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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Buying Bulk Mails: a waste of Money?

Buying Bulk Mails: a waste of Money?
When you read such ads again, tell yourself that it is a waste of money.

I am sure that you have definitely come across advertisements that read: “1,000,000 email addresses for $29.99”. And these bulk mail companies can even offer you these names in a CD at your doorstep.

Sure, having 1,000,000 subscribers is the best thing that could ever happen to any Internet Marketer and often sounds too good to be true. But very often, it always sound too good to be true.

What many beginning marketers do not really know is that these bulk companies harvest the email addresses using robots and other wares on the Internet. That is how the 1,000,000 email addresses come about, whatever the amount is.

Now, the really awful part is that if you purchase the so-called 1,000,000 names even at a low price, not only is it a waste of money, you are risking being accused of spamming. It is no longer a surprise how you often receive spam mails on Viagra, OEM Software and things you do not even need in your inbox.

That is so possible, because of the 1,000,000 names, no one knows you or even ask to be subscribed to your mailing list.

On top of that, not all 1,000,000 email addresses are really in use because a portion of them can either be own by the same owners (one owner can own more than 1 email accounts) or are obsolete.

When you read such ads again, tell yourself that it is a waste of money.

Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ). My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Meet the team with one click - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Friday, April 10, 2020

Miky Del Cambio “A volte sbaglio a volte no” è il brano autobiografico del cantautore potentino in radio dal 10 aprile

Il singolo Pop/RnB che celebra la libertà di sentirsi se stessi, è pubblicato da MD Records con distribuzione Artist First.

“A volte sbaglio a volte no. Ma che ne so?!”

Il nuovo brano di Miky Del Cambio racconta che non è importante fare quello che gli altri vogliono che tu faccia, bisogna semplicemente essere se stessi, sbagliando, esagerando, oltrepassando i limiti, ma rimanendo costantemente legati alla propria essenza.

«Ovviamente questo concetto è esteso anche al campo dell’amore. Bisogna amare alla follia, senza risparmiare neanche una sola molecola del proprio essere …è vero, a volte questo può tradursi in una caduta pericolosa, ma se si cade in due è tutto più bello. L’amore può salvarci dai conflitti interiori, perché è una cosa tanto pericolosa quanto meravigliosa». Miky Del Cambio

Il background dell’artista composto dalla musica nera americana (dal soul al gospel al rhythm&blues), e la sua formazione basata sullo studio del pianoforte, lo hanno portato a mettere al centro di ogni suo brano proprio questo strumento, accompagnato dalle sonorità profonde e “malinconiche” tipiche della black music. 

In “A volte sbaglio a volte no”, il basso e gli accordi in minore sono molto presenti ed entrano in contrasto con il ritmo sostenuto, caratteristico del pop occidentale, rievocando musicalmente i conflitti interiori della personalità dell’artista.  
La parte finale ha invece un’atmosfera estremamente imponente perché all’arrangiamento si aggiungono gli archi che, nella produzione dei brani del cantautore potentino, sono elementi fondamentali, tanto da curarne ogni singolo aspetto in prima persona.

«In questo brano -soprattutto nella sua coda- gli archi hanno un’andatura epica, (come accade nella musica dell’estremo oriente), con l’intento di andare a toccare quelle corde dell’anima che sono state solamente stimolate durante tutto il corso della canzone e che trovano completa esplosione nel suo finale». Miky Del Cambio

Etichetta/Distribuzione: MD Records/Artist First
Radio date: 10 aprile 2020


Pianista, compositore e cantautore RnB, nasce a Potenza il 10/11/1992. Cresce con il pianoforte dall'età di 8 anni. Fra tutti i generi da lui seguiti fin da giovanissimo spicca il Rhythm and Blues. Decide di approfondire gli studi musicali e si dedica principalmente agli esponenti dell'RnB: R.Charles, S.Wonder ed altri. Frequenta Club ed Accademie in cui conosce artisti di altissimo calibro. Inizia a scrivere all'età di 16 anni e da allora non ha più smesso.

