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Friday, June 04, 2021

MARCO CIGNOLI “Cercala La Notte” è il nuovo singolo elettropop del cantante e conduttore pavese

  Un brano dedicato a chi “vive la notte” con la libertà di essere sé stessi al di là di ogni convenzione 


In radio dal 4 giugno


«Il testo di “Cercala la notte” nasce prima di tutto come reazione spontanea a una serie di persone che mi esortavano ad abbandonare l'abitudine di vivere la notte. La frase che sentivo spesso era che di notte bisogna dormire, di giorno bisogna vivere, ma non sono mai riuscito a farla mia». Marco Cignoli. 

Un brano elettropop dedicato a tutti i “figli della notte”, coloro che amano la vita che inizia con l’arrivo dell’oscurità, idealmente dopo il tramonto, quando ogni cosa cambia colore e carattere. Silenzi, rumori, sguardi, luoghi, tutto si trasforma durante la notte, che è foriera di opportunità ed occasioni tanto quanto il giorno, ma meno legata alle convenzioni. 

Allo stesso tempo diventa un invito alla ricerca e all'accettazione del proprio “io” più nascosto e represso, alla libertà di essere sé stessi con orgoglio e coraggio, alla ricerca delle parti più “notturne” del proprio essere, che sono spesso anche le più autentiche. 

Per questa ragione, il videoclip del brano è un omaggio alla cultura drag e, più in generale, al mondo LGBTQ+, da sempre simbolo inossidabile di coraggio e perseveranza nel voler affermare e difendere la libertà di essere sé stessi.


Il brano, scritto da Marco Cignoli e prodotto nei Saigood Studios dai fratelli milanesi Daniele e Francesco Saibene, è caratterizzato da un suono elettropop ispirato alle tracce più celebri dei Depeche Mode. 




Marco Cignoli: testo, voce, cori  

Daniele Saibene: chitarre, basso, arrangiamento, produzione

Francesco Saibene: batteria, synth, arrangiamento, produzione

Arrangiato, prodotto, registrato e mixato presso Saigood Studios (Milano) 

Mix: Francesco Saibene presso Saigood Studios (Milano)

Mastering: Giovanni Versari presso La Maestà Studio (Tredozio)


Etichetta: Jab Media

Radiodate: 4 giugno 2021

Contatti e social


Sito Internet: www.marcocignoli.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marcocignolime

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marco.cignoli/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/marco_cignoli

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhGy8aJl-8GJSJRxrwD-iw 


Marco Cignoli nasce a Voghera nel 1988.

L'esordio nella musica avviene nel 2010 grazie al singolo corale a scopo benefico "Noi Siamo Qui" scritto e prodotto da Michael Righini. Nel 2018 pubblica il primo singolo "Can You Love Me", prodotto da Alessandro Porcella. Nel 2020 collabora con Dj Sheezah alla realizzazione di due singoli: "Figlio Imperfetto" e "La mia Mercedes".

Come reporter televisivo, nel 2012 avvia una collaborazione con Tele Pavia Web e un lungo matrimonio con Occhio Pavese, principale web tv del territorio per la quale conduce, scrive e produce centinaia di programmi, eventi dal vivo e interviste. Nel 2015 presenta l'evento esclusivo di Loredana Bertè al Caffè Letterario di Roma. Nel 2018 conduce la 21° edizione del VideoFestival Live con Consuelo Orsingher e Mara Maionchi. Dal 2018 frequenta con successo il corso di conduzione radiofonica presso l'Accademia 09 di Milano. Nel 2019 è autore e conduttore per alcune emittenti radiofoniche. L'anno successivo, dal teatro de La Triennale di Milano, presenta il prestigioso Premio Virtù Civica. A febbraio 2020 pubblica l'opera letteraria "Francesco Cignoli: all'ombra della quercia", basata su tre memoriali lasciati in eredità da nonno Francesco al nipote Marco. Il libro entra nella top25 Amazon delle biografie più acquistate in Italia. Da novembre dello stesso anno conduce il programma quotidiano "Happy Day" su Babayaga Tv, la rete televisiva musicale disponibile sul canale 601 del digitale terrestre. Per la web tv Jab Media Tv realizza interviste e reportage. 

