, that growth is absolutely certain if you put reasonable time and genuine effort into its acquisition.

The giant trees of California were once puny saplings. The slow lapse of time has drawn nature into their mighty hearts. Magnetism can no more be acquired by the mere reading an article, or by hurried practice of its directions, than can these giants of the West be produced in the hot-house culture of a northern summer.

Magnetic growth is naturally slow. Its principles, its methods, and the results of its study, have to be deeply sunk into and absorbed and assimilated by the subjective self before the reaction of magnetism in the objective life can obtain. If you have read these lines correctly, you have learned that magnetic growth cannot be hurried.

These statements are placed here because, had they appeared at the beginning of our work, the outlook would have seemed, perhaps, discouraging, but more especially because they would not have been understood.

You now understand them because you have toiled, and you can afford to smile at such possible discouragement. You have paid an easy price for magnetic power, for the gains discount the pains.

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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap with a special Joint Venture - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1682318595366818

Automate all your actions with The Best Traffic  - https://cutt.ly/enZqCcS
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com