The fashion firms live always one year forward! Today they are all working for tomorrow; and tomorrow is already gone.
This is, more or less, the way all the fashion firms and fashion workers live their life. The all day is occupied by the design, the projecting and the marketing of clothes for the new collection.
They have just two way to communicate with their customers; via advertising, above all, on magazines and during the fashion trade shows or fashion events. The first way is the classic one, established from many years and that guarantees the effective “vision” of clothes by all customers.
The second one is the reason why many people work in fashion market!
Preparing a fashion trade show , in a foreign city, inviting the most exclusive people possible, journalists and presenting at the best all the last six months creations is a challenge that repeats itself every six months.
Those 30 minutes or an hour are the concentration of six months of work of several people. Tension is high as the expectations, everything must work at the best. No mistake allowed! It is a one shot opportunity. A gun with just one bullet, and it has to hit the target.
During the fashion trade shows a brand becomes real, “touchable”; it shows his face and not only the brand logo. To arrive to this moment many people have worked for 12 hours a day at least, telephones have become hot, thousand of mails have been exchanged.
The fashion events are also lovable occasions for people to be present at magic and glittering nights, sitting right to a VIP or dinning with an important fashion creators. People can “taste” the new trends for the next seasons and can appreciate new styles and new ways of understand every-day dressing. Fashion is one of the arts produced by men; being able to watch closely and to touch clothes designed by the major fashion stylists, realized, sometimes, with innovative materials and cut by the major fashion names is an exclusive occasion.