DONY PALMY “Come sei bella” è l’esordio discografico del giovane artista tarantino

  Un brano dedicato alla donna dei propri sogni 

In radio dal 5 giugno


Un brano dedicato a tutte le coppie che si amano, scritto pensando a un’immaginaria “lei” non ancora incontrata. 

«Ho scritto questa canzone perché sogno che la vita possa farmi incontrare una persona con la quale avere un’affinità profonda. 
L’ho scritta pensando proprio a lei, la donna dei miei sogni!» Dony Palmy

Come in un sogno, appunto, il mood della canzone vuole essere rilassante, una sorta  di dolce pensiero che accompagna il suo autore in un mondo immaginato e personale, in cui vivere questo ideale incontro con la propria “lei”. 




Radio date: 5 giugno 2021

Contatti e social


Instagram: https://instagram.com/donypalmy?utm_medium=copy_link

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PalmisanoDonatoreale/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ20fTPCL-oL6svqWY6R1qQ



Dony Palmy è Donato Palmisano, 19enne pugliese di Martina Franca, nella provincia di Taranto.

La passione per il canto lo accompagna fin dall’età di tre anni e ne ha caratterizzato lo studio. Nella sua musica entrano tutte  le sue passioni: le moto, le auto e il volo libero, ma soprattutto la famiglia, il bene considerato più prezioso. 

CELESTE CARAMANNA “Let me Pray” è il nuovo rivitalizzante singolo estratto da “Antropofagico III”

  Una preghiera per l’anima composta sulle orme del grande Marvin Gaye


in radio dal 4 giugno


«“Let me Pray” nasce canticchiando una melodia di notte, non riuscivo a fermarmi, mi é piaciuta talmente tanto che non volevo dimenticarla… La mattina seguente ho iniziato a scrivere qualcosa e in quello stesso giorno, giocando tra una melodia e l’altra, seduti nel salotto di casa a Londra con la chitarra in mano, immediatamente mi hanno detto: “Questo é Marvin Gaye» Celeste Caramanna

È dal soul e dall’R&B che arriva la vibrazione che ha portato alla nascita di “Let me Pray”, con una melodia nata per caso, la black music nel ritmo, il falsetto nella scelta canora, sulle tracce di un suono che è parte di un mondo musicale aperto alla contaminazione. A valorizzare il tutto, è stata poi la visione d’insieme di Celeste e dei musicisti Anselmo Netto e Giuliano Castagna, oltre all’arrangiamento del maestro Tony Brundo che ha modernizzato il pezzo. 

Il brano è estratto da “Antropofagico III”, Ep prodotto artisticamente da Tony Brundo, terzo capitolo del trittico “Antropofagico”, progetto musicale che comprende tre Ep (costituti da 4 brani ciascuno tranne “Antropofagico III” fatto di 5). I diversi tasselli presentano mondi sonori differenti: il primo (uscito a giugno 2019) ha una matrice brasiliana, il secondo (settembre 2019) ha influenze funk, soul e pop. Il terzo e ultimo, fuori dal 23 ottobre 2020, raccoglie tutte le influenze e gli stili che affascinano l’artista, rimescolati secondo la sua arte e la sua personalità. 

Etichetta: Offline Artistic Production s.r.l.s.

Radio date: 4 giugno 2021


Dicono di lei:

“Celeste Caramanna si conferma apolide nello spirito, nei gesti come nei suoni… antropofagia acuta, pensando all’uomo e al suo posto in questo tempo e su questa terra!” Blog music

“Dalla world al pop, dalle sfumature di jazz alla fusion metropolitana. C’è tanto dentro che quasi, a volerlo raccontare, sembra impossibile” Just Kids Magazine

“L'universo artistico di Celeste Caramanna è ampio e sfaccettato. Incuriosisce il modo con cui la cantante (londinese d'adozione) fa coesistere le diverse e apparentemente distanti anime musicali in un flusso che sa di magia. Elegante ed essenziale sono i due aggettivi che vengono spontanei a guardare la copertina dell'ep che, con i suoi cinque brani, descrive bene la volontà di divorare per immagazzinare e trasformare”  Low Music


