Google announced the introduction of a new algorithm that will influence the ranking of sites in the search engine indexes. This factor, closely related to the loading speed of each site, is developed to clean in a decisive way the indexes results from sites that do not meet certain quality requirements. The search engine Google is aware of the large number of sites slow to open, or not opening at all, decided to give greater importance to the speed factor, to meet the needs of surfers ever faster in their research and increasingly in need of immediate answers. The behavior of the use of sites, in fact, is quite significant and tends to highlight a change in the browsing habits which can not be overlooked. It takes just 4 seconds, while browsing the Internet, to abandon a site interesting or slow response. Google considers this very important factor. In order not to lose credibility and the image of efficiency and quality that the Mountain View giant has always embodied, Google has seen fit to introduce this new algorithm called "Site Speed," which will make a further selection of search results. The days when it was enough to fill the keyword tags of keywords for high rankings on search engines, or the times in which hidden text, keyword stuffing, doorway pages and cloacking promising miracles in a short time, far away.
The three factors that influenced the engine placement is the age factor, the traffic factor, and now, the speed factor. The first one, which can affect more or less depending on the positioning of the sector's competitiveness, is related to age of the site and seems to influence the trust associated with a website: the greater the age of the site, the greater the credibility or trust of the site. The traffic factor, however, focuses on traffic accessing the website, and take much account of the duration of the visit and the number of pages viewed. Data, of course, represents the degree of surfers to the site's content according to their research. For example, if a website receives a certain number of visits by the keyword "Seo Engine Optimization" and the visits are enhanced, probably in conjunction with other factors, the website in question has a good search engine ranking for that keyword. However, if the visits are superficial and with a high bounce rate the reason is probably due to the scarcity of content or non-relevance of the latter with the search. Now, with the introduction of the site speed factor, search engine optimization and search engine marketing companies can not ignore the code of the website structure and the server on which it resides, otherwise difficult to climb the search engine indexes and reach the traffic that passes every day on search engines. A good SEO agency should, therefore, even more, focus on what is important to users of the Internet and not only on the factors that influence the search engine placement. Quality first of all.