Contatti e social

Social Networking Websites: Which One is the Best?

Social Networking Websites: Which One is the Best?
Do you belong to an online social networking website? With their recent rise in popularity there is a good chance that you do. However, it is one thing to be a community member and another to actually participate in online discussions, as well as the many other network features. That is why it is advised that you learn how to make the most out of your social networking experience.

Many internet users already think that they know everything that they need to know about their social networking community. Unfortunately, not everyone does. In fact, you can find numerous posts online of people ranting or stating that they wished that their social networking website, such as Facebook, Orkut, FriendWise, or FriendFinder, has a particular service and feature. Too many times, those posters did not look before they started speaking because, as it turns out, many social networking websites have what people want, just everyone doesn’t know about it.

The first step, in making the most out of your social networking experience, is to familiarize yourself to the online community or communities that you belong to. This can easily be done by closely examining the website. There are too many internet users who are focused on meeting new friends that they get started right away. While it is nice to start meeting new people right away, it is also nice to know what your social networking site has to offer. This can only be done by closely examining the website. Whether you take one hour or one day examining the website, you will likely be pleased with your decision to do it.

When examining the website of the online community that you belong to, it is advised that you examine the terms of use agreement. This agreement often outlines what you can and cannot do online. Despite the fact that a large number of online networking sites, such as Facebook, have little rules, there are other websites that have them. These rules and restrictions may limit the content that you can have on your site, as well as your pictures, videos, and other media. Many websites, including social networking websites, will terminate your membership if you are found violating these agreements. By reading all of the rules and restrictions of the social networking website you belong to, you should be able to ensure that you can continue to use and enjoy the site.

One of the many benefits to fully examining the social network you belong to is that you could be alerted to network benefits, features, or services that you were previously unaware of. In addition to giving you your own profile page and allowing you to invite other internet users into your network, there are a number of other things that you can do with online social networking websites. A large number of websites have created features and sections that include horoscopes, quizzes, polls, instant massaging, chat rooms, and much more. However, before you make use of these member benefits, you must know that they exist.

If you are interested in making new online friends, it is likely that you have already joined an online social networking community. Whether you are interested in joining more or you are a first time user, you will to carefully choose your networks. By researching each social networking website online, you should easily be able to famialrize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each. And, since most social networking websites are free to use, there are no risks associated with giving the network a try. If you happen to come across a website that requires a paid membership and you would like to try it, you are advised to lookout for free membership plans or free trail periods. They may be able to help you determine whether or not the social networking website that you are interested in joining is worth the cost.

As you can easily see, there are a number of different ways to go about making the most out of your social networking experience. The control is in your hands. It is your decision as to whether or not you want to spend a small amount of time researching your network and everything that it has to offer. However, it is important to note that not doing so may literally mean that you are missing out on all of the fun.

Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Meet the team with one click - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Use Them or Not? Additional Self Improvement Ways

Use Them or Not? Additional Self Improvement Ways
Many webmasters have found that there are a few key programs they can add on their sites for which they can honestly expect to make a few extra dollars, a few hundred extra dollars, and in some cases, a few thousand extra dollars every month.

The trick to linking income from third-party programs is to carefully select programs that are relevant to your site visitors, while insuring that the program you promote does not directly compete with your own offerings.

If you are giving something to your visitors that they will find useful, above and beyond your normal offerings that is considered an "added value" item. Not only will it give your customers something they appreciate, it will help them grow closer to you as a business owner. That way, there will appear a link between you and the customers to pave the way for improvement.

This is helpful in accelerating the trust level that your customers have with you and your business which can only serve you well over the long term. By adding this foundation of trust, your visitors will come back to your site and buy from you again because they know that they can trust you to treat them well.

On the web, more so than in brick-and-mortar, the trust factor is the most important hurdle that the small business owner must overcome with his potential customers. There are so many scams and rip-offs on the web, that an honest soul is especially appreciated.

It is important to select your "added value" offerings based on the interests of your web site visitors. The closer your offerings are to the needs of your target market, the more successful you will become selling your added value products.

