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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Museo Regional de Durango 'El Aguacate' in Durango to host Jackie Sleper's latest exhibition dedicated to Mexico

UN GRITO DE DOLOR Y ESPERANZA - Jackie SleperIn November and December 2008, Dutch artist Jackie Sleper will exhibit "Dulce y Amargo" in the Museo Regional de Durango "El Aguacate", Durango, Mexico

From 5 November - 19 December 2008, the Museo Regional "El Aguacate" in Durango, Mexico, will host the famous Dutch artist's, Jackie Sleper, touring exhibition "Dulce y Amargo" inspired by, and dedicated to, Mexi co and the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo and curated by Matty Roca.

Jackie Sleper, the winner of the section "Sculpture and Installation" at the Florence Biennale 2007, has always been fascinated by Mexico and the artist Frida Kahlo, for whom she has a profound admiration and so, when she received an offer from Matty Roca to depict her vision of Mexico she readily accepted. Over the course of the following two years, Jackie Sleper spent many months in situ, about which she says "I took in everything around me, spoke with lots of people and, in particular, got a sense of the country. My previous love of Mexico only grew stronger."

Her works are at times reminiscent of a variety of artists: Rivera, Orozco, Tamayo and Pollock. Jackie Sleper assumes absolute freedom in applying various techniques and introducing experimental elements: her work is characterised by combinations of photography and painting, and the use of mixed media. In addition to painting, Jackie also creates objects using a variety of materials, which she then transforms into wholly a new and surprising entity, such a the wonderful and fun piece "Rocatizada", dedicated to her curator Matty Roca. The artist other works to be guided by a profound sense of humanity, and she is an artist in the truest sense of the word, her work has always been grounded in her exploration of the human existence and its significance. The art critic, Wim Van der Beek said about Jackie's work prior to her 2007 Netherlands exhibition: "Jackie Sleper's aim is not to shock, but to make things tangible and manageable. She does not want to magnify injustices, but to offe r solutions in the form of positive and unorthodox ways of seeing."

The Durango show is the fourth and last step in 2008 of Jackie's touring exhibition and she is delighted to be holding in a city which she feels has a close link with her own home town of Utrecht. The museum, "El Aguacate", is known by this name Aguacate, or avocado, due to the avocado tree planted in the garden. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city centre, built in 1890 and was the residence of the family of Francisco Gomez Palacio, son of the famous governor.

Jackie's exhibitions showing throughout Mexico in 2008 and 2009 are all being curated by Matty Roca, art historian, museum curator and art critic. They have so far been a huge success, the first was held at the Museo de la Cultura Maya in Chetumal in March and April of this year, in May-June at the Museo de la Isla in Cozumel, and most recently at the Museum of Modern Art of Gómez Palacio in July and August.

The artist will, as always, be present at the vernissage of "Dulce y Amargo" on 5 November, at the Museo El Aguacate, along with important local personalities from the political, cultural and educational scene in Mexico and from the Dutch and European communities living in the state of Durango.

Jackie Sleper was born in Amsterdam and studied at the Utrecht Academy for Visual Arts. Between 1988 and 1995 she spent time in Ireland, Spain and Prague for study purposes. Works produced in her home country, the Netherlands, include a tile plateau in honour of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, commissioned by the municipality of Utrecht, and 'light objects' for the Kruisheren Hotel, a design establishment that opened in Maastricht in 2005. Outside the Netherlands, she has exhibited in Antwerp (Art-Event), Stockholm (Art Fair), Marbella (Marb Art – Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo), Geneva (Europ'Art), Klagenfurt (Biennale Austria), Salzburg (Mozart Festival), Florence (Museo Diocesano and Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea), Milan (Studio D'Ars), New York (Carrozzini Von Buhler Gallery and CVB Space), and in Mexico. One of her sculptures, "Modestia", was exhibited during the Venice Biennale, at Open 2007. She won the 1st prize for "Sculpture and Installation" at the Florence Biennale 2007.


Jackie Sleper
website: http://www.jackiesleper.com

You can also see images of Jackie's art at

For journalists only:
High resolution files of these images or other press related information can be requested directly from the press office:
Vito Abba press officer
Studio Abba - Corso Italia, 6 - 50123 Florence, Italy

Other images and further information are available at:
It will be possible to follow the various stages of "Dulce y Amargo" thanks to the information and images that will be posted on www.dulceyamargo.com.

Visitors to Jackie's exhibitions in Mexico can also upload photos taken during the exhibitions on Flickr and share them with
At the end of the exhibition series, the authors of the three photos that Jackie likes most, will each receive a signed lithograph of one of her works.

For general comments contact:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eurotech announces new Mobile Access Router DuraMAR® 2150

Eurotech DuraMAR 2150 Mobile Access RouterNew compact, high-performance rugged mobile access router designed for secure communications, seamless mobility, and interoperability for defense, public safety and commercial transportation networks

Eurotech announces the new DuraMAR® 2150 series Mobile Access Router, an integrated rugged Mobile IP router designed for net-centric operation in vehicles installations such as on trai ns, buses and metros. Leveraging Cisco Systems' industry standard IOS® software and 3200 series mobile access routing (MAR) technology and Eurotech embedded Linux wireless communication controller, the DuraMAR router enables prime contractors and systems integrators to achieve mobile communications-on-the-move (COTM) and a wide range of new in-vehicle networking applications, from wireless Internet access to Voice over IP (VoIP), passenger WiFi services to streaming video surveillance and smart vehicle diagnostic/maintenance.