Contatti e social


FACEBOOK: @celestecaramannaofficial

INSTAGRAM: @celestecaramanna

YOUTUBE: celeste caramanna

SITO: www.celestecaramanna.com

SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PAFqDmC5UNXd2O2KbmavX 

ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/celeste-caramanna/469042124


Celeste Caramanna è una giovane cantante italiana trasferitasi a Londra. Inizia a cantare e a manifestare la sua grande passione per la musica fin dalla più tenera età. A dodici anni comincia a studiare canto e prende per un periodo lezioni di pianoforte. Nel 2011 partecipa al programma televisivo “Io Canto”, dove ha modo di esibirsi con molti nomi importanti della musica pop italiana come Claudio Baglioni e Toto Cutugno. Nel 2015 Celeste realizza diversi concerti in Brasile dove viene accolta calorosamente. L’album di debutto è “+18”, uscito il 16 Giugno del 2017. All’inizio del 2018 comincia ad esibirsi a Londra, mentre a marzo del 2018 parte per un tour nei teatri italiani. Tornata a Londra fa una partecipazione al Ronnie Scott’s, storico jazz club di Londra, e realizza degli show in diversi importanti Jazz Club e Venues: dal Barbican Hall (Londra) alla Union Chapel, dal Pizza Express Soho Jazz Club al 606 Jazz Club. A questi si aggiungono il Casinò del Paris (Parigi), Paradiso (Amsterdam), Union Chapel (Londra), Vicar Street (Dublino), Coliseu Porto Ageas (Porto), Alhambra (Parigi), Union Chapel (Londra). Nonostante la sua giovane età Celeste ha già performato in diversi posti nel mondo, dall’Italia al Brasile, Francia, Irlanda, Olanda, Portogallo, Gran Bretagna, accompagnata sempre dalla sua band. Ha aperto diversi show di artisti brasiliani importanti come Milton Nascimento, una stella della musica brasiliana. Ha aperto anche per Martinho Da Vila, altra icona della musica brasiliana e per Nando Reis, produttore, compositore e cantante brasiliano.

Nel 2019 l’artista avvia un progetto di 3 EP, un Trittico chiamato “Antropofagico”, un percorso che intraprende 3 filoni musicali differenti: il primo EP ha un’impronta brasiliana, il secondo EP ha sonorità funk, soul, pop, il terzo e ultimo EP ha un sound contaminato da tutto il background dell’artista ed è molto più vicino al suo gusto personale. Questo progetto vede come direttori artistici Tony Brundo e Tony Canto. Il primo EP chiamato “Antropofagico I” è uscito il 14 Giugno 2019, insieme al lancio del singolo “La Marinera”. Il secondo EP, “Antropofagico II”, è stato pubblicato il 29 novembre 2019, insieme al singolo “Never Fooled Myself”. Nello stesso anno si è esibita assieme a Roberto Menescal, uno dei fondatori della Bossa Nova. 

 Il 23 ottobre 2020 Celeste completa e pubblica il terzo EP, “Antropofagico III”. Questo progetto è curato dalla direzione e produzione artistica di Tony Brundo. Il progetto è anticipato dal singolo “Hilarious”, in radio dal 6 ottobre 2020. 

Mailing Lists: Do You Know 2 Big Mistakes To Avoid?


Mailing Lists: Do You Know 2 Big Mistakes To Avoid?
Keep your operation legit and clean. Your reputation as a legitimate businessman and a legitimate website depends on your being a straight and true marketing strategist. As a tip, here are three things to avoid when emailing your list.

When you decide to have an opt-in list, it is not just a matter of sending your subscribers your promotional newsletters or catalogs. There are many things to consider in avoiding many complications. While there are so many ways you can make people subscribe to your list, there are also some things you must do to avoid subscribers from wanting to get off from your list.

Aside from that, you also want to avoid any problems with the law and your internet service provider or ISP. There are now many laws and rules that are applied to help protect the privacy of the internet users from spamming and unwanted mails.

