It is very difficult to present Leonardo Da Vinci’s work in an exhaustive way: his eclecticism, that made him being considered as a universal genius, made him look into many different fields of knowledge, from art to science, and although many events and exhibitions have been devoted to him all over the world, they have mostly focused on only one feature of his work, going thoroughly into only a part of the studies carried on by this genius, without providing a complete idea of his work.
The exhibition “The Mind of Leonardo”, which will be held in Rome, at Palazzo Venezia, from the 1st of May to the 30th of August 2009, is meant to deal with Leonardo’s work in a different way, providing a complete image of it. The exhibition, indeed, which has already attracted many tourists in Rome’s guest houses, will not be focused on only one field of study (art, technology, anatomy, studies on water and flying, just to make few examples), but it will try to present Leonardo’s work from a different point of view: focusing on all the fields of study which the great scientist and artist was interested in, the exhibition is meant to look into the idea that Leonardo had of knowledge and into his analysis method, in order to make us discover that his study method featured some constants that could apply to any fields of knowledge. Leonardo, indeed, had a unitary idea of knowledge, and he was convinced that all the operations of men and nature were governed by the same rules.
If you plan to travel to Rome and visit the exhibition, you will discover that the whole Leonardo’s work was characterised by common analysis methods, and you will personally see the results of his studies. The exhibitory spaces of Palazzo Venezia, indeed, will host original drawings and manuscripts, but also working models of Leonardo’s projects and digital stations to see, in a virtual way, the works that have been lost. Working models, in particular, have been built very thoroughly, following blindly Leonardo’s projects and using materials, like wood, which might have been used also when Leonardo lived, and together with drawings, which are very precious pieces, they make us enter the world and mind of Leonardo. Among the displayed items, a drawing and two autograph fragments with the studies for a theatre with movable stage for the staging of Poliziano’s Orpheus in Milan, and two drawings that document Leonardo’s interest in flying machines.
The Rome exhibition focuses also on Leonardo’s artistic work: Palazzo Venezia will host some preparatory drawings, two paintings realised in Leonardo’s studio, Leda Spiridon and Leda Borghese (Leonardo interpreted the myth of Leda and the swan as a symbol of the unbridled vitality of nature, which could be found in all living beings) and a work realised by an anonymous Florentine artist who took inspiration from Leonardo’s studies on Virgin with Child and St John.
Book now a 5 star hotel in Rome (the city is always overcrowded in summer), and do not miss the exhibition “The Mind of Leonardo”.
Tickets: 9 euro, reduced 7 euro
Date: 1st May – 30 August 2009
Location: Palazzo Venezia, Rome, Italy
This article was written by Francesca Tessarollo with support from
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