If your website is concerned with self-improvement, self-esteem, dating, relationships, love or marriage, then you could do very well for yourself promoting the e-book, "How To Identify Your Soulmate."

Love relationships are failing in an alarming rate. In order to help as many people find happiness and self improvement. Years of research on love relationships would not be enough to understand these things.

Why do some fail and why some succeed?

No matter the specifics of the situation the reader may be in, "How To Identify Your Soulmate" can assist people in their quest to achieve success in their love relationships.

Products and services, which are relevant to the people who already visit your website and do not conflict or compete with your current offerings, are ideally suited to allow you to deliver added value offerings to your visitors.

These added offerings will help you to build the trust level that your visitors have with you. Not to mention that they will also help you add new layers of profitability to your website.

In the end, you should always strive to prepare your ezine or website to deliver more dollars. Target those people who want to have more than just material things in life. Add self improvement links to what you have already.

These added links and information would be your perfect vehicles to take you where you want to go.

Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ). My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Meet the team with one click - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

3 Aspects That You Don't Know About AutoResponders

3 Aspects That You Don't Know About AutoResponders
Throughout the Internet, autoresponders make for an excellent promotional tool. Although the technical name is an autoresponder, other known names include auto email, mailbot, and email responder. An autoresponder is a great way to save time, as it responds to any message with an automatic response.

Autoresponders can vary from messages that go through email to scripts that are programed to run on servers. All types of autoresponders work the same, as they will automatically send a message out when a message is received. Depending on the message they receive, they will send out the correct return message. This can be determined by the script or the email address.

Although they are great for promotional reasons, they are also widely abused all across the Internet. Autoresponders are great to use for your daily tasks, as they will basically do all of the work for you. On the other hand, they can also be quite disastrous on those who happen to come in contact with them.

When you submit your website to search engines, directories, or classifieds, you should never attempt to use an autoresponder address. Most of these website types use autoresponders themselves, when they send out their messages. If their autoresponder happens to send a message out to your autoresponder, they will continue responding - which can be very annoying.

When you decide to subscribe to an email or ezine you should always use your valid email address and never use the address for your autoresponder. If you use your autoresponder to subscribe, chances are you’ll have your subscription revoked. It can be very annoying if a group sends out emails, only to find that your autoresponder keeps sending return messages. For that very reason, you should never use your autoresponder address to subscribe to anything.

Autoresponders can be great to use, although they can also be a hazard as well. Often times, with subscriptions groups or ezines, it can be very hard to locate someone who is using an autoresponder. In most cases, those who use an autoresponder don’t have the same reply or from address as they did when they signed up. In cases such as this it can take quite a lot of time and effort to locate the address.

If you take care of your autoresponder and don’t use it to annoy others or sing up for email subscriptions, it should treat you well. An autoresponder can do a world of good for your business, saving you a lot of time and effort. Autoresponders are easy to set up and easy to use, which is great news for anyone who isn’t technical with the Internet. For the price they cost and how easy they are to operate – autoresponders can make your Internet business easier than ever before.

Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).  My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Meet the team with one click - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Success Tips for Your Landing Page

Success Tips for Your Landing Page
Also known as the “name squeeze page” or “lead capture page”, you can build your mailing list by funneling all of your would-be subscribers through the creation of a landing page. Not only do you do the work just once, your traffic driving efforts can be focused onto just one effective method.

The following are tips in creating a successful landing page that converts visitors into subscribers on a very huge percentage.

Success Tip 1: Offer a freebie in exchange for your visitor’s email address. I very much endorse this method of building your mailing list. You can offer a special report or a sample of your paid product to your visitor in exchange for their details such as name and email address.

Success Tip 2: The landing page must be written professionally. When writing your page, treat it as if you are writing a sales letter. While you are not necessarily making a hard sale or try to get someone to buy your product upfront, being able to entice your visitors to give their details to you is just as important as selling.

Success Tip 3: Other than your opt-in form and perhaps important disclaimers and terms, there shouldn’t be any other links on your landing page.

