SALES: How To Keep Visitors Coming Back?
A lot of successful websites depend on returning visitors to account for a major
part of their traffic. Returning visitors are easier to convert into paying
customers because the more often they return to a site, the more trust they have
in that site.
The credibility issue just melts away. Hence, keep your visitors coming back to
your site with the following methods:
1) Free report to download, start a forum, chatroom
Create relationships is the winning key. When you start a forum, chatroom or
shoutbox, you are providing your visitors a place to voice their opinions and
interact with their peers -- all of them are visitors of your site. As
conversations build up, a sense of community will also follow and your visitors
will come back to your site almost religiously every day. ( do not forget....
CAPTURE the emails of your readers!)
2) Start a web log (blog)
Keep an online journal, or more commonly known as a blog, on your site and keep
it updated with latest news about yourself. Human beings are curious creatures
and they will keep their eyes glued to the monitor if you post fresh news
frequently. You will also build up your credibility as you are proving to them
that there is also a real life person behind the website.
3) Carry out polls or surveys
Polls and surveys are other forms of interaction that you should definitely
consider adding to your site. They provide a quick way for visitors to voice
their opinions and to get involved in your website.
Be sure to publish polls or surveys that are strongly relevant to the target
market of your website to keep them interested to find out about the results.
Offer a free report to download in exchange of their email addresses.
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4) Hold puzzles, quizzes and games
Just imagine how many office workers procrastinate at work every day, and you
will be able to gauge how many people will keep visiting your site if you
provide a very interesting or addicting way of entertainment.
You can also hold competitions to award the high score winner to keep people
trying continuously to earn the prize.
5) Update frequently with fresh content
Update your site frequently with fresh content so that every time your visitors
come back, they will have something to read on your site. This is the most
widely known and most effective method of attracting returning visitors, but
this is also the least carried out one because of the laziness of webmasters.
No one will want to browse a site that looks the same over ten years, so keep
your site updated with fresh bites! Also, do you offer multiple payment options?
Some people may feel comfortable paying via Paypal, some may only want to pay
with their credit card and others might want to send a cheque.
The more options you offer, the better your chances of covering your prospects'
desired payment method. After all, it wouldn't make any sense to sell hard to a
prospect only to find that they won't be able to pay you when they want to.
Alternatively, you can add customer testimonials, your contact information,
address, and so on to boost your prospects' confidence. Make them feel safe
about buying something from you, a total stranger to them on the other end of
the Internet.
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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?
Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ".
....apply the secret to your business :-)
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Remember: your success depends by connections with people.
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