With a survey of 1.322.000 unique visitors and as much as the 5,85% of active reach (that is the percentage of active users referred to the total Internet users), the web site Meridiana-Eurofly is the most visited among all the airlines company in the Italian market. This is shown by the results of Online Nielsen panel referring to the month of July 2009.
The average time spent per person is 2 minute and half, data who confirm a good usability of the web site: a reservation online system easy and functional and the comfortable Calendar Shopping simplify and speed the flight search and reservation.
But the aim of the web site is not only to be an efficient tool of selling. In fact a big care is placed in the customer support, with special sections “before”, “during” and “after” the flight. Then an information area on the reached destinations, with a lot of useful indications on history, transportation, language, currency, phone and a useful guide, make the web site a complete tool for the customer who choose Meridiana-Eurofly for his travels.