The DuraMAR 2150 model is particularly well suited for demanding train-borne applications where system operational reliability and integrated structure are required as this rugged router is designed to meet shock, vibration, humidity, safety and protection standards of IP65, EN50155, EN61373, as well as radiated and conducted EMI/EMC levels and immunity of EN50121. One 10/100Mbit Ethernet port is brought out through a sealed locking automotive grade connector. The Wireless terminals such as GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g and/or CDMA2000 EV-DO Rev.A may be integrated inside the DuraMAR 2150 router.

An internal 3-band GPRS/GSM modem allows remote access to the DuraMAR 2150 for diagnostics, status monitoring, configuration, as well as alarms using SNMP protocol. This independent wireless interface enables remote access to HW modules of the system such as the embedded PC, router wireless interfaces as well as the CISCO router. SNMP protocol can be used over GPRS TCP/IP data to query the DuraMAR 2150 independently of the wireless interfaces used for primary router communication.

Being a Mobile Access Router ideally suited for integration in vehicles, it offers secure data, voice and video communications, seamless mobility and interoperability across multiple wireless networks. Applications can be made in the transportation, defense, public safety and homeland security markets.

For more information you can send an email to info@eurotech.com

Eurotech design and manufactures a range of innovative Embedded Single Board Computers, Application Ready Platform and Configurable Systems for customers who operate within the Transportation, Communications, Defence, Security and Industrial engineering industries.
Eurotech is present in Europe, North America, China and Japan, Eurotech develops digital technologies for a better world making every day life safer and more comfortable, today and for tomorrow.

Monday, October 27, 2008

La Borsa italiana: cos'e' e come funziona

La Borsa è un mercato fondato su regole precise in cui vengono scambiate determinate merci, che possiamo definire "strumenti finanziari". Le merci scambiate in Borsa sono soprattutto azioni, quote parte del capitale sociale di un'azienda, ma non solo. Rispetto al passato nella Borsa non vi è più nulla di fisico: il salone delle grida, gli agenti di cambio...sono un lontano ricordo e, ormai dal 1994, l'intero listino è informatizzato.
Da ciò deriva la possibiltà, ormai nota, del Trading online, uno strumento che consente di operare in borsa anche ai piccoli risparmiatori.

Solitamente, quando si parla di Borsa, si pensa immediatamente alle azioni, ma la Borsa è in realtà un mercato diversificato, dove sono trattati strumenti finanziari sempre più complessi. Proprio a causa di quest'ampia varietà di prodotti, si è reso necessario nel tempo ripartire la Borsa in più segmenti, secondo la logica di "un mercato per ogni tipologia di strumento finanziario". I mercati regolamentati operanti nel nostro paese sono diversi.

A seconda dei prodotti finanziari scambiati, la borsa si articola in comparti operativi: 1) Azionario (MTA - Mercato Telematico Azionario), in cui si scambiano i titoli azionari quotati in Borsa. A sua volta, questo mercato si suddivide in: a. Blue Chip, b. Star, c. Standard, d. MTA International, e. MTF (Mercato Telematico dei Fondi). 2) SEDEX , 3) After Hours (TAH), 4) MOT (Mercato Telematico dei Titoli di Stato e delle Obbligazioni), 5) Contratti a premio (MTR), relativi ad azioni, obbligazioni convertibili, warrant quotati e diritti di opzione, 6) IDEM (Italian Derivates Market).

Nuovo Mercato. È un mercato che si rivolge alle imprese dotate di maggiori contenuti innovativi e con alte prospettive di crescita. Permette inoltre di dare una forte visibilità europea alle imprese quotate, in quanto il Nuovo Mercato fa parte del circuito Euro.NM, alleanza di mercati azionari per le imprese innovative.

Mercato ristretto. È il mercato in cui vengono negoziate azioni, obbligazioni e warrant che non sono ammessi alle contrattazioni ufficiali di Borsa: tale mercato presenta infatti criteri di ammissione alle quotazioni meno severi rispetto al mercato principale, ma offre comunque all'investitore le stesse garanzie del mercato maggiore.

IDEM (Mercato Italiano dei Derivati). Nell'IDEM vengono trattati gli strumenti derivati come i contratti futures e i contratti di opzione aventi come attività sottostante strumenti come i tassi di interesse, valute...

Mercato dei blocchi. In esso troviamo pacchetti di azione, appunto "in blocco", ovvero con quantitativi così alti che la loro negoziazione sul mercato azionario principale uno spostamento delle quotazioni (verso l'alto in caso di un grosso ordine di acquisto, verso il basso in caso di vendita): per evitare questa situazione è stato previsto di scambiare questi pacchetti in tale mercato.

Terzo Mercato. È un mercato non regolamentato. Le contrattazioni, infatti, avvengono "spontaneamente" in un locale presso Piazza Affari, dove gli intermediari si scambiano titoli non ancora quotati nel mercato regolamentato.

Le possibilità, per chi vuole investire parte dei propri risparmi in Borsa, sono divrse: 1) essere un investitore individuale e agire in piena autonomia (attraverso il trading, lo strumento più immediato e meno costoso; appoggiandosi alla propria banca); 2) scegliere la strada del risparmio gestito, affidandosi a un professionista dell'investimento (si possono sottoscrivere quote di un fondo o affidarsi a una gestione patrimoniale).

Simone Ricci per Soldoni.it, sito dedicata all'economia, alla finanza e alla borsa italiana

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