With the popularity of the electronic mail as a medium for marketing because of the low cost, many company’s have seized the opportunity and have flooded many people’s e-mail accounts with promotional mail.

But, with an opt-in list, you avoid this annoyance because people subscribe to the list; they want to receive the newsletters and promotional materials. They have consented to being on the list by subscribing themselves, just don’t forget to put an unsubscribe feature everytime in your opt-in list so that you avoid any confusion. There may be times when an email account was provided when the real owner didn’t want to subscribe.

It is essential that you keep your list clean and manageable. Arrange it by using the many tools and technologies available for your opt-in list. Do not worry; your investment in this marketing strategy is well worth it with all the coverage you will get which will likely be converted into sales then to profit.

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1) Take notice of your unsuccessful sends. These are the e-mails that bounce. Bounced emails, also known as undeliverable messages, are those messages that, for whatever reason, were not successfully received by the intended recipient.

There are bounces that happen or occur because the server was busy at that time but can still be delivered in another time. There are also bounces because the inbox of the recipient is full at that time. There are those bounce messages that are simply undeliverable ever.

The reason for this is that it may be an invalid email address, a misspelled email address, or an email address that was abandoned and erased already.

Manage your list by putting markings on those that bounce. Erase an email account from your list so that you have an accurate statistics and records as to how many are actually receiving your mail. You may also want to check the spellings of your email addresses in your list. One common mistake is when an N instead of an M is placed in the .com area.

2) Always provide an unsubscribe feature in your site and an unsubscribe link in your mails. When someone in your list files a request to be unsubscribed, always take that request seriously. If you don’t take them off your list and keep sending them your e-mails, you are now sending them spam mail.

When you are reported as a spammer, you and your business can get into a lot of trouble. You can be reported to the authorities and maybe blacklisted by many internet service providers. You will lose a lot of subscribers this way and many more in potential subscribers.

3) Do not provide adult-or-disturbing content in your newsletters. It is hard to decipher the age of the recipient and many complaints may stem from these. Controversial issues also are to be avoided to not be branded by your subscribers. Stick to the nature of your site and business.

Always remember these tips in this article so that you can have a healthy relationship with your subscribers as well as be kept within the boundaries of what is allowed in sending mails to an opt-in list.

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 planning and control of their assets within the Trust.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap with our strategic Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Automate all your actions ( Free download) -  https://www.moneyrobot.com/goaccess
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Is Self Improvement Important?


Is Self Improvement Important?
Modern life moves at a dramatically faster pace than at anytime in history. For anyone living in modern society there are more opportunities to do anything that you want to do with your life than ever before.

Many people have goals, dreams or ambitions but do not know how to go about achieving them. They may have thought about what would make up self improvement and their ideal life, but have no idea how to even begin to make the plans and take the actions required to make them a reality.

How do you know if a person is willing to attain self improvement? This is a question with no definite answer. It will all depend on the individual.

Some people have a vague idea on how to go about self improvement. These are the ones that believe that if only they had a better job, or had been given better opportunities, or met the love of their life, or whatever else, everything would be fine and they would be happy.

They feel that their happiness or lack of happiness is decided by external factors and their thoughts and actions are of little consequence. Some believe that if only they had more money they could have whatever they want and be on their way to self improvement.

They may have spent little time thinking about what they actually want from life, and do not really believe there is anything they can do to create their fuzzy version of utopia anyway, apart from buying more lottery tickets.

Other people do not even know what they actually want from their lives and may even have little idea what would really makes them happy. They seem to just drift from day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year, and do little more than just about get by.

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The reality is that throughout our lives we are all constantly growing and developing. Circumstances make us grow and develop, even if we do not make the conscious decision to do so.

They may have seemingly secure jobs and be earning enough to live relatively comfortable lives. They seem happy enough and have no great ambition to achieve anything more from their lives than they currently have.

Is self improvement important?

Up to a certain age, we learn through formal education and we continue to learn through our experiences for the rest of our lives. We have to learn and grow to deal with everything that life throws at us. We all have to go through self improvement.