Success Tip 4: Rub in the benefits of the freebie you are offering more than a mere subscription to your newsletter. You should focus most of the attention of the letter on encouraging your prospective visitor to download your free offer. Later, you gently remind your prospect that he or she has nothing to pay but just merely subscribe to your newsletter in exchange for the freebie.

As a final reminder and conclusion, in order to build trust, you can include your hand-written signature or a photo of yourself explaining where you are coming from and how you can help your visitor through your free report on offer.

Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising. We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Meet the team with one click - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Monday, April 06, 2020

Christian Frosio “Distante” in radio dal 3 aprile il secondo singolo estratto dall’album d’esordio “Mille Direzioni”

Il cantautore bergamasco torna con un brano intimo e malinconico sulle ripercussioni emotive dettate dalla fine di un rapporto. 

“Distante” racconta della consapevolezza di una relazione finita, quando è necessario reagire con forza per staccarsi da una situazione che, pur nell'evidenza della sua conclusione, tiene ancora legate due persone. La canzone esprime una reazione di orgoglio, il recupero con forza della propria dignità, che è stata calpestata da chi non vuole (ma desidera inconsciamente) essere ancora protagonista della vita dell'altro.
Questo è il secondo singolo estratto dall’album d’esordio “Mille Direzioni”, dove un cantautorato pop-rock modellato interamente sull’identità del musicista, porta in auge il tema dell’abbandono fra atmosfere oniriche e intimiste di grande impatto scenico.

Il disco si compone di 8 brani (34 minuti di musica) diversi tra loro:
«La diversità dei brani deriva dall'esigenza, da parte del nucleo primario della canzone (voce e chitarra), di richiedere un proprio abito cucito su misura. Sono canzoni nate da un elemento scatenante (il "filo da sbrogliare" per dirla alla Montale), ma che si portano dietro un'esperienza maturata su un periodo più lungo. Le canzoni sono quindi esseri maturi e ben distinti tra loro che richiedono una cura e un rispetto particolare e personale». Christian Frosio
“C’è qualcosa di salvifico in queste otto composizioni, brani che sembrano scritti da un amico che ne ha passate tante, e che per questo è capace di aiutarti a credere che tutto prima o poi andrà bene”. Rumore
“Un’autoproduzione davvero corposa segno anche di grandi ascolti e di raffinato gusto che attinge a piene mani dal mondo delle grandi scuole tradizionali, quelle che permettono il magico incontro tra la canzone d’autore e il vero pop italiano”. Loudvision
“Il suono del grande pop italiano, quello “sinfonico” di arrangiamenti solenni. Un disco di grandissime prospettive questo dal titolo Mille direzioni”. Just Kids Magazine

“Christian Frosio dimostra apertura e maturità nel gestire con peso poetico e mai scontato la leggerezza estetica di canzoni pop italiane che non restano chiuse dentro i cliché della nostra tradizione. Apertura e maturità appunto”. Music Letter

“Un album consigliato a tutti coloro a cui piace emozionarsi, ascoltando un album che parla di sentimenti e che trasmette un senso di malinconica gioia”. Mescalina

Radio date: 3 aprile 2020
Pubblicazione album: gennaio 2020


Christian Frosio è un cantautore bergamasco. Laureato al Dams Musica di Bologna (città che lo ha “adottato” per 9 anni) con una tesi sulla ricerca vocale di Demetrio Stratos, a 6 anni comincia a suonare la chitarra e dieci anni dopo a scrivere le prime canzoni.
Cresciuto tra i vinili e le canzoni del cantautorato italiano, fa palestra musicale in qualità di chitarrista e cantante in diverse cover band rock attive sul territorio di Bologna, Bergamo e Brescia (tra cui una tribute band dei Dire Straits), elaborando nel mentre il suo progetto cantautorale “Mille Direzioni" (titolo omonimo del primo album) che lo vede curare interamente la scrittura, l’arrangiamento e la produzione dei suoi brani. 
A fine 2018 pubblica il primo 45 giri viruale "Apri La Finestra/"La Nostra Casa" disponibile solo nella versione doppio videoclip. “Apri la Finestra”, videoclip scritto e realizzato con Michele Bernardi, regista di animazione tra i più affermati in Italia (Luci della Centrale Elettrica, Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti, Colapesce), è finalista all' “Experimental, Dance & Music Film Festival” di Toronto (CAN), al "Biella Music Festival”, al Los Angeles Festival of Cinema (USA). "La Nostra Casa", secondo video/brano musicale, interamente autoprodotto, di cui Frosio cura interamente la regia, viene nominato tra i Best Music Video al Prisma Independent Rome Film Awards (feb 2019). Una seconda versione remixata e rimasterizzata è contenuta nell'album "Mille Direzioni". 
“Anime leggere” e “Distante” sono i primi due singoli estratti. 

Christian Frosio suona voce, chitarra, basso, pianoforte e tastiere.

Contatti e social

Advertise, Do not Spam. Do You Agree?

Advertise, Do not Spam. Do You Agree?
There is a fine line between advertising and spam and unfortunately many business owners do not understand the difference between the two. This is important because while a cleaver, well planted Internet marketing campaign can help to attract new customers and keep existing customers loyal, spam is likely to alienate both new customers and existing customers. This can be extremely damaging to profit margins for the business owners. This article will take a look at a few basic Internet marketing strategies such as banner ads, email campaign and message board posts and describe how each can quickly cross the line from cleaver advertising to spam.

Banner ads are one of the most popular strategies which accompany an Internet marketing plan. These ads are usually ads which appear at the top of websites and span the width of the website. It is from this appearance that they earned the name banner ads but actually banner ads can refer to ads of a variety of different sizes and shapes which appear in an array of different locations on a website. In many cases the business owner purchases advertising space on these websites but the banner ad may also be placed as part of an exchange or an affiliate marketing campaign. Banner ad exchanges are situations in which one business owner posts a banner ad on his website in exchange for another business owner posting his banner ad on the other website. These agreements may be made individually between business owners with complementary businesses or as part of exchanges facilitated by a third party. In the case of affiliate marketing, an affiliate posts and advertisement for your business in exchange for compensation when the banner ad produces a desired effect such as generating website traffic or generating a sale. The terms of these agreements are determined beforehand and are generally based on a scale of pay per impression, pay per click or pay per sale or lead.

Now that you understand what banner ads are, it is also important to understand how they can be overused and appear to be spam. Judiciously placing your banner ad on a few websites which are likely to attract an audience similar to your target audience is smart marketing, placing your banner ad on any website which will display the ad regardless of the target audience can be construed as spam. Internet users who feel as though your banner ads are everywhere they turn will not likely take your business seriously and are not likely to purchase products or services from you as a result of your banner ads.

Email campaigns can also be very useful tools in the industry of Internet marketing. These campaigns may involve sending periodic e-newsletters filled with information as well as advertisements, short, informative email courses or emails offering discounts on products and services. Loyal customers who opt into your email list will likely not view these emails as spam and may purchase additional products and services from your business as a result of this marketing strategy. Additionally, potential customers who have specifically requested additional information on your products and services will also find this type of marketing to be useful. However, email recipients who did not request information are likely to view your emails as spam. Harvesting email addresses in a deceptive manner and using these addresses to send out mass emails will likely always be considered to be spam.

Finally, message boards provide an excellent opportunity for business owners to obtain some free advertising where it will be noticed by members of the target audience. If the products and services you offer appeal to a specific niche, it is worthwhile to join message boards and online forums related to your industry of choice. Here you will find a large population of Internet users who may have an interest in your products. You might consider including a link to your business in your signature or posting the link when it is applicable to the conversation. However, care should be taken to carefully review the message board guidelines to ensure you are not doing anything inappropriate. This technique is smart marketing. Conversely, replying to every message with a link to your website when it is not relevant to the conversation is likely to be construed as spam by other members. Once they begin to view your posts as spam, they are not likely to visit your website via the links you post.

Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT.COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ). My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


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Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Visit my blog for business - http://impari-guardando.com/businessblog
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com