I just cleaned out my attic and garage and found that I had a whole pile of stuff I needed to get rid of. I hated the idea of dumping this stuff out by the curb for the garbage collector to pick up, especially since some of these things still had plenty of useful life in them. I had an old mantle clock, some really nice picture frames, some empty suitcases, and a collection of movies I hadn't watched in ages. So rather than junk everything, I decided it was time to sell stuff on eBay.
I'd never really used an online auction site before but I figured it couldn't be too difficult to sell stuff on eBay, so I went over to the site and looked around a bit. No doubt there were plenty of people selling lots of similar items through the auction site, so I knew that I should be able to do so as well. I checked the various categories that eBay has for their listings, and I found that there are a vast number of sections where items can be posted for sale.
After poking around a while I decided that I was ready to get started. Just like many other sites on the Internet, an auction site like eBay is going to require you to set up an account and create a profile before you begin to take advantage of their service. So I decided I would create an account, and it only took me a few minutes to get my information entered and verified, and within no time at all I was ready to sell stuff on eBay.
Next, I had to create some listings for the items I wanted to sell. In order to make that a bit easier on myself, I did a search using eBay's simple search field and found people selling the same sorts of things I had to offer. After all, if I planned to sell stuff on eBay for the first time, I might as well take advantage of other people's experience and expertise, right? Within a half an hour I had found several auction listings that were similar to my own items, and I used these listings as a guide for creating mine. To me, that's a smart way to sell stuff on eBay: find out what works and duplicate it.
In the end, I found that it was pretty darned easy to sell stuff on eBay, and now that I've got the hang of it, I'll probably do it a lot more often. In a matter of a little over a week I sold all but one of those items from the attic and the garage, and I stand to pocket over $100 from things I would have otherwise put out by the curb for the trash collector. To my mind, that's a big win.
PRESENTED BY Massimo D'Amico: http://www.EarnWhateverYouWant.com