But there is also more competition than ever before, and ever changing technology means that there really are few, if any ‘jobs for life’ anymore. It is now normal not only to change jobs quite often throughout our working lives, but even to completely change careers and industries.

Because the workplace is so competitive, people who are ambitious and hungry for success know they need to learn new skills and knowledge to keep ahead of the pack. To attain this, self improvement is needed.

These are the people that will be most likely to keep their jobs, or progress within their chosen field, or that will be readily employable in different organizations or industries. A commitment to self improvement and personal growth may well be the deciding factor in how anyone’s future will turn out.

Positive emotions are a lifelong goal for many of us concerned about emotional health and self improvement. What is more important; the amount of money you made during your life or the times you laughed out of sheer joy?

People tend to put their positive emotions behind their negative feelings. This is one of the biggest problems that people come across during their lives.

There is no clear way to ignore a negative experience and try to replace it with a positive one. Life just does not work that way.

CLICK HERE - Reach us on Linkedin ---- ASSET PROTECTION -  website
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 planning and control of their assets within the Trust.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap with our strategic Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Automate all your actions ( Free download) -  https://www.moneyrobot.com/goaccess
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

How To Make Recurring Profits With No Product?


How To Make Recurring Profits With No Product?
Isn’t it amazing that you can make money selling products, without having to handle your own inventory? The quicker you sign for an affiliate program, the quicker you can start making money!

Would you like to make money by selling products online? If so, do you already have a collection of products to sell? If not, do you have the money needed to obtain them? If you are like many others, who want to make money online, there is a good chance that you do not have the funds needed.

After all, if you did, you likely would not be looking for ways to make money online. While you might automatically assume that it is impossible for you to make money online, especially if you don’t have any products to sell, it isn’t. There is good news. That good news is that you can make money, a substantial amount of money, even if you don’t actually have a product to sell.

As it was stated above, there are a large number of individuals who want to make money online; however, many think that it is impossible to do because they don’t already have a collection of products or they don’t have the money needed to make the purchases.

Unfortunately, when this occurs, a large number of individuals just give up. You are advised against doing this. As previously mentioned, it is possible to make money online, even if you don’t have any products to sell. You can do so with affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs are programs that create a partnership with business owners and webmasters. If you are already a webmaster this is great, but if not you can easily become one. As you likely already know, a webmaster is an individual who owns and operates their own online website.

Once you have a website and you find another business, which is running an affiliate program, you can enter into a partnership with them. This partnership is unique because you can both benefit from it. Affiliate programs work to help business owners increase their sales, but they also help webmasters generate extra income.

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Although affiliate programs sound nice, you may be looking for more information. After all, with internet scams at an all time high, you can never be too cautious. While some affiliate programs are operated in different ways, they tend to be operated in similar matters.

This matter involves the business owner creating links or banners for webmasters, just like you, to display on their website. Special tracking software, which is often referred to as affiliate tracking software, is used. That software will enable a business owner to determine exactly when you helped them generate a sale and how much that sale was.

This sale will, in turn, generate additional income for you by way of commissions. The amount of money that you make will all depend on the affiliate program that you choose to join, but your commission is often a percentage of your sale. In some instances, can also be a flat rate amount.

When it comes to affiliate programs, one of the questions most commonly asked is “why?” As previously mentioned, affiliate programs allow you to make money selling a product that isn’t even yours. This means that you do not have to deal with any inventory.

You also don’t have to ship any products to the buyers. In fact, you shouldn’t even have to communicate with your customers. Your affiliate partner, the one who is selling the product, will do all of the work for you. What could be easier than that?

If you are interested in making money online, without having to have your own products to sell, you are urged to further examine affiliate programs, namely the programs that are available for you to join. You can find these programs by examining large affiliate hosting programs, such as LinkShare.

You can also find affiliate programs to join by examining the online websites of various online retail stores. Typically towards the bottom of the main homepage, a business will outline whether or not they have an affiliate program that you can apply to. If you are really looking to make money online, you are urged to find a product, a service, or a company that you can fully stand behind, one hundred percent.

