November is the right time to hunt for a special present for ourselves or for someone we like or love. When an important Vintage exhibition is on, I am very willing to write about, but when it takes place in one of the most beautiful and peculiar towns of Italy and with some of the best italian Vintage exhibitors, dealers and/or Vintage researchers I am more than persuaded to personally visit it, as I begin to be frantic to feel the sense of unmissable event, so to speak.
The Town is the amazing Treviso in the Venetian region,where canals and watermills are scattered throughout a refined historical centre which is basically whole pedestrian area and where you can see how happily both inhabitants and turists feel at ease wondering around in a carfree city and being attacted by the appeal of the several cultural and art events which take place every week.
The specialty show & exhibition is called "Vintage ai Carraresi" and it will display Vintage fashion among which an amazing variety or true rarities as accessories, purses, shoes, period jewelry as well as some modernist furniture and interior design pieces.
So, coming back to the unmissable concept (lol), the location will be the Palace "Ca' dei Carraresi", which dates back to the 13th century and hosts different temporary art galleries, shows and exhibitions.
I will be there at the Casa Carraresi from tomorrow for a first overview and definitelly I will be among the first visitors on Thursday, the opening day which has a dense program, including the press conference & vernissage fixed at 6pm where the collateral exhibition dedicated (as an absolute première) to the sketches, models and patterns drawn by Giuliana Coen Camerino (conceiver of the worldwide famours "Roberta di Camerino" brand on large frabrics applying a special tecnique she conceived to design on large clothes facing direcly the body of her mannequins.
Either that that, I will be there to especially visit to great friends of mine:
Corama, jewel designer from Valenza, author with her father and grandfa of an exquite and multifaceted museum collection of unique exemplars.(see pictures)
Angela Eupani, from Vicenza, conceiver of a spectacular exhibition in progress that takes places in different towns of Italy called "Sculptures to Wear", dedicated to 100 years of costume history about purses & shoes.
In this location, she will be there with a selection of her bag's collection projected and manufactured by american and european designers who used pre-plastic materials to make their avantguardist creation in molds such as bakelite, lucite, rodohid, celluloid etc.
Bags which are considered futuristic still nowadays and certainly so rare & one-of-a-kind for shapes, colours, architecture, modernism meanings... (see profile & pictures)
The show will begin on Thursday 14 until Sunday 17 included with opening times 10am to 8pm nonstop.
There will be a moderate fee at the entrance which will grant a public of very interested people who will give satisfaction to the qualified Vintage exhibitors who have been choosen to partake.
The show sounds extremelly aimed at customers & buyers who hare a certain style & refined taste, who are individualist and don't like to uniform to fashion dictats addressed to mass, instead who like to wear Vintage clothes and accessories to express their own personal style and taste. All in all, more "influencers" than "influenced" ;-)
Can't resist to be in Treviso & hunt for high quality & rare Vintage.
All invited! Long life to Vintage!!
Stefano (to be continued with fresh pics)