CLICK HERE - Reach us on Linkedin ------ CHAT NOW - reach us by skype
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 planning and control of their assets within the Trust.


Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
Over 40 MILLIONS clicks delivered to our customers. Zero cost per click and we used a free website template ( domain is EOLTT .COM ) ---- The simple website still deliver clicks every day on autopilot without a single investment.

** the second connection with Giacomo Bruno made $110,000+ in 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
We built a terrific product in 2 months -- in return I got amazing VISIBILITY in Italy starting from zero ( zero advertising! ).
My brand and my business group " Gruppo Freeperclick" are real results of the amazing connection with Giacomo.

** Build giant mailing lists of subscribers that follow you ( in some lists I have 21,000+ subscribers ).
Mailing lists are a very important factor to create excellent connections with your customers - it means THE LIFE of your business.
Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


Get HELP asap with our strategic Partnership - http://traffic-software.com/freewebinar.html

Automate all your actions ( Free download) -  https://www.moneyrobot.com/goaccess
Follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQInR5_aP5DymWEhPbugCQ
Do a connection on Instagram - https://IGMoneyTree.com/massimodami
Education online for business - http://www.education-online-life-teaching-tool.com

Monday, May 31, 2021

Want an Effective Email Campaign in Just 15 Minutes?


Want an Effective Email Campaign in Just 15 Minutes?
Email marketing is an effective tool if you take the time to use it properly. It is anticipated to be the most used method of advertising on the internet. While this means you will have lots of opportunity to market your business, it also means there is going to be a great deal of competition trying to get consumers to look at their business.

You will have to be creative and work hard to develop effective email marketing campaigns that are attractive, informative, and encourage the consumer to take action. You will need to establish your goals before you send the first email. What are you hoping to accomplish? Make sure these goals are clear and realistic.

This will help you measure the success of the email marketing campaign. This is a great way to learn what works and what doesn’t for future email marketing campaigns. While your particular goals will vary, some common ones include increasing sales, getting more traffic to the website; improve awareness of about your company and what products or services you offer, and building a solid relationship with your customers.

As you start measuring the success of your email marketing campaign, make sure you are comparing the data only against your own information not that of the industry. For example did your sales increase by 10% and traffic to your site increase by 25% after your email marketing campaign rather than discovering the rate that sales and traffic increased for the entire industry you are in.

Don’t be discouraged if your first email marketing campaign doesn’t do as well as you hoped, especially if you are a new business. It takes time to build trust with consumers. Make sure you use your original email address when you send out the emails. This will help it get past the spam filters.

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Make sure you take the time to update your email listings. Remove any requests to opt out quickly and efficiently to respect the consumer’s privacy. You will be wasting your time to email to incorrect addresses or those who don’t want your materials. Never change the first part of a person’s email address even if the mail is undeliverable.

Some businesses like to use an email marketing template. Don’t get too comfortable with a successful marketing campaign though! This is because customers become bored easily with the same format. You need to keep their interest by mixing things up a bit in future email marketing campaigns.

Opt in email marketing software collects email addresses from your website. This is a great method that is simple for getting you a data base started. As your data base grows you can choose to send your future email marketing campaigns to everyone on the list or just a select target group based on their purchasing history.

You will need to design your email marketing campaign very well. It needs to be attractive to hold the attention of the consumer long enough for them to decide it is worth reading. You don’t want your efforts to be mistaken for common spam or junk mail right? Make sure all the content is spelled correctly.

Keep the text short and to the point. Readers who open your email may choose to delete it or save it to read later if it looks to lengthy. You want them to open it, be captivated, and read it. The first sentences need to identify your company and what you are offering.

Place the important information first. Then reader is likely to keep reading. Give them a sense of urgency for responding by clearing stating the day the promotional offers expire.

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Do you know One of the Best SECRETS to build a successful business?

Write down this secret asap: "Create Connections with People ". ....apply the secret to your business :-)

** the first joint venture with my friend Paul made $87,500+ in less than 1 year, without paying a dime in advertising.
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Remember: your success depends by